Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 162 The Animal Legion is Formed

After receiving Ye Feng's promise, Zhang Ji took 10 spiritual energy fruits and left quickly.

The mutant biological crisis could break out at any time, so he had to go back and report on this matter as soon as possible. After finalizing the plan, there would be further negotiations.

After watching the other party leave in a military jeep, Ye Feng also began to frown in thought.

Compared with the last biological crisis caused by the "four pests" in the city, it really pales into insignificance compared to this time.

Although he believed that the Dragon King Palace's strength could play a decisive role in this crisis, it was hard to say whether Yangcheng City could be saved.

"I hope the military can do more!" Ye Feng could only mutter in the end.

In the entire Yangcheng City, except for the old city where his parents are located, which he must preserve, other places can only be said to be doing his best.

"Just in case, I should continue to improve my strength."

Thinking of this, he clicked on the system panel and checked it out.

Host: Ye Feng (World Tree)

Tree height: 2085 meters

Trunk width: 104 meters

Root length: 12,400 meters

Realm: late fifth level

Evolution points: 1900/2000 points

Special abilities: Devour, Capture, Evolution Fruit, Mental Power, Life Healing

Aura value: 0/20800 points

Bioenergy: 19000/20800 points

Power of Faith: 332,600 points

Looking at the system panel, Ye Feng couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face.

In these ten days, even the contracted animals have improved so much, so his improvement is naturally even more exaggerated.

The height of the tree directly increased by 1000 meters, reaching 2000 meters. At this height, basically under good weather conditions, the entire Yangcheng City residents can see him if they look towards Xiaofeng Mountain.

Even the diameter of the trunk has exceeded 100 meters, reaching a full 104 meters. You must know that this is the diameter. If the cross-sectional area of ​​the trunk is calculated, it is almost 8490 square meters.

Of course, the most exaggerated thing is the length of the tree roots, which has skyrocketed from 4,500 meters when it first broke through the fifth level to 12,400 meters.

The length of the tree roots will increase so much. The increase of 1000 meters when breaking through is only secondary. What is more important is the increased length of the tree roots when adding points.

Every time Ye Feng adds a point, the length of the tree root can be increased by 10 centimeters, and he needs to add 20,000 points to accumulate 2,000 evolution points.

In other words, simply adding some tree roots can increase the length by a full 2,000 meters.

When he first broke through to the early stage of the fifth level, the tree roots were 4,500 meters long. As long as he completed adding points later, the length of the tree roots could be increased to 6,500 meters without breaking through.

In addition, an additional 1,000 meters of tree root length will be added when breaking through. In other words, when he reaches the fifth level, he can increase the tree root length by a full 3,000 meters.

As the length of tree roots has increased dramatically, the total amount of spiritual energy that can be harvested per hour has naturally increased dramatically.

Now the spiritual energy he can harvest per hour has increased from 7,200 points when he first entered the fifth level to more than 19,800 points.

Because of this, the breakthrough time was much earlier than he had expected.

Now his evolution points have reached as high as 1900, and he is only short of the last 100 points to reach the peak of the fifth level.

Although 100 evolution points require 20,000 spiritual energy points, it is nothing to Ye Feng now. He can save enough in about an hour.

However, Ye Feng was not in a hurry. He planned to wait until tonight to break through. After all, there was a thick fog in broad daylight, which was too conspicuous.

Of course, every time he breaks through, thick fog will rise in the entire Sunset Valley. It is estimated that the senior officials of Yangcheng City have guessed something, especially the height of his current tree. Even ordinary people will think there is something wrong when they see it.

But the two sides are in the honeymoon period now, and it's good to know some things well, and no one will pierce the window paper.

After breaking through to the fifth level peak tonight, he will be able to control the range of heaven and earth by another 10 kilometers, reaching a full 65 kilometers.

In that case, it can almost cover the entire Yangcheng City.

Coupled with the 332,600 points of faith power accumulated in the past 10 days, it should be able to cope with all emergencies.

While Ye Feng was thinking about these things, he released his mental power and began to sweep a 25-kilometer diameter area centered on himself to count the strength of the contracted animals' subordinates.

After all, their information is not displayed on the accessory panel, so if he wants to know their strength, Ye Feng must use his mental power to explore.

After reaching the fifth level, the detection distance of Ye Feng's mental power has been increased from 1 kilometer to 5 kilometers.

Of course, this refers to the extreme distance that can be explored after leaving the body.

We must know that the length of Ye Feng's tree roots has reached 12,400 meters, which is 12.4 kilometers. On this basis, extending another 5 kilometers, the limit distance he can detect is 17.5 kilometers, and this is only the radius, the diameter can be enough reaches 35 kilometers.

Within this range, Ye Feng's mental power can quickly sweep away, and even a mutant ant cannot escape his detection.

It is worth mentioning that as the tree roots have grown beyond the Sunset Valley, his "territory range" has naturally expanded, so animals in the valley are allowed to go out, as long as they do not exceed the range of his tree roots.

Because of this, many mutated creatures have now left the Sunset Valley and live in the Dongling Mountains.

This scene is what Ye Feng is happy to see. After all, there are so many mutant creatures piled up here in the Sunset Valley. In order to provide food for those predators, he needs to capture at least thousands of mutant mice and put them in every day.

Now that they have gone to the Dongling Mountains, they can hunt mutant mice by themselves, which saves Ye Feng a lot of worry.

It is worth mentioning that the second-level mutant rat is already comparable in size to a small dog. In addition, it is a second-level mutant creature and contains a large amount of energy in its body.

Therefore, even for large animals such as second-level tigers and lions, eating seven or eight mutant mice in one meal is almost enough.

Ye Feng's exploration speed was very fast, and it didn't take long for him to take inventory.

The first is the air force, with 800 mutant sparrows, 400 mutant black crows, 400 mutant bats, 10 mutant parrots, and 5 mutant goshawks.

The size of the air force is almost the same as before, but the ground force has changed a lot.

400 mutant dogs, 400 mutant mice, 100 mutant buffaloes, 50 mutant wild wolves, 35 mutant honey badgers, 30 mutant hedgehogs, 30 mutant Siberian tigers, 30 mutant Asiatic lions, 28 mutant white rhinos, There are 25 mutated African elephants, 25 mutated hippos, 20 mutated brown bears, 20 mutated jaguars, 10 mutated giant pandas, and 10 mutated king cobras.

It can be said that the strength of the ground troops has definitely improved by several levels compared to before.

After all, there were no ground troops at all before, and there were even only 400 mutant rats to hold up the scene.

But it's different now. Not to mention anything else, the 400 mutant dogs alone directly increased the overall strength of the ground troops several times.

Moreover, the 400 mutated dogs that Ye Feng took the lead in letting Big Yellow Dog control were all large dogs, such as police dogs, golden retrievers, Labrador retrievers, Alaskan Malamutes, Rottweilers, Cathrows, and Samoyeds. , Tibetan Mastiff, Scottish Sheepdog and the like.

These large dogs are not much inferior to mutant wild wolves in terms of combat power. 400 second-level mutant dogs, under unified dispatch, according to Ye Feng's estimation, can easily destroy more than two regiments on the frontal battlefield. of military strength.

In addition to these mutant dogs, the number of mutant buffaloes has also increased to a full 100. Put them on the battlefield, and they are simply 100 mobile tanks.

However, it would probably not be easy to increase the population like this in the future. These mutated buffaloes were found by Ye Feng sent by mutated goshawks in Yangcheng City and even several surrounding cities.

If you still want to look for it in the future, you will probably have to look across the city or buy it directly.

As for the remaining ones, although the number is a little smaller, they are still as strong as the others.

Especially Siberian tigers, Asian lions, African elephants, white rhinos, hippos, and brown bears. The combat power of these mutant creatures brought out from the zoo is far higher than that of ordinary mutant creatures at the same level.

Putting them on the battlefield, although I dare not say that they can turn the tide, but there is no problem in changing the trend of local wars.

Of course, in addition to the air force and ground force, Ye Feng now also divided an insect force.

The insect army is an army composed of mutated fire ants and mutated bumblebees.

After more than ten days of development, the number of both ant colonies and bee colonies has increased a lot, and they have exceeded the 20,000 mark.

In other words, the strength of the insect army is as high as 40,000.

There is naturally a reason why Ye Feng lists an insect unit separately.

Ten days ago, the mutant red fire ant queen and the mutant bumblebee queen broke through to the third level.

Then Ye Feng discovered that after they broke through to the third level, the eggs they laid were different. They were larger than the previous eggs, and the larvae after hatching were stronger than before.

Of course, if it was just that, Ye Feng wouldn't pay too much attention.

What really surprised him was the development speed of these new ants, from eggs to larvae, then to pupae, and finally to ants. It only took 4 days.

Then out of curiosity, Ye Feng sent an evolution fruit so that the latest batch of ants would have enough spiritual energy to grow.

Moisturized by spiritual energy since birth, and with abundant food, these latest generation of mutant fire ants grow as fast as a balloon, completely different every day.

Of course, what concerns Ye Feng the most is their realm.

Even the little ants that have just emerged from the pupa, their cultivation speed is no different from other animals. In just one day, they have broken through from the first level to the second level.

Then it took another two days to reach the second level peak.

Originally, Ye Feng thought that it would be over at this point. After all, the current richness of spiritual energy could only support these mutated creatures to break through to the second level on a large scale.

But something happened that surprised Ye Feng. The new generation of fire ants seemed to have no bottlenecks and easily broke through to the third level.

If it were just a mutated red fire ant, Ye Feng wouldn't care. It might just be a special talent.

But the entire 300 mutated fire ants in the same batch, without exception, all broke through to the third level, so the meaning is completely different.

And it's not just the mutated fire ants, the same is true for the little bees hatched from the mutated bumblebees.

In the end, according to Ye Feng's guess, the reason for this should be related to the queen ant and queen bee breaking through to the third level.

They have broken through to the third level, which means that they are third-level creatures, and their offspring can naturally break through to the third level.

After coming to this conclusion, the status of the queen ant and the queen bee in Ye Feng's heart instantly rose to the same level as those mutated creatures that can break through on their own.

After all, this means that in the future, as long as the realm of the queen ant and queen bee is raised, it will be equivalent to raising the realm of the entire group.

After that time, the overall state of the ant colony and bee colony will far exceed that of the subordinates of other contracted animals.

After all, their realm can only follow the process of spiritual energy recovery. Although Ye Feng can provide them with spiritual energy, he has no intention of helping them break through the realm.

After all, it consumes too much.

Ye Feng could still afford the first- and second-level evolutionary fruits through gritted teeth.

But for a third-level evolutionary fruit, you need a full 1,200 points of spiritual energy and biological energy to make one.

As for the fourth-level evolutionary fruit, the required spiritual energy and bioenergy have soared to 20,000 points.

Each contracted animal's subordinates are given an evolution fruit, so he doesn't need to improve his strength.

What's more, there are fifth, sixth and even higher levels behind.

It is precisely because of this that the role of the queen ant and the queen bee is instantly highlighted.

And according to their current cultivation speed, I am afraid that they will be able to break through to the fourth level in about five days.

By then, the new batch of mutant fire ants and mutant bumblebees produced will be able to break through to the fourth level.

Although fourth-level mutant ants and bees can definitely not defeat other fourth-level mutant animals, if one cannot defeat them, then 10 or 100 of them!

As the saying goes, if there are enough ants, the elephant will be killed. As long as there are enough, there is nothing to worry about.

What's more, Ye Feng's position for them has never been to deal with mutant animals of the same level, but to deal with enemies of a lower level than them.

When the time comes to gain the advantage in realm and quantity, the effect will be terrifying.

As for whether there will be less spiritual energy to cultivate after the number of ant colonies and bee colonies increases, Ye Feng is not worried about this issue.

On the one hand, the speed at which he collects spiritual energy will become faster and faster in the future.

On the other hand, these ants and bees absorb very little spiritual energy, only about 1% of that of mutated dogs of the same level.

So despite the fact that there are now 40,000 insect troops, they actually consume about the same amount of spiritual energy as 400 mutant dogs.

"Now, my animal army has truly taken shape." Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh after taking stock of all the contracted animals' subordinates.

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