Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 124 The Troubles of Happiness

After Bai Yinghui finished speaking, all the officers present could not help but fall into deep thought.

In the end, Jian Jian, the chief of staff, took the lead in breaking the silence, "I agree with Master Bai's plan. The threat posed by mutant creatures will definitely become bigger and bigger in the future. It is indeed the best way to win over a group of people, divide a group of people into pieces, and suppress a group of people." Good choice."

“Especially the threat from the Dongling Mountains, with this spiritual energy recovery, will become extremely huge. If the mutated creatures inside really come out and attack Yangcheng City, we will probably suffer heavy casualties just by relying on our defense. "

"If this mutant king cobra is really willing to cooperate with us and help us share some of the pressure, even if it just contains some powerful mutant creatures, it can have a huge impact on the battle situation."

"Of course, this may be the first time that humans have cooperated with mutant creatures. We don't know whether the other party is sincere or a trap."

"So I suggest that this matter be reported immediately. It is best to have the capital send an expert team to assist. Even if we encounter trouble, there will be one more person to fight against it."

Jian Yi's words were of course recognized by everyone.

Then the content of the meeting became how to cooperate better.

But because they had too little information, they could only formulate a few rough plans.

"This is the general situation. If everyone has no objections, then the matter is settled like this. Let's move on to the next topic." Bai Yinghui said while looking at Jian Jian.

Jian Yi nodded, coughed slightly, and after everyone looked over, he took a look at the content of the meeting and said, "The mutated king cobra is a big deal. There is a lot of public opinion on the Internet now. How should we deal with it? Do we need to lower the heat? ?”

"I don't think it's necessary." Zhang Ji was the first to speak.

"As mutated organisms continue to evolve, I am afraid that various incredible abilities will appear. This situation is likely to happen again in the future, and it will become more and more frequent."

“Rather than turning down the heat and dealing with it, it’s better to allow these people to adapt in advance.”

"Although doing so may cause panic, it can also make these people more aware of how dangerous the situation is now, and it will be more convenient for us to recruit soldiers in the future."

As Zhang Ji finished speaking, Captain Luo next to him also answered: "I agree. After all, we will have to negotiate cooperation with the mutant King Cobra later. If the negotiation fails, there will be nothing to talk about. "

"But if the negotiation is successful, they will definitely be indispensable on the battlefield in the future. It will be difficult to explain then."

All the officers present listened, and most of them agreed.

In addition to these factors, the country has been fully prepared because of the six months of spiritual energy recovery.

Having news about superpowers on the hot search list was actually a signal that many things could be announced.

"Okay, if that's the case, then we don't need to worry about this matter. However, the previously planned work of guiding public opinion must still be carried out. The ranking of superpowers must be done well, and we must establish heroic models." Bai Yinghui made the final decision. said.

The other half, Ye Feng, is possessed by the mutated black crow, and has been observing the movements of the army.

In fact, he was just trying to use the thick fog to send his message.

But unexpectedly, the rapid reaction force actually stayed where they were.

He couldn't help but have a smile on his face. The other party's lack of action was already a signal.

He thought for a while and asked his men who had left to go back and continue to take away the animals that were still running around in the zoo.

Although only one tenth of the animals were left, for Ye Feng, this was still a huge number.

The thick fog didn't last long, and it started to dissipate in just 5 minutes.

Because Ye Feng no longer has the power of faith in his body.

After all, the area covered by thick fog is quite large. The journey from Yangcheng Zoo to the woods not far away is always covered by thick fog.

Because these are "danger zones".

And once you enter the woods, with the current height of these plants, you can easily block all animals.

"It's actually completed." A smile appeared on Ye Feng's face.

He took a look and found that he did not miss any animal. He controlled the King Cobra and left quickly before the thick fog completely dissipated.

Of course before leaving, he wrote a line of big words on the ground with his tail.

"Three days later, Dongjiang Wetland Park."

This was the time and place he intended to negotiate.

There are two reasons why we chose this place. One is that the mutant crocodile king ranked first is often found nearby. Choosing this place can confuse the audience and make the other party unsure of how powerful it is.

Of course, if he really encounters the mutant crocodile king, Ye Feng really doesn't mind capturing him.

The second is Dongjiang Wetland Park, which is also not more than 10 kilometers away from him in a straight line. In this way, during negotiations, if necessary, he can use his faith skills again.

The subsequent retreat of the large forces was carried out in an orderly manner without any surprises. They entered the Dongling Mountains from the woods smoothly.

At this time, the team had finally escaped the human pursuit.

Of course, walking in the Dongling Mountains is not that easy, mainly because there are still many animals in the team that have not mutated.

Under this situation, they will naturally attract attacks from mutant insects.

Fortunately, Ye Feng had already anticipated this situation. Under his command, the mutated black crows, mutated bats and mutated sparrows that had reached the second level were scattered everywhere, releasing their own pressure.

Facing their warning, most of the mutated insects will retreat. Of course, there are naturally some who are unwilling to retreat.

There's nothing to say about that, just kill it directly.

In addition, a large number of mutated fire ants and mutated bumblebees will also join the patrol to ensure that no mutated insects can sneak in quietly.

In this way, it took nearly an hour for Ye Feng to drive the hundreds of animals in the zoo to the mountain range closest to Sunset Valley.

"Just settle here first!" Ye Feng said.

The mutated insects around here have been cleaned up by his subordinates. It is a relatively safe area and has become a temporary place for these animals.

In order to prevent himself from being exposed, Ye Feng had no intention of bringing them back to Sunset Valley.

He will only consider doing this if the subsequent negotiations with Yangcheng City's senior management go smoothly.

Next, Ye Feng asked the mutant wolf king, mutant black crow, mutant bat and their subordinates to stay here to take care of them temporarily.

As for the other mutated creatures, they began to return to the Sunset Valley with the batch selected by Ye Feng.

"After planning for so long, we finally have a big harvest." Ye Feng said slightly excitedly.

Soon the team returned to the Sunset Valley, and following them back were 9 mutant creatures.

They are the mutant giant panda, the mutant Siberian tiger, the mutant Asiatic lion, the mutant jaguar, the mutant brown bear, the mutant African elephant, the mutant hippopotamus, the mutant white rhinoceros, and the mutant honey badger.

Except for the mutated honey badger, the others were all large and aggressive.

If we cultivate them, we are not sure whether they will be able to compete with mutant creatures such as King Cobra, Mutated Wolf King, and Mutated Goshawk, which can break through on their own.

But at least it can surpass the mutated buffalo.

It can be said that their lower limit is placed directly here, and it will not be bad no matter what.

As for the upper limit, it depends on whether they can break through on their own later.

Of course, the mutant honey badger is an exception. Although there is no advantage in terms of size, Brother Flathead is known as the most fearless animal. This alone is worthy of Ye Feng giving him a contract position.

"Very good, the next step is the contract. The ones I can select are the most powerful ones of their race. After you train them, just let them take care of your own race."

Ye Feng is already imagining that these contracted animals can also have a large group of subordinates. When the time comes, he will be able to gather thousands of troops with just one order.

Next, although the contract process went smoothly, it took a lot longer than he expected.

The main reason is that these animals are originally at the top of the food chain. It is not easy to convince them from the bottom of their hearts.

That is to say, Ye Feng has broken through to the fourth level. He has absolute suppression against these first-level mutant creatures. He suspects that if he is only one level higher than them, he may be like the mutant wolf king and cannot be conquered directly.

It took Ye Feng half an hour to contract all these mutant creatures.

"I'm so tired! It feels like all my mental energy has been exhausted." Ye Feng let out a long breath.

It is worth mentioning that the most difficult thing to contract with is not the tiger or the lion, but the honey badger. This once again made Ye Feng refresh his understanding of "Brother Flathead".

By this time, the number of mutant creatures contracted with Ye Feng reached 28 in total.

"The next step is to look at your talent. Don't let me down!"

Ye Feng murmured while using tree roots to inject spiritual energy into these animals.

There is no doubt that the largest mutant African elephant is the one with the most spiritual energy. It can absorb a full 30 points of spiritual energy at one time.

Ranked second is the mutant hippopotamus, which also absorbed 26 points of spiritual energy.

The third one is the mutated white rhinoceros, which absorbs 25 points of spiritual energy.

At the back, the mutant Siberian tiger, mutant Asiatic lion, and mutant brown bear all absorb the same 20 points of aura.

The next ones are the mutated giant panda and the mutated jaguar, which have absorbed a total of 19 points of spiritual energy.

As for the one that absorbs the least spiritual energy, it is naturally the mutated honey badger, but it also absorbs 10 points of spiritual energy.

"Not bad, not bad. When the mutant buffalo was at the first level, it could only absorb 15 points of spiritual energy. As expected, each of these animals is stronger than it." Ye Feng said happily.

However, when he thought of another problem, the joy on his face suddenly turned into distress.

The combined amount of spiritual energy absorbed by these mutated animals every hour has reached a level that can be described as huge.

Ye Feng calculated that even if Chen Dalong was not counted, to provide spiritual energy to the 27 mutant creatures in the contract, he would need to consume a full 596 points of spiritual energy in one hour.

You must know that before breaking through to the third level, he could not harvest so much spiritual energy in one hour.

According to normal conditions, even if he breaks through to the fourth level, it is estimated that the spiritual energy harvested in one hour will only be about 600 points.

However, with the revival of spiritual energy and the large-scale breakthrough of plants, the amount of spiritual energy that Ye Feng can harvest every hour has naturally increased.

Now he can gain at least 1,000 points of spiritual energy in one hour, and this is not the limit, because there are still trees making breakthroughs at this time, and he feels that there will be a considerable increase in the future.

But even so, Ye Feng felt that his spiritual energy was completely insufficient.

After all, cultivating his group of contracted animals requires 596 points of spiritual energy.

And his group of contracted animals also has a large number of subordinates of the same kind.

In the past, similar creatures such as mutant sparrows, mutant bats, and mutant black crows were too weak, and Ye Feng was not willing to waste his spiritual energy on cultivating them.

But things are different now. Will the bears, lions, and tigers brought out from the zoo be nurtured?

If you don't cultivate them, it would be too wasteful to leave them there, but if you cultivate them, there will be at least about 10 in each group. Just thinking about the consumption makes Ye Feng feel like his scalp is numb.

And in addition to them, the power of faith cannot be left behind. Mutated fire ants and mutated bumblebees also need to be cultivated.

Counting these, not to mention 1,000 points of spiritual energy per hour, even 2,000 points are completely insufficient.

"And I haven't even included the spiritual energy I need." Ye Feng sighed lightly.

When it comes to absorbing spiritual energy, he himself is the leader.

After breaking through to the fourth level, Ye Feng has already tried to add points.

Now add one point, and it has been increased from 2 points of spiritual energy to 5 points of spiritual energy.

This spiritual energy consumption does not seem to be large, but you must know that if Ye Feng wants to break through to a small realm, he needs a full 400 evolution points.

Only by adding points 10 times can he have one evolution point. In other words, he needs to add points 4,000 times to break through.

Add 4,000 points, which is a full 20,000 points of spiritual energy.

Compared with the third level, the consumption of spiritual energy has increased in a straight line.

Of course, there is good news.

As before, every time he adds points, the length of the tree roots can be increased by 10 centimeters. It takes 4,000 points to break through, which means that by just adding points, he can increase the length of the tree roots by 400 meters.

"When the addition is completed, the length of my tree roots will directly reach 1,690 meters." Ye Feng said in amusement.

Based on his current rate of earning 1,000 spiritual energy points per hour, after deducting the 596 points spent training his subordinates, there are only about 400 points left.

With such a small amount of spiritual energy, it would take him at least two days to reach a small level.

"Let's just count it as two days! After all, I have already reached the fourth level." Ye Feng muttered.

Other mutated creatures, after reaching the fourth level, may not be able to break through to a small level in two months.

More importantly, his realm is about to reach the top of what this world can bear.

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