Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 138 Let’s build a statue for us!

"Parrot Messenger, is the territory you have delineated a bit too big?"

"And within the range you have defined, we still have two main roads and three mines under development. Do you think we can discuss this matter?" Zhang Ji took a deep breath and said.

No matter where it is, land resources are extremely important.

Even when many wars break out, it is all about territory.

Under such circumstances, how could they arbitrarily allocate land?

"This range is actually not that big. You can also see it. With the continuous mutation, our size will become larger and larger. Take the mutated goshawk behind me as an example. To it, this area is just A bigger zoo.”

"As for the main road you proposed and the three mines, that's not a problem."

"Whether it is a highway or a mine, our members of the Dragon King Palace will not pass by. You can use it as usual. If necessary, we can even provide security in the wild."

"Finally, the wilderness is so dangerous. You can't enter and exit at will. If I take this area over, it won't have any impact on you at all."

"Taking a step back, wouldn't you feel more at ease if we stay in the same place?" the mutant parrot said with a smile.

Zhang Ji was slightly silent as he listened to the reason explained by the other party. He didn't expect that the mutated parrot in front of him could not only speak, but also be so eloquent.

He couldn't help but turn his gaze to Xiao Hua and Cao Guangzhi who were standing aside.

But neither of them said a word.

Cao Guangzhi reached out and tapped the headset slightly, indicating that the other party was waiting for the think tank's opinion.

Zhang Ji nodded and said to the mutated parrot: "Please wait a moment!"

When Chen Dalong who was standing by saw this scene, he wanted to say something to facilitate this matter, but unfortunately, at this time, he had no chance to speak and could only wait quietly.

The place fell into an unspeakable silence.

Fortunately, this silence did not last long. In just ten seconds, everyone's headsets rang with the reply from the think tank.

"Parrot Messenger, based on our internal discussions, we believe that this matter is of great importance and cannot be explained clearly in a few words now. We hope that the details can be discussed later." Zhang Ji said sincerely.

Ye Feng understood what the other party meant. This matter could be discussed, but the price would definitely be negotiated.

This was within his expectation, and the territory he gave was an exorbitant price.

As long as the territory finally offered by the other party is one-third of the current one, he will be able to accept it.

"Okay! Let's postpone the discussion then. Then let me talk about the second condition. I hope you can show some sincerity and stop further discussions." The mutated parrot said.

"No problem, as long as the decision can be made, we can reply immediately." Zhang Ji said politely.

The implication is that if the decision cannot be made immediately, it will be discussed later.

"The second condition is very simple. Give us a positive image and publicity, and give us a statue of a god." said the mutant parrot.

At this time, Ye Feng felt a little uneasy.

Compared to the first condition, he actually cares more about the second condition, because it affects whether he can absorb the power of faith among humans.

Everyone felt a little ridiculous when they heard what the mutated parrot said.

This was a condition they had never thought of before.

And what do you say about this condition!

Disaster? It's definitely not difficult, but this thing is... too sensitive.

"Parrot Messenger, the positive publicity you requested is fine, but the establishment of a statue of a god... you may not know something. We are not religious in our country." Zhang Ji said.

"But don't you have temples and churches in your country?" the mutant parrot said, tilting its head.

"Uh... although our officials don't object to this, we won't publicize it either," Zhang Ji said.

"That's good, I won't say anything about the statues."

The mutated parrot pointed with its wings, and the giant panda who was eating bamboo next to him said, "Just make a few stone sculptures in its image, place them in various squares in the city, and then promote it positively."

"Think of it as Pandaman, the guardian of this city. Is that okay?"

Zhang Ji was stunned for a moment. The two requirements sounded similar, but in practice, they were completely different.

The latter requirement is too simple.

After the two parties cooperated, they were originally going to promote it.

The giant panda in front of me is 6 meters tall when standing, but only a little over 3 meters tall when sitting down. It is now gnawing on a mutated bamboo, looking very naive.

This is undoubtedly the best publicity target. Even if the other party doesn't say it, they will probably do it.

Now I just want to make more stone sculptures.

Although the statues of gods are actually stone sculptures, some things would have completely different properties if we put them in other terms.

"No problem, we can agree to this condition right now." Zhang Ji said immediately.

Hearing that the other party agreed, Ye Feng was excited. At least the most important first step was completed.

Next, just let the mutated giant panda work hard to increase its sense of existence. As long as someone has the emotion of worship, the power of faith will be generated.

When the power of faith gathers in the mutated giant panda, he can then transfer it to the main body through the contract.

"Okay, let's continue talking about how you want to cooperate?" the mutant parrot asked.

Zhang Ji didn't seem to expect that the other party would ask so straightforwardly.

However, he had various plans in mind and immediately said: "We hope to form a mutual aid alliance with your forces. No matter which party has a problem, the other party is obliged to go and help."

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Feng almost laughed out of anger and asked: "Then tell me first, how can you help our Dragon King Palace?"

Having been seen through by the other party, Zhang Ji was not embarrassed, "Although you don't need our help for the time being, just because you don't need our help now, doesn't mean there won't be any in the future! Your efforts now are equivalent to investing in the future."

The mutated parrot rolled his eyes in a very humane manner, "Okay, let's not talk about the nonsense, let's go straight to the real thing."

"It's no problem to establish the mutual aid alliance. If you need any help, we can also send mutant animals to solve it, but you need to pay for it, how about it?"

Unexpectedly, the other party was so straightforward. Zhang Ji nodded quickly and said: "No problem, I don't know where the limit of this help is? If there is paid help, how do you plan to settle the payment?"

"Well, basically as long as it doesn't harm the interests of our Dragon King Palace, we can help. For example, if you encounter a mutant biological crisis this time, you can come to us if something like this happens in the future."

"As for how to settle the reward, we need more powerful mutant animals. I believe you have channels to get them." The mutant parrot said immediately.

Zhang Ji's eyes suddenly showed a vigilant look, "What do you want the mutated creatures to do?"

The mutated parrot said: "Of course it is to enhance the strength of the Dragon King Palace! It's so obvious that you can't even see it?"

Zhang Ji was speechless for a while, "I saw it, but I didn't expect you to be so direct and didn't even try to cover it up."

"We are not fools. There is no point in beating around the bush, and our Dragon King Palace has grown, which is also good for you." The mutant parrot said.

"Do you think I'm a fool now?" Zhang Ji was angry and funny.

"It's really not true. Maybe your military is wary of us, but we at the Dragon King Palace have never regarded you as enemies. We are wary of other resurgent forces." The mutant parrot said.

Hearing this, both Zhang Ji and the others couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"Revival force? What is that?" Zhang Ji asked quickly.

"It's a long story, so I won't go into details. I'll just summarize it for you."

The mutated parrot paused, glanced around at the crowd, whetted their appetites, and then continued: "The world-destroying battle in ancient times was so terrifying that it caused the earth to break apart, the river to stop flowing, and even The world of heaven and the underworld collapsed.”

"This directly led to the damage to the origin of the world, and the aura began to dissipate. Without aura, it is equivalent to losing the source of power. The gods began to fall into sleep or reincarnate."

"For example, my Lord Dragon King is the reincarnation of a real dragon. With the recovery of spiritual energy, he is regaining his strength step by step. Sooner or later, he will be able to transform into a real dragon."

"In addition to my Dragon King, the other gods will gradually revive and form their own forces, just like we formed the Dragon King Palace."

"But don't worry, my Dragon King is a righteous god and will not harm humans at will, but the other evil gods are different."

"So help our Dragon King Palace develop and grow. If you are invaded by the forces of evil gods one day, we will naturally help you." The mutant parrot said seriously.

Everyone in the field was shocked and horrified when they heard this.

They never expected that they would hear such shocking secrets.

In this case, a lot of things make sense.

For example, why the mutant king cobra and the mutant parrot in front of him are so smart, far more than other mutant creatures.

Another example is why King Cobra's subordinates can break through so fast, and why the opponent can summon thunder and lightning, hurricanes, thick fog and even freezing, etc.

If the other party is really the reincarnation of a true dragon, then all of this is reasonable... what the hell!

How could there be such a thing as gods in this world, and the ancient times that the other party mentioned? If they really existed, what about those ancient characters?

Do Pangu, Nuwa and the like also really exist?

Countless thoughts were swirling in everyone's minds.

They'd love to say it's all fake, but how does Reiki appear? How is it composed?

These countries have been studying it, but there is still no conclusion yet.

"Then...Parrot Messenger, are there many gods who will be resurrected after reincarnation?" Zhang Ji forcibly suppressed all the thoughts in his mind and quickly started to talk.

They have absolutely no information in this area. Of course, the more they know now, the better.

"There won't be many in number. After all, even if they are reincarnated, they may not be able to break the mystery in the womb and retrieve the memories of the past, but even so, they will be extraordinarily powerful.

"And as the spiritual energy recovery process continues to advance, more and more gods will be revived." The mutated parrot continued to fool.

As long as these people believe it, if any mutant creature goes against him in the future and directly labels the opponent as an evil god, it is estimated that human missiles will pass by without him taking action.

After Zhang Ji digested it for a while, he continued to ask: "How should we distinguish between righteous gods and evil gods? And..."

"Okay, it won't do you any good to know so much. When you become stronger, you will naturally know what you need to know." The mutant parrot directly interrupted the other party's questioning.

Because he can't make it up anymore, and the more he talks about it, the more loopholes will appear, and it won't be good if it is exposed.

Zhang Ji had an obviously unwilling look on his face, but he still nodded.

"Okay, let's discuss the details of the specific cooperation!" Zhang Ji changed the subject.

In the subsequent conversation, Ye Feng immediately felt that the other party was much more enthusiastic and even took the initiative to make concessions on many details.

In particular, Secretary-General Cao Guangzhi proposed that if they want giant pandas to establish a positive image as quickly as possible, they can help set up columns and even film documentaries.

After hearing this, Ye Feng naturally couldn't help but make more guarantees in terms of safety.

This is mostly about the Dongling Mountains.

"Don't worry, I can guarantee that within the Dongling Mountains, there will not be any second-order mutated animals that can take a step outside the range of the mountains."

"But we can only do this. You need to be wary of those mutated insects."

"In addition, I can give you an additional piece of information. All mutated insects will give priority to attacking creatures of a lower level than themselves, regardless of whether the opponent is stronger or not."

"To put it simply, a tiger that has not mutated and a rabbit that has just mutated appear in front of them at the same time."

"They will attack tigers first, even if doing so will cause more casualties." The mutated parrot said meaningfully.

Zhang Ji was a little surprised and puzzled when he heard this, "How could this happen?"

But he soon realized what the other party meant when he said this.

"You mean, they will attack humans first because most humans are not mutated?"

"That's right!" The mutant parrot nodded.

At this time, everyone in the venue was a little bit unable to calm down.

There are so many mutated insects in the wild. If they were not fighting each other but instead attacked humans first, just thinking about it would make one's scalp numb.

"Okay, you don't have to worry too much. Don't we still have us? If you encounter difficulties, we will do our best."

"So, please hurry up and find all the mutant animals on the list." The mutant parrot said.

He just gave the other party a list of all Ye Feng's contracted animals.

How to raise an animal army as quickly as possible is of course to find a group of subordinates for each contracted animal.

Except for Chen Dalong, he has contracted a total of 27 mutant creatures. If each mutant creature has 200 subordinates, he can directly raise an animal army composed of more than 5,000 mutant creatures.

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