Chapter 199 The Power of the Four-Star Warrior


The blue arrow shoots out directly from Qiu Ziyuan’s palm without using a bow.

At that moment, Wang Ce really tasted the breath of Death.

At this time, Wang Ce was still struggling to resist the light wave, and he saw the arrow shoot.

He wanted to move his body to avoid it, but he couldn’t.

Once he moves, he may be shattered by the explosion of light, and his bones are incomplete.

But if you don’t avoid it, there is really only one way to go.

“This woman…”

Wang Ce’s tooth roots itchy with hatred.

He regretted that if he didn’t save Qiu Ziyuan, he didn’t have to cause so many troubles.

And there is no need for so many people to die under Qiu Ziyuan’s lust.

Seeing that the arrow was approaching, at this critical moment, at the critical juncture of life and death, Wang Ce suddenly shouted.

The huge energy from unknown sources in his body directly blasted the light waves to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Ce, who was full of fiery red Blood Qi, grabbed the arrow in his hand.

The arrow starts cold and feels very comfortable, and even the complicated patterns on it give people a very mysterious atmosphere.

The arrow was caught by someone, and it exploded with greater strength on its own, but it couldn’t break free, let alone hurt Wang Ce.

Even so, Wang Ce had already seen that this arrow was originally from an extraordinary origin and was so powerful that it was terrifying.

It’s just that Qiu Ziyuan doesn’t know how to use arrows at all, so she can only exert its minimal power.

For this reason, Wang Ce was able to catch it after being forced to evolve again.

“This is really a good thing. Go back and bring Du Changqing with him. I think he will like it very much.

Seeing this situation, Qiu Ziyuan frowned.

These two are her ultimate moves, and they were easily broken by Wang Ce. How could this be good?

“What is emanating from his body does not seem to be energy fluctuations, it seems to be Blood Qi!”

Qiu Ziyuan exclaimed to herself.

This is the last thing she wants to see,

“According to the material records of that alien spacecraft, it can be seen that the Blood Qi is gushing, and the strength is instantly Ascension. That should be a sign of a four-star warrior.”

“Could it be that Wang Ce has reached the Realm of a four-star warrior?”

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help taking a breath.

Four-star warlord, what a powerful state is that?

Not to mention anything else, the hearty wolf king and Li Guosheng who played next to each other were very clear.

Both have reached the strength of a four-star warlord, so when they fight, it is really a violent feast.

The nearly 30-meter-tall Wolf King flicked his tail, and the wind swept the fallen leaves.

Li Guosheng fought with his body and was pumped hundreds of meters away like a baseball.

He quickly stabilized his figure, and then rushed back. The flames on his body evaporated the rain, forming a thick layer of white mist.

The wolf king roared up to the sky, and a huge energy ball quickly condensed in his mouth.

When Li Guosheng approached him, he shot out immediately.

Li Guosheng collided head-on.

At the same moment, the flames on his body rose in the wind, the size of the ball of light.

The two collided, the earthquake was violent, the rain evaporated, and the running water on the ground splashed tens of feet high.


At that moment, there seemed to be only this light that burst out from the strong impact between the world and the earth.

The dawn army, dozens of miles away, could clearly see this ray of light.

When the horrible energy fluctuations ceased and the light disappeared, a large crater nearly two hundred meters in diameter was exploded in the center of the collision between the two.

The Wolf King and Li Guosheng fell on both sides of the big pit, leaving only a faint wave of life.

This is the true strength of the fourth-level fighter.

Wang Ce couldn’t help but wonder at this scene.

The four-star warlord is indeed an existence that has stepped into the ranks of evolution. This is no longer the category of human beings.

Qiu Ziyuan glanced at the Wolf King, with the same shock in his heart.

She thought that the wolf king was just better than the other upgraded beasts that evolved three times.

But I didn’t expect it to be so strong.

Perhaps the upgraded beast three times evolved in front of the wolf king, unable to resist even a single blow.

This is where the pride of the four-star warlord lies.

It was also at this moment that she deeply understood what kind of existence the king of the wolf king was going to resurrect.

Perhaps, Wang really has the ability to destroy the world.

When her gaze fell on Wang Ce again, she had no confidence in the beginning.

One of Wang Ce’s subordinates is already so powerful. One can imagine how terrifying Wang Ce will be?

Qiu Ziyuan said that even if he showed all his hole cards, he would probably not be Wang Ce’s opponent, and even running away would be an extravagant hope.

“Wang Ce, are you really going to kill them all?”

“If the two of us cooperate well, we will definitely be able to make contributions and create eschatological brilliance.”

“In fact, we don’t have much hatred. I can assure you that we will never hurt your relatives and friends.”

“At that time, you will not only be the lord of a city, you can even become the lord of a country, the lord of the entire earth, and everyone in the world will surrender under your feet.”

Wang Ce refused to believe what Qiu Ziyuan said.

For this kind of woman, Wang Ce just wanted to kill her and hurry up.

He did not speak, but responded with indifferent eyes.

Then, he clasped the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow with both hands and held it high above his head.

At that moment, a burst of energy visible between heaven and earth surged towards the Great Xia Longque.

This is the most special place of the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow, which can absorb any form of evil energy for its own use.

While its power is great, it also has great side effects.

That is, if the controller cannot control the absorbed energy, it will instantly explode and die.

After all, the energy that is free in nature is not gentle, and even violent beyond imagination.

Seeing this situation, Qiu Ziyuan’s heart was ashamed.

She yelled bitterly,

“Don’t you care about anything? With me as your deputy, you will become the king of the world. Isn’t that enough?”

She knows that today I am afraid it will definitely die.

Seeing that Wang Ce’s condensed energy is getting stronger and stronger.

Qiu Ziyuan’s eyes were red, and she also smelled Death.

So, she was cruel,

“Since you are ruthless, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

“Wang Ce, I want you to remember that everything that happened today is thanks to you!”

After speaking, she pulled off the small box-shaped necklace hanging around her neck.

This was one of the items she took out of the alien spacecraft.

It is also her most precious thing, but she has not dared to use it all the time, because the side effects will be beyond her tolerance.

But now that he has reached the edge of Death, it is a death at best.

She resolutely opened the small box.

At the same time, Wang Ce also cut down with all his strength.

In an instant, the world seemed to stand still, and the raindrops in the sky no longer fell.

In the entire space, only this blade of light cut through the sky with an incomparable posture.

Among Qiu Ziyuan’s eyes, one is a volley that illuminates the sky and the earth, and the other is a thick black mist.



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