Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 111 Great changes in Sunset Valley

Chen Dalong ran extremely fast. The place where the three of them were standing was more than 100 meters away from the soldier who had the accident.

Even if the world champion came to run this distance, it would take more than 9 seconds, but under Chen Dalong's full sprint, it only took 3 seconds.

At this moment, the soldier was entangled with three mutant rats, and the look on his face was extremely solemn.

Because in just 3 seconds, another piece of flesh and blood was torn off from his left arm.

Although he took advantage of this opportunity, he also cut a long wound on the mutant rat's back, causing it to suffer severe injuries.

But this does not change the situation of the battle.

Because the opponent did not die immediately, he could at least fight back before death.

Of course, if it were just these three mutant rats, he might be able to kill them even if he was seriously injured.

But the problem is, five more mutant rats are about to break through the fire blockade and arrive in front of him.

This is a dead end for him.

At this moment, the wind whistled in his ears, and to his right, a mutated rat that was rushing towards him was cut in half in the air.

"What happened?" The soldier was a little confused.

When he reacted, the three mutated rats that besieged him had all lost their heads.

In front of him stood a man holding a military dagger in each hand.

The other party looked at the five deformed rats that had already passed the fire blockade and were about to rush into the defense line, and went straight to meet them.

The soldier subconsciously wanted to shout caution, but before he could say anything, his mouth opened wide in surprise.

I saw the opponent's hands shooting left and right, and his arms were waving at a speed that could bring out afterimages. Almost in the blink of an eye, there were two mice with their heads missing.

To him, the extremely nimble rat had no power to fight back in front of the man in front of him.

In just 2 seconds, these five rats were killed, faster than he could shoot.

"Are you okay?" After settling the trouble here, Chen Dalong asked.

"It's okay, just bandage it and you can continue fighting. Sir, you are really awesome." The soldier said with admiration.

At this time, members of the support team also ran over and quickly added fire suppression here.

This gap has been completely stabilized.

The first time he went to the rescue, the problem was solved neatly. Chen Dalong also felt a little proud in his heart.

He wanted to brag to the wounded man, but his expression changed slightly and he quickly ran towards the other side of the defense line.

In the next three minutes, Chen Dalong ran back and forth on West Tai Street and rescued 8 places. This wave of crisis was finally over.

Although the time was short, every time Chen Dalong had to run with all his strength to rescue him, even he couldn't help but gasp slightly.

"Brother Chen is amazing, you really opened my eyes."

Feng Jun and Shen Chen also rushed over at this time. Before they got close, Feng Jun sincerely praised him.

If it weren't for Chen Dalong, there would definitely be a big problem in dealing with this wave of attacks from mutant rats.

Although there is a support team behind to help, on the one hand, the number of support teams is not large, only 20 people.

On the other hand, if the mutant rats that rush into the defense line cannot be quickly eliminated, it will be useless to fill in the members of the support team.

Because the members of the support team came over, they also needed to solve the problem of mutant rats before they could continue to suppress the fire, but this would definitely take a long time.

But if the firepower cannot be replenished immediately, more and more rats will rush over, and it will be an endless cycle.

But these problems are no longer a problem when it comes to Chen Dalong. He can chop melons and vegetables and kill the mutated mice every time.

"Wherever, I'm only contributing a small amount. These mutated rats still have to be solved by your soldiers." Chen Dalong said humbly. But the smile on his face could not be concealed.

Of course, he was not so happy just because someone praised him.

But after this attack, his self-confidence also increased, and he felt that there would be no big problem until the messenger arrived.

He was in a pretty good mood. If the timing hadn't been wrong, he would have wanted to sing a couple of songs.

The atmosphere in the field was also quite relaxed. Chen Dalong's performance was equivalent to giving everyone a big reassurance.

However, this kind of relaxation did not last long, because not long after, the next wave of attacks followed.

Chen Dalong's performance is still stable, and he can basically rush over within a few seconds and get rid of the mutated mice.

However, this kind of high-intensity battle consumes a lot of physical energy. Even if Chen Dalong is an evolver, it is a bit too much.

The simple thing is that this kind of battle is not continuous, and not every wave of mutant rats requires his personal action.

While the battle on Chen Dalong's side became more and more intense, the Sunset Valley on the other side had undergone earth-shaking changes.

If Chen Dalong comes in again, he may not know the way.

Originally, the height of most trees in Sunset Valley was between 20 and 30 meters.

But at this time, these trees have basically grown to a height of 50 meters.

As for the ones that were already relatively high, they were even more than 100 meters tall.

Especially in the Sunset Valley, apart from Ye Feng, the tallest sycamore tree has grown to a full 200 meters in one breath.

If Ye Feng had not broken through, the opponent's height would have directly surpassed him.

This sounds exaggerated, but if you think about it carefully, it is actually quite normal.

After all, Ye Feng's added points have never raised the height of the tree.

In other words, under the same level, the height of Ye Feng's tree body is probably the lowest. This is also the result of him deliberately hiding himself.

Of course, it is undeniable that this mutated sycamore tree, which has only reached the second level, is actually very extraordinary to have such a height.

At least it is far away from other mutated plants.

The taller these trees grow, the happier Ye Feng is.

"Most of them have broken through to the second level! I really look forward to seeing how many spiritual energy points they can provide me in one hour."

The more spiritual energy these trees absorb, the more spiritual energy he can harvest.

Of course, it’s not just trees that are growing rapidly, but also weeds and shrubs.

The bushes in Sunset Valley are now basically five or six meters high, and even the weeds are on average two meters high.

You can imagine what it would be like if there were humans entering Sunset Valley at this time. It would be absolutely impossible.

After all, even the weeds are taller than people, and there is no vision at all when entering such an environment.

Not only is this the case in the Sunset Valley, the wild areas are basically like this, especially the Dongling Mountains. It is even more exaggerated. For humans, it can basically be called a restricted area.

Of course, compared to plants, Ye Feng was actually more concerned about the mutated insects. As a large number of mutated insects broke through, they also began to riot.

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