Chapter 197 The Wolf King Appears

Xiao Ke appeared, just like the savior, let everyone see the light of hope.

“Haw, haw”

It cried and flew towards Wang Ce.

Seeing this situation, Zou Congjun was very angry.

According to his plan, as long as Wang Ce was killed, no one else was worried.

But I didn’t expect to kill so many Bella halfway through.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, even he dare not despise it.

“Damn beast!”

With a wave of his hand, his arm turned into a long sword, and then he wanted to kill Xiang Xiaoke.

However, before he could fly, the whole person was evenly split in half by a knife burning with black flames.

Zou Congjun was unable to respond to this sudden incident at all.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Ce slid into the brain of half of Zou Congjun’s body with two fingers, and took out a black silk thread that wriggled to escape.

The black line was constantly twisting between his two fingers, trying to escape.

But it has no host and has not been able to evolve to a high level. Its body basically has no combat power at all. Even if it is just a human child, it can be captured.

“It turned out that you, a little thing, made such a big movement.”

Wang Ce looked at the black line and said.

The black line could not answer at this moment, and could only fight by twisting his body.

However, it is clear that such a struggle is meaningless.

At this time, Li Guosheng came and asked in surprise,

“City Lord, how did you do it? I clearly saw that you were absorbed by him, how did you recover so quickly?”

Wang Ce smiled lightly.

“The ancients said, soldiers are not tired of deceit, if I don’t let him think that I have no threat to him, how can I succeed?”

“As he absorbs my body, I have been injected with highly effective energy-replenishing medicine.”

After Li Guosheng heard this, he suddenly realized that Wang Ce’s methods were really clever.

Of course, this is also very risky.


Xiao Ke excitedly landed on Wang Ce’s shoulder, rubbing his head against Wang Ce’s cheek to show his approval.

Wang Ce gently pressed the opponent’s head,

“You guy, disappeared for so long and gained a lot of weight.”


Xiao Ke fluttered his wings angrily, protesting Wang Ce’s words.

It stated that it obviously obeyed Wang Ce’s orders and performed confidential tasks.

It turned out that when Wang Ce led his army to attack the Haimeng, he sent Xiaoke underground.

Hope that Xiao Ke can control some Bella, and then attack the Haimeng, this will be his trump card means.

Although the Haimeng’s nest is extremely dangerous, it is only for humans.

In Bella’s eyes, those places were almost flat.

But who knew that the Haimeng was just an empty shell, so Wang Ce informed Xiao Ke that he did not need to attack the Haimeng any more.

And Xiao Ke seemed to have tasted some sweetness in the underground, no matter how Wang Ce called, he refused to leave.

Later, when Wang Ce began to attack Qingjiang City, he contacted Xiao Ke again.

Now Xiao Ke has been able to order a part of Bella, so at the most critical juncture, he crawled out of the ground to fight.

It was the arrival of Xiao Ke that greatly relieved everyone’s pressure.

Those monsters are normally hit, and although they will not die, they will continue to consume the host’s energy.

Therefore, as long as the energy is exhausted, the host will die, and the parasite will follow Death most of the time.

Therefore, under the fierce attack of tens of thousands of Bella, the monster Death continued.

Even if you don’t know the weakness of the monster, there is no possibility of recovery from the monster that was torn to pieces and swallowed under the frenzied attacks of many Bella.

Soon, many monsters died and fled, and there was no more humanoid monster inside and outside Qingjiang City.

“System, check what kind of creature this is?”

Wang Ce said.

After a few seconds, the system dinged,

[The substance is called: Source Plastid, which is the strongest biological representation of Proxima Centauri. It can be used for medical and military purposes. It can strengthen the organism and change the nature of the organism. 】

“Just this thing can be used for medical treatment? Once it is healed, doesn’t even the self-consciousness disappear?”

Wang Ce asked incomprehensibly, he doubted the true purpose of this material research.

Soon, the system responded to his question,

[Normal source plastids do not produce self-awareness, and special source plastids have self-awareness, and even erode the host’s consciousness, and doves occupy the nest. 】

“That’s it, it seems that this thing has a special effect, then how to eliminate the consciousness of the source body?”

[The consciousness of the source mass body is stored in the source mass body master controller, unless it is eliminated from the master controller, or the master controller is destroyed. 】

When Wang Ce heard this, his heart suddenly became cold.

He also wanted to remove the source body consciousness, and then resurrect Zou Congjun.

Don’t look at Zou Congjun being split in half now, but as long as the source body is not dead, his body will not be crystallized.

According to the system, after the source plastid enters the body of other organisms, it will change the nature of the creature, and the human flesh and blood body will also become the same special substance as the source plastid.

Therefore, as long as the source substance enters Zou Congjun’s body again, then Zou Congjun can not only be resurrected, but also has his own consciousness and memory, completely unaffected by the source substance.

Wang Ce has repeatedly admired the highest biotechnology of Proxima Centauri.

With this gadget, it is tantamount to possessing an immortal body and being extremely powerful. This is what many people yearn for.

“Everyone, search Qingjiang City with all your strength, and don’t let any suspicious people go.”

Wang Ce ordered.

Regardless of rest, everyone immediately got up and searched the city.

Liu Kai and Du Changqing sent two upgraded cores, but Wang Ce didn’t ask for them, and directly rewarded them.

This made the two of them very happy and thanked again and again.

Liu Yifan, who had recovered a little bit, crouched and walked dozens of steps until he came to Zou Congjun’s side, but was already out of breath.

He angrily kicked the half body of Zou Congjun,

“Asshole, it’s really not a thing. Daddy talks to you well, and you stab me when you come up. Did Daddy provoke you?”

“Good death, good death, hum, fortunately the city lord split you in half. How strong are you, why can’t you move? Come on, get up and have a fight with your buddies?”

As he was talking, he knelt on the ground in tears.

Everyone felt sad when they saw it.

Liu Yifan was not jealous because Zou Congjun attacked him, he knew that it was not the other party’s intention.

Usually Liu Yifan is not in good shape, and he does everything on his own. Zou Congjun does a lot of work for him, and he has no complaints.

Therefore, Liu Yifan has always been commensurate with Zou Congjun, who is more than twenty years older than himself, as a brother.

Now that the old brother has died, how can Liu Yifan not grieve for it?

Just when everyone was immersed in grief, suddenly something strange appeared in the distance.

A huge upgraded wolf rushed out of the city, with a person still on it.

Along the way, it was difficult for many soldiers to intercept, and fierce gunshots continued one after another.

When Wang Ce looked intently, he immediately recognized that the upgraded wolf was the beast king who was besieged by the underground monsters of the imperial ambassador and Liu Yifan and others when he was in Qingjiang City.

Qiu Ziyuan was carrying on the upgraded wolf king.

At that moment, Qiu Ziyuan turned her head and stared at Wang Ce, with a deep sense of unwillingness in her eyes.

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