Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 144 New special abilities

Host: Ye Feng (World Tree)

Tree height: 1085 meters

Trunk width: 54 meters

Root length: 4500 meters

Realm: Early stage of fifth level

Evolution points: 0/2000 points

Special abilities: Devour, Capture, Evolution Fruit, Mental Power, Life Healing

Aura value: 300/10800 points

Bioenergy: 5000/10800 points

Power of Faith: 44600 points

"The height actually increased to 1,000 meters in one breath." Ye Feng sighed with emotion. Now he is definitely the tallest plant in the world, bar none.

At the same time, his eyes moved downwards. The width of the tree trunk of 54 meters directly caused the spiritual energy value and bioenergy storage limit to exceed the 10,000 point mark.

"The upper limit of stored spiritual energy has been directly increased by 5,000 points, but it still feels a bit low!"

Ye Feng muttered and continued to move his eyes downward.

The length of the tree roots directly reached 4,500 meters, which is a distance of 4.5 kilometers, and the diameter of the territory he can control reached a full 9 kilometers.

"Sure enough, the further you go, the greater your strength will be with every level you break through."

Ye Feng felt a little emotional. Now his tree roots have continued to spread along the Sunset Valley. These are his absolute territory.

He felt that as he continued to improve like this, the roots would sooner or later spread to Yangcheng City, and even bring Yangcheng City under his control.

Of course, now he can only think about what will happen after who knows how many levels.

As he thought, a tree root burst out of the ground.

After breaking through to the fifth level, the width of these tree roots directly reaches about one meter. Two or three tree roots put together can form a thick wooden wall.

At the same time, strength, speed, defense and recovery capabilities have all been greatly improved.

Taking strength as an example, the strength of each of his tree roots has been directly increased from the previous 4 tons to 10 tons.

In addition, after breaking through to the fifth level, as usual, there is an additional main root and 100 lateral roots.

Therefore, in theory, the power of these 505 tree roots, when struck together, can reach 5050 tons.

Of course, theory is theory. Ye Feng has never tried it and is not sure whether it can be done, but that is not important anymore.

Now he feels that there are no enemies at all, and it is worth sending out more than 10 tree roots.

He specifically called back the most powerful third-level mutated buffalo and did a test. Now the opponent couldn't withstand the combined attack of his five tree roots.

In just ten seconds, his skin was torn apart by the whipping.

As for the other third-level mutated animals, they couldn't even withstand the attack from one of his tree roots.

In addition, the attack speed of his tree roots has also been doubled. At least when tested with the big yellow dog, the opponent can no longer dodge his attacks.

Not to mention the defense. Ye Feng used a shotgun and armor-piercing bullets to shoot, but he couldn't even break the bark of the tree.

With such a defensive power, Ye Feng didn't know whether he could withstand the bombing of the "Sky Survey" missiles.

But with the ability to control the world, he doesn't need to think about resisting missiles. As long as his defense power can exceed that of mutant creatures of the same level.

As for the recovery speed, he found a yellow dog to test it. After being bitten with a wound the size of a bowl, he recovered in five seconds. There is no doubt that this is nearly twice as fast as before.

Yes, even with his current fifth-level defense, the big yellow dog can bite wounds of the same size, which the mutant wolf king simply cannot do.

This couldn't help but make Ye Feng refresh his knowledge of the big yellow dog's attack power, and he was increasingly looking forward to what level the big yellow dog could reach as he continued to grow.

After testing his combat effectiveness, Ye Feng was quite satisfied. He could be said to have a sense of security now, and he no longer had to be as fearful as when he was reborn.

Of course, Ye Feng understands that even so, he cannot be complacent. Level five is not the end, and he must continue to break through.

Soon he returned his attention to the system panel.

His eyes continued to move downward. When he saw that after level five, breaking through a small level actually required a full 2,000 evolution points, he couldn't help but sigh.

Ye Feng knew that it would be increasingly difficult to improve in the future, but he didn't expect to improve so much all of a sudden.

He tried a little to add some.

"Ding! Do you want to spend 20 points of aura and bioenergy to increase the length of the tree roots?"

Looking at the system prompt that popped up, Ye Feng's joy was suddenly reduced by half.

Not only the evolution points, but also increased from the original 400 points to 2000 points. After adding one point, it actually increased from the original 5 points of spiritual energy to 20 points of spiritual energy.

"This increase is too exaggerated!" Ye Feng couldn't help but muttered.

Of course, after all, he actually knew that such an increase was reasonable.

After all, the tree roots have been upgraded from the fourth level to the fifth level, and their abilities in all aspects have been greatly improved. In this case, if you want to increase the length of the tree roots, you will naturally need more spiritual energy and bioenergy.

As he clicked to confirm, the 505 tree roots seemed to be injected with power and were growing rapidly.

Soon, the length of all tree roots increased by 10 centimeters.

Ye Feng did not stop. He spent a full 200 points of spiritual energy and added points 10 times. He stopped when he saw a new evolution point added to the system panel.

"It appears that nothing else has changed."

"To get 2,000 evolution points, I need to add a full 20,000 points, and adding one point requires 20 spiritual energy. That means that if I break through a small level, I need a full 400,000 spiritual energy points."

After calculating this value, Ye Feng couldn't help but take a breath of spiritual energy.

"Now I can only harvest 4,635 points of spiritual energy in one hour. At the end of a day, I can only harvest about 110,000 spiritual energy."

"Doesn't it take 4 days to break through a small level? It's really difficult!" Ye Feng sighed.

He is not boasting. If it takes him 4 days to break through, then the other fifth-level mutated creatures will need at least 4 months.

"Wait a minute, that's not right. The length of my tree roots has reached 4,500 meters. The amount of spiritual energy harvested every hour must be more than 4,635 points."

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't hold back. 505 tree roots moved at the same time, passing over each tree and absorbing the spiritual energy.

Two minutes later, the harvest of spiritual energy was completed, and Ye Feng immediately looked at the system panel.

Aura value: 7300/10800 points

Although Ye Feng was already prepared, he couldn't help but get excited when he saw this number.

After just adding points, he still had 100 points of spiritual energy on his system panel, which meant that he could harvest a full 7,200 points of spiritual energy in one hour.

So that's 172,800 points of spiritual energy in one day.

"If I try my best to improve, I can improve to a small level in more than two days. That's true, but there is no need for me to be in such a hurry."

"Other fifth-level mutated creatures definitely don't have the speed of improvement like me. If they can improve to a small level in a month or two, they are probably all gifted."


Ye Feng closed his eyes, released his faith skills to control the world, and felt it quietly.

As a World Tree, after breaking through to the fifth level, his ability to control the world seems to have undergone some transformation.

You can even vaguely feel the operating rules of this world.

"Sure enough, this world has begun to suppress fifth-level mutant creatures like us. Unless the spiritual energy is revived again, I can only reach the peak of fifth-level at most."

"So before the next wave of spiritual energy is revived, I just need to reach the peak of level five." Ye Feng muttered while making future plans.

At the same time, through the feedback from the ability to control the world, he could vaguely feel that there were still 53 mutant creatures that had reached the fifth level in the world.

And with each additional fifth-level mutated creature, the next spiritual energy recovery will be one step closer.

"There are actually so many fifth-level mutated creatures." Ye Feng sighed with emotion.

He knew that these mutated creatures should have reached the peak of the fourth level before the spiritual energy was revived, and they broke through to the fifth level as the spiritual energy revived.

Now he has caught up with the strongest mutant creatures in the world.

Of course, sighing with emotion, Ye Feng did not take these fifth-level mutated creatures seriously. After all, they probably started to evolve half a year ago.

But since his rebirth, he has already reached this point in less than 10 days.

The only thing that still makes Ye Feng wary now is the restricted area.

Thinking of this, he quickly looked at the column of special abilities.

Needless to say, each of the previous special abilities has been enhanced.

Ye Feng's eyes quickly glanced at the first four abilities and looked at the newly born ability after he broke through to the fifth level: Life Healing.

As Ye Feng's mind moved, the ability of life healing began to activate, and he immediately felt that the spiritual energy value and biological energy stored in his body were rapidly decreasing.

At the same time, a strange energy was born in his body, which was full of life force.

"Is this a new ability?"

Ye Feng immediately called the big yellow dog and tested it.

He asked the big yellow dog to bite a bowl-sized hole on the root of the tree, and then immediately repaired it with the condensed life force.

The speed of wound repair this time was unprecedentedly fast. It only took half a second to recover as before.

"This new ability of life healing is very powerful! With it, I feel that even if the entire tree root is broken, it will be able to grow a new one in just a few minutes."

"But... I can't use it!" Ye Feng was a little distressed.

He usually doesn't have to fight at all. Even if he really has to fight and pulls out a tree root, the opponent will basically be dead.

Therefore, the possibility of injury is almost non-existent.

An unused ability, no matter how powerful it is, will seem useless.

"Huh? Wait..."

Ye Feng continued to control this life force and found that it could not only flow within the body, but also extend outside the body.

His eyes immediately aimed at the mutated buffalo not far away.

Just now, in order to test the attack power of the tree roots, the opponent made a "sandbag", and the skin and flesh were ripped open by him.

Although the mutant buffalo has an amazing recovery power and is supported by its own spiritual energy, it will take at least half an hour for such an injury to be completely healed.

And now...

Ye Feng stretched out a tree root and placed it on the mutated buffalo's wound. With a thought in his mind, the condensed life force was transported along the tree root into the mutated buffalo's body.

Then he saw that the wounds on the mutated buffalo were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The wound that originally took half an hour to heal was compressed to half a minute.

"It actually works, and the vitality's therapeutic effect on mutated buffalo is actually much better than mine."

Ye Feng felt a little incredible.

Wounds like those bitten by a big yellow dog can be healed in about 5 seconds based on Ye Feng's own repair speed.

Using vitality to repair, the time is increased to 0.5 seconds, which means the healing speed is increased by 10 times.

But the mutant buffalo was reduced from half an hour to half a minute, directly increasing the healing speed by 60 times.

"Perhaps it is because my own repair speed is terrifying enough that I cannot fully demonstrate the power of life healing."

"The mutant buffalo's recovery ability is much slower than mine, so it will perform better on it. If it is placed on an ordinary mutant creature, perhaps this vitality will be more effective."

Ye Feng did what he thought of, and soon asked the Mutated Bat King to bring a first-level mutant bat, and then started testing it on the opponent.

After a comparison, Ye Feng found that his guess was indeed correct.

His life healing ability can increase the recovery speed of first-level mutant creatures by 90 times.

"From now on, my new ability will be the most powerful logistical support for the Animal Legion. My role alone can even exceed that of a medical team."

"The only pity is that it's not convenient for me to move around..."

Having said this, he paused again and glanced at the words Evolution Fruit on the system panel.

As he broke through to the fifth level, the ability of the evolutionary fruit has naturally improved. He can now spend 20,000 points of spiritual energy and biological energy to create a fourth-level evolutionary fruit.

At the same time, his control over the Evolution Fruit has also been raised to a whole new level. Basically, he can condense any energy into fruits alone.

Whether it is aura value, bioenergy or evolution points.

As for the ability of life healing, the condensed vitality is actually a special ability.

Thinking of this, he activated the evolutionary fruit and self-healing ability at the same time, and sure enough he found that the life force he had condensed could be condensed into fruits alone under his control.

Soon, a green fruit exuding vigorous vitality was condensed by Ye Feng.

He could feel that the vitality he had just injected was contained in the fruit and would not dissipate. He could carry it with him.

"I'll call you Life Fruit from now on. Phew~ perfect!" A smile appeared on Ye Feng's face.

Of course, if there is any disadvantage to the life healing ability, it is that it consumes a lot of money.

For example, he just helped the mutated buffalo heal its wounds, consuming a full 1,000 points of spiritual energy and bioenergy.

If you simply use spiritual energy to let the mutated buffalo recover on its own, you only need to spend up to 100 points of spiritual energy.

In other words, the consumption is 10 times more. If bioenergy is included, it is more than that.

But think about it, now he can harvest 7,200 points of spiritual energy every hour, and as the length of the tree roots is extended, this number will continue to soar. This slight disadvantage becomes insignificant compared to the advantages.

At this time, Ye Feng couldn't help but cast his eyes in the direction of Xiaofengshan.

"Having mastered this new ability, I might be able to try exploring the forbidden area." Ye Feng thought.

He had discovered before that the strange energy entering it was essentially a deprivation of life force.

Now that his life is healed, even if he cannot control it, he should be able to resist it.

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