Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 113 The Appearance of Superpowers

"Hurry up, hurry up. Don't take any useless luggage. Just bring some food and water. You can go home in two or three days at most." A soldier held a loudspeaker and loudly moved towards the road. The crowd urged.

These people need to go to a gathering point, and then the vehicles dispatched by the municipal department will be uniformly transported to the designated location.

At this time, many people had frightened expressions on their faces, and were urged to run all the way to the meeting point quickly.

On the main roads, in order to prevent traffic congestion, private cars are no longer allowed on the road. All buses, buses, and even trucks are used.

Vehicles were speeding one after another. Although there were many people, each vehicle could accommodate at least fifty or sixty people if they squeezed in. The transfer speed was still very fast.

In addition, many people choose to walk or ride electric scooters to places close to the safety zone.

Zhang He, a young man who came to work here in Yangcheng City, was walking quickly with the crowd carrying a backpack.

The cell phone in his pocket vibrated, and he took it out with a slightly slower pace and took a look at it. The veins on his forehead could not help but jump.

The content on the screen was a post he made an hour ago, predicting the next development of events.

He believed that this incident was not something to be afraid of. The military was absolutely capable of controlling the situation. Even those mutated creatures launched a riot, which gave them a chance to quickly clean them up, and the incident would soon calm down.

Before the mutated creature riot, his post was approved by many people.

But as a line of defense was breached by a swarm of mutated rats, which bitten dozens of people, a lot of strange voices appeared below his post, and it gradually turned into a scolding war.

Looking at the filthy words replied by Aite, he took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

But I still couldn't help it, so I typed the reply directly below: You are eating shit!

Zhang He took a deep breath, and he stopped and looked not far away, where there was a big sign written there.

"In the defense area, irrelevant personnel should take a detour!"

He gritted his teeth and walked directly over. Before he could get close, he was stopped by a guard.

"A defense line is being built here, don't get close," the soldier said.

"I have seen on the official website before that you are recruiting logistics soldiers. Can I sign up now?" Zhang He asked.

He thought very clearly that instead of starting a scolding war with others online, it would be better to contribute more in reality.

Hearing what Zhang He said, the soldier's serious face suddenly showed a smile, "Welcome, Comrade You, go in this direction, there is a temporary registration point there."

In this city, Zhang He is just a small microcosm, and more and more people stand up in times of crisis.

At this time, the popularity of several pieces of news was soaring at a terrifying speed.

# A person with superpowers appears and controls exploding fireballs #

Ye Feng also noticed the news immediately and clicked on it immediately.

The news content was a video. A man was evacuating with the large army, but as he walked, flames suddenly appeared on his body.

This sudden scene not only startled the passers-by, but even he himself had a look of horror on his face, desperately slapping the flames on his body.

But soon his expression changed from frightened to stunned, and he seemed to have discovered something was wrong. Then he opened his palms, and all the flames on his body gathered in his palms, forming a fireball.

The fireball he controlled at will floated, and then was thrown forward as if on a whim.

When the fireball touched the road, it exploded instantly. From the video, you can see that a hole the size of a bowl was blown out of the cement road.

Of course, what was even more tragic was that the newly awakened superpower was blown two or three meters away by the fireball he released, and fell heavily to the ground. Although he was not dead, he was probably seriously injured.

Under this video, there are a lot of envious comments.

Ye Feng did not read the comments, but opened another video of a superpower.

The person who appeared in the video this time was a soldier, to be precise, a logistics soldier, who was digging a fortification with a hoe.

Suddenly, his body was filled with flames, but these flames followed his palms and poured into the hoe.

What's even more amazing is that the hoe showed no signs of being burned. Instead, when it dug into the ground again, it suddenly spit out a large flame and scorched the ground.

"Is this an ability similar to weapon enchantment?"

Ye Feng guessed while opening the third video.

This time, a woman appeared. A green light suddenly filled her body. As these lights intertwined, a set of green vine armor was quickly formed on her body.

In addition to these three videos about people with superpowers, there is another post that topped the hot search list.

# Superpowers will appear on a large scale #

Turning around: "Haha, let me just say, we humans are the children of destiny, how can we lose to those mutated creatures? Just watch! This is just the beginning. People with superpowers will definitely appear on a large scale in the future."

Everything goes well: "All I care about is, when will it be my turn to awaken as a superpower? When the flowers wither, and when I become a superpower, I will report to the front line immediately."

Qi Tian: "I would like to advise everyone, don't be blindly optimistic. We are a city of 5 million people. How many people have awakened just now? Even if there are more people awakening later, I feel that only about 100 people will die."

What follows is a quarrel, and everyone is basically guessing how many lucky people will become superpowers next.

But this time, from the quarrels among the people, one could feel that the panic was decreasing.

"It's amazing. Why is the evolutionary path of human beings completely different from other creatures?" Ye Feng couldn't help but muttered.

Of course, he had no intention of delving further. After all, unless his relatives awakened and became superpowers, these had little to do with him.

Although those powers looked a bit flashy and their attack power was not weak, Ye Feng could tell that the bodies of those with powers did not seem to be much enhanced.

This can be seen from the supernatural being who was blown away by his own fireball.

So let alone these people, who had just become superpowers, even if they had broken through to the third or fourth level, they would not be able to pose any threat to him.

After all, a fragile body is its most fatal flaw.

Ye Feng quickly turned his attention back to the army.

As time goes by, the defense zones have indeed had quite obvious effects after shrinking one after another.

Because in the next half hour, only two lines of defense had problems.

This is because those two lines of defense haven't had time to retreat yet.

Obviously, this strategy of the military was very successful. Of course, during this process, news of people awakening to become superpowers also appeared one after another.

But the number was not many. After half an hour, including the previous three, there were only 15.

From this point, it can be seen that only a very small number of people can awaken to become superpowers.

Of course, Ye Feng no longer cares about this at this moment, because he can feel that he is about to achieve a breakthrough.


There is only one update today, partly because of Kavin, and I haven’t figured out how to write the rest of the plot yet. On the other hand, it was because he was dragged into doing hard labor by his family.

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