Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 160 Ten days later! Changes in Yangcheng City

Seeing the mutant giant panda's breakthrough, Ye Feng's face suddenly lit up with joy.

Because according to the current concentration of spiritual energy, normal mutant creatures can break through to the second level on their own. If they want to continue to move up, they must either have extraordinary talents or wait for the spiritual energy to revive again.

And this mutated giant panda is undoubtedly a strong one, that is, the mutated creature that Ye Feng has been waiting for for a long time to be able to break through on its own.

"Not bad, not bad! It's a good start, and the national treasure is the first to break through. Does this mean a good sign?" Ye Feng thought happily.

But the development of things was not as good as he expected.

For the next half hour, there was no movement from the remaining mutated animals.

Ye Feng could only keep calm and continue to wait, as time passed slowly.

Finally, an hour later, there seemed to be an explosion.

The auras of the mutant Siberian tiger and the mutant Asiatic lion began to rise in unison, and then quickly increased, and they all entered a state of breakthrough.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng finally showed a smile on his face.

Tigers and lions, one is the king of the forest and the other is the king of the grassland, both are the top predators without exception.

In this great change of mutated creatures, although they started late, as long as they can break through on their own, with his help, they will soon be able to return to the top of the food chain.

Of the nine mutated creatures under the tree, three had already broken through on their own. Ye Feng immediately turned his attention to the other six, with anticipation on his face.

However, he waited for another half hour, but there was still no movement.

Until he thought that the remaining mutated creatures could not break through on their own.

Finally, there was another mutated creature, its aura began to soar, and it quickly entered a state of breakthrough.

Ye Feng took a glance and found that it was actually the flat-headed honey badger with the lowest initial talent among this group of mutated creatures.

The honey pot can only be regarded as a small-sized creature. Ye Feng contracted him in the first place because of the fierceness of this species, which is not afraid of death and dares to touch the tiger's butt.

Now I didn't expect that the other party would give me such a surprise.

On the contrary, those elephants, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, etc. had such good initial talents in vain.

You must know that with their size and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, every breakthrough will be faster than Brother Flathead.

But now Brother Flathead has reached the bottleneck and can break through on his own, but they have not.

This almost means that they are all stuck at the bottleneck and cannot break through on their own.

"Oh, think about it. If you are really talented and can break through on your own, you will probably have become a mutated creature long ago. How can you wait until the third spiritual energy recovery to mutate?"

"Now among the 9 mutated creatures I signed, 4 can break through on their own. This ratio is almost close to half, which is considered very large." Ye Feng comforted himself.

In fact, for normal mutated organisms, the proportion of self-breakthrough is definitely extremely low, even less than 1%.

The reason why so many of Ye Feng's animals are able to break through on their own is entirely because Ye Feng went through the screening process when contracting them.

Those who can be selected by Ye Feng are those with the most powerful aura among their kind.

He waited for another hour, and the mutation was so great that the panda was almost ready to break through. The remaining mutated creatures were still motionless, and Ye Feng could only accept his fate.

He began to condense the second-level evolutionary fruits one by one and gave them to the other contracted animals to help them break through.

Although they were unable to break through on their own, it did not mean that their combat power was weak.

No way, their foundations are too good.

For example, the mutant African elephant at the second level of its peak, both in size and strength, can actually be compared with the mutated buffalo at the early stage of its third level.

It is completely conceivable that after reaching the third level, it is estimated that there will be few mutant creatures at the same level that will be its opponents.

It can be said that this is because the foundation is so good, and it is also the reason why Ye Feng wants to contract with them.

Perhaps as their realm continues to improve, the mutant African elephants and others will slowly be widened by mutant creatures that can break through on their own.

But that is at least after the fifth or sixth level. They are definitely strong in the early stage.

Soon Ye Feng spent 3,200 points of spiritual energy and bioenergy to create 7 second-level evolutionary fruits.

Five of them were given to the mutated African elephants under the tree.

As for the remaining two, Ye Feng directly used tree roots to send the evolutionary fruits to the ant nest and beehive, allowing the mutant red fire ant queen and mutant bumblebee queen to break through to the third level.

In fact, the mutated red fire ant queen and the mutated bumblebee queen had already reached their bottleneck yesterday, but Ye Feng did not need them to go out to fight in person, so he was delayed for a day to break through the similarities and differences with this batch of mutated creatures.

It can be said that after today, these contracted animals under Ye Feng will all break through to the third level. Except of course Chen Dalong.

In the future, with the increase in top power, Ye Feng will be able to arrange it more calmly if something happens.

In the next few days, Ye Feng's life was quite peaceful.

I check my phone every day, and occasionally pay attention to the situation in the mine and restricted areas.

Even for Chen Dalong, with the continuous improvement of the strength of Kuanglong Security Company, he no longer needs to send animals for secret protection every time.

Of course, there are times when danger is encountered, but if the other party calls and asks the mutant goshawk to come to the rescue, surrounding cities can arrive within 10 minutes, so there is no need to worry too much.

Time passed day by day, and 10 days passed in the blink of an eye.

This can be said to be the most comfortable 10 days he has lived since his rebirth.

As his own strength becomes stronger and the Dragon King Palace continues to grow, he no longer has to be frightened every day like when he was just reborn.

There are only two things he cares about now, and the first one is of course Xiaofengshan's restricted area.

However, that place was bombarded by the military every day, and the speed of expansion could not be described as a turtle speed.

In 10 days, it only expanded 480 meters, not even 500 meters.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the restricted area in a short period of time.

Another thing Ye Feng cares about is his family.

As the Kuanglong Security Company controlled by Chen Dalong continues to grow, its financial resources, identity and status are getting higher and higher. Ye Feng can also take care of his family with the help of Chen Dalong.

The place where his father Ye Xiangfeng worked was a small garment company.

Five days ago, when Chen Dalong had sufficient funds, Ye Feng directly asked him to spend 10 million to acquire 51% of the shares of his father's company, becoming the largest shareholder.

Then, he directly promoted his father to department manager with full benefits.

Coupled with the 1 million Huaxia coins previously compensated by the security company, this is enough for the family to live a well-off life.

As for meeting his family, Ye Feng had never thought about it.

But he quickly denied it. After all, he couldn't tell the truth to his parents now.

As for approaching in other ways, that's not necessary.

After all, after this period of time, his parents finally got over the sadness of his "death".

As long as their sensitive nerves are not irritated, the rest of their lives should be fine.

Of course, his human body still remains, and he uses spiritual energy to warm it up every day. When he can find a way to resurrect himself, it won't be too late to go back.

With systematic help and his own continuous improvement, Ye Feng believes that when he is strong enough in the future, resurrection from the dead will not be impossible.

"Count the time, it should be here soon!"

Ye Feng's mental power spread out of the valley, and sure enough, he found a military jeep driving quickly from the far side of the road.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng immediately switched his possession state to the mutated parrot, and then went to the entrance of the valley to greet him.

As soon as Ye Feng landed, he saw Zhang Ji getting out of the car with a few guards and walking towards him quickly.

"Hey! Look at your mood today, it's not very high!" Ye Feng said with some surprise.

Since there were four more subordinates who could break through on their own, Ye Feng began to buy their kin and help them form a team as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the mutated honey badger is not expensive due to its small size, ranging from 500,000 to 1 million Chinese coins.

But for mutated giant pandas, mutated tigers and mutated lions, the prices are terrifying.

There are no mutant tigers or mutant lions with less than 3 million.

Not to mention the giant panda, which is already rare, and coupled with its national treasure status, it costs at least 10 million Chinese coins to start.

This is still in this era of global catastrophe, otherwise it would be impossible to buy it in peacetime.

So Ye Feng was so worried about them that he even made two transactions with Yangcheng City officials in the past 10 days and sold them 20 evolution fruits.

Of course, with the 60 million Chinese coins he received, he also bought back 8 tigers, 8 lions and 20 honey badgers.

Today was the day of trading again. He planned to buy three giant pandas after the money arrived. After all, he couldn't favor one over the other.

But every time this kind of transaction happened in the past, Zhang Ji had a smile that couldn't be concealed on his face.

But today was unusual. The other party's brows couldn't help but wrinkle, as if he had encountered some unsolvable problem.

But according to his understanding, Yangcheng City has developed quite rapidly in the past 10 days.

The first is the defensive city wall. It was finally completed yesterday. Although it took 12 days in total, it was completed before the mutant insect crisis broke out. That was considered a victory.

In addition to the defensive city wall, Yangcheng City has a large influx of foreign population every day. In just 10 days, the total population has increased from the initial 5 million to 7 million.

Coupled with the continuous investment promotion during this period in Yangcheng City, it actually showed a prosperity that was even more exaggerated than during peacetime.

As for the military, according to what he learned, the number of official soldiers has expanded from the original 10,000 to 50,000.

Although 40,000 of them are new recruits, they have experienced the mutant biological crisis and the ten days of special training, and have already formed preliminary combat strength.

At least arrange them on the defensive wall to resist the mutated insects, and there should be no problem.

So Ye Feng really couldn't think of anything that could make the other party feel so depressed.

Hearing the mutated parrot's question, Zhang Ji couldn't help but smile bitterly, "It's because of the Aura Fruit problem!"

"Huh?" A question mark slowly floated in Ye Feng's head.

"Before, we felt that the Spiritual Energy Fruit was very useful. One Spiritual Energy Fruit can allow a superhuman to break through two small realms in a row."

"But when a superpower reaches the second level, it actually takes two spiritual energy fruits to advance to a small level."

"The effect of your spiritual energy fruit is too bad!" Zhang Ji said with a somewhat resentful tone.

They were so happy when they bought aura fruits one after another before!

He immediately formulated a plan to cultivate strong men.

The content is very simple, that is, to train all the top 10 beings in the previous superpower rankings to the third level. That way, they will not be so passive in terms of top power.

When it was first implemented, thanks to the power of the Reiki Fruit, the cultivation progress was very fast.

The first two batches of a total of 20 spiritual energy fruits allowed them to directly upgrade all the top 10 superpowers to the second level.

However, when I bought 10 more spiritual energy fruits last time and wanted to continue my efforts and quickly cultivate several third-level superpowers, I found that the situation was different.

It actually takes two full spiritual energy fruits to break through a small realm.

At that moment, they all doubted whether the batch of spiritual energy fruits sold to them by Dragon King Palace was fake.

But when they found the 11th-ranked first-level superpower and gave it to the opponent, they found that the opponent quickly broke through two small realms in succession.

It was only then that they realized that their previous ideas were a bit naive.

It takes 2 Spiritual Energy Fruits to break through a small realm, so if a superpower wants to break through from the second level to the third level, he will need a full 8 Spiritual Energy Fruits.

With such a high consumption, it is obviously unrealistic for them to quickly cultivate a group of third-level superpowers.

Hearing what Zhang Ji said, Ye Feng rolled his eyes angrily, "It's not that the effect of the Spiritual Energy Fruit is bad, it's just that you didn't understand the difficulty of each level upgrade."

"Originally, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to improve, and the difficulty of improving to the second level is actually very low. Two spiritual energy fruits can improve a small level."

"When you reach the third level, you will find that it takes 12 spiritual energy fruits to advance to a small level."

Hearing this, Zhang Ji felt a little numb for a moment. He stared at the mutated parrot in front of him. When he saw that the other person didn't seem to be joking at all, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"That's not true! Then how did you improve so quickly?" Zhang Ji said suspiciously.

Every envoy from the Dragon King Palace is on their key observation list.

For example, the mutated parrot in front of him was already at the third level when they built the city wall.

But the opponent's size will grow larger every few days. It is obvious that the opponent is still making rapid breakthroughs after reaching the third level.

And it's not just the mutated parrots, but other messengers as well.

If you reach the third level, each time you break through a realm, you need 12 spiritual energy fruits. Then how many spiritual energy fruits are needed to support so many mutant creatures at the same time?

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