Chapter 183


Three black awns passed through the air.

Li Guosheng’s claws slammed on Zheng Hui’s chest.

Zheng Hui was wrapped in flames, and no one dared to touch it, but this frightening flame was useless in front of Li Guosheng.


Zheng Hui’s body flew backwards quickly, and in midair, he vomited a big mouthful of blood.

But the flame on his chest burned more intensely.

A large amount of burning blood sprayed out from the three wounds on his chest.

With a bang, Zheng Hui fell into the blood.

He climbed up with difficulty, stared straight, and looked at the tall werewolf. The severe pain in his chest made his brain a little confused.

The torrential rain continued to pour, falling from the sky, and hitting everyone heavily.

Perhaps because of anger, perhaps because of the physical stress, the flames on Zheng Hui’s body burned more intensely.

When the heavy rain fell on him, it immediately turned into a white mist and rose.

A large amount of white fog formed a protective barrier on his body, protecting him from the slightest rain.

“I wanted to spare your life back then, but who knows that you not only did not disappear forever, but you came to die, if that’s the case, then I will obey you!”

“But I’m not an ungrateful person. Li Guosheng, because you used to treat me well, I will leave you a dead body!”

When the words fell, Zheng Hui’s body shot at Li Guosheng like a cannonball.

However, Li Guosheng crossed his arms and bluntly took the opponent’s full blow.

When he slipped back three steps, he immediately waved his hand and grabbed Zheng Hui’s arm.

Zheng Hui had already expected it, his body was arched, his feet were instantly on Li Guosheng’s arms, and he danced around in the air before landing steadily.

“Go to hell!”

With a violent shout, Zheng Hui pressed his body down, and then kicked up again with his feet on the ground, and at the same time he punched out an uppercut.

Li Guosheng was caught off guard, was hit by the opponent’s chin and fell straight back.

It was too late and then soon. Before he touched the ground, Zheng Hui grabbed Li Guosheng’s two ankles.

Immediately afterwards, he transmitted all the flames from his body to Li Guosheng’s body.

At that moment, Li Guosheng ignited a raging fire.

This flame is unusually high and the temperature is so high that even steel can melt instantly.

Li Guosheng, who was in the flames, screamed in pain, fell to the ground and struggled constantly, and then splashed blood on own.

But to no avail.

“Die, die, everyone who betrays the people must die! You betrayed Qingjiang City and all the people in Qingjiang.”

“Wang Ce, what is good about him, you still want to be his dog? You don’t want a face, I still want it!”

Zheng Hui shouted loudly, shouting out all the grievances in his heart, his eyes were filled with flames, and the burning tears fell down his cheeks.

Li Guosheng was in distress and looked at Zheng Hui who was hysterical.

At this moment, he was like a kind old father. Although he hated Zheng Hui extremely, he understood what Zheng Hui was thinking.

“Zheng Hui… I, Li Guosheng, act upright, sit upright, stand upright, no one can make me bow to my knees!”

“However, there is only one person who can let me put everything down, and that is…you!”


Zheng Hui was stunned for an instant, and the other party’s words plunged deeply into his mind, making his thoughts extremely confused.

“It’s all for me? Haha, it’s ridiculous, do you still need to use me as a shield if you want to be someone else’s dog?”

“Hmph, I won’t believe anything you say today, you…must die!”

Zheng Hui roared loudly and increased his strength to release the flames.

The flame on Li Guosheng’s body changed from red and yellow to faint blue, and the temperature was so high that it almost distorted the space.

Because of this, all the hair on Li Guosheng’s body was burned out, revealing solid skin.

The magic is that instead of burning his skin, strange golden lines appeared.

Although the body did not suffer much damage, Li Guosheng’s spirit seemed to be thrown into the fire, constantly roasting.

Finally, he couldn’t stand it anymore and screamed towards the sky.

It was also at this moment that he lost his mind again and was replaced by the most primitive wildness.


With a jerky shot of his body, Li Guosheng easily flew Zheng Hui out.

Before Zheng Hui hadn’t noticed that the other party still had enough energy to resist.

Zheng Hui rolled on the ground a few times, then got up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

“The old thing actually has power? Oh, but that’s it.”

As he spoke, he folded his hands together, and then slowly opened it, and a dark flame condensed in his palm.

The most amazing thing about this flame is that it does not look like a dead thing, but has a special vitality.

“This is a gift from Qin Hai, that is, it revives me and gives me the ability to fire!”

“It can destroy everything in the world, including you!”

The moment the words fell, the black flame was also knocked out by Zheng Hui.

At this moment, Li Guosheng had no intention of evading at all. Instead, he grabbed it with one claw and collided with the black flame.

In an instant, his whole person was completely enveloped by the black flame.

The terrifying heat almost melted and burned him.

Not far away, Zheng Hui laughed, celebrating the success of own.

At this moment, the flame on his body also began to gradually extinguish, and in the end only a flame was planted in the heart of his chest.

With a smile, Zheng Hui found that own body was gradually withering, and the skin on his body was covered with wrinkles.

The most frightening thing is that his hair gradually grows longer and hangs down to his chest.

It wasn’t until this moment that he could see clearly that his own hair was actually silvery white.

“What’s going on? How did I become like this?”

His voice was hoarse, and his body gradually creaked.

He clutched his hair in a panic.

“The seed of flame is not only saving your life, but also taking your vitality.”

Wang Ce’s voice came from above his head, Zheng Hui looked up in fear, and then backed away startled.

He wanted to condense the flames to compete with Wang Ce again, but found that he only had a fire on his chest.

Wanting to condense the flame is almost wishful thinking.

“You don’t really think Qin Hai is a good person, do you?”

Wang Ce said contemptuously,

“You are just a pawn in his eyes. No, you and it are just Qiu Ziyuan’s pawns. It’s really pitiful.”

“You nonsense, it’s impossible!”

Zheng Hui shouted angrily.

But because of the rapid aging of his body, he couldn’t even shout.

Wang Ce shook his head. For this person, he has always had no intersection.

But I don’t understand why the other party has such strong malice toward him, even more intense than his hatred of Li Guosheng.

“Believe it or not, it’s up to you, anyway, Li Guosheng worked tirelessly and came to Dawn City through all kinds of dangers to get the potion for you to evolve.”

“But I didn’t expect that he did not hesitate to save his own life, but it was a white-eyed wolf.”

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