Chapter 180


After Chi Yan Vajra finished eating the lobster, he twisted the lizard’s neck.

The lizard was still struggling before dying, pulling on Chiyan Vajra’s wrist, hoping to get rid of the opponent’s control and escape to heaven.

But the power gap between the two sides is really too big, as big as a sky, insurmountable.

Then Chi Yan Vajra broke the lizard’s head calmly and threw it on the ground, stepping on the mud with one foot, and biting the lizard’s body bit by bit.

Qin Hai looked at that bloody mouth with horror.

Lizards and lobsters are monsters he has always relied on.

Since he had these two monsters, he almost went smoothly along the way. Anyone who obstructed him became food for lizards or lobsters.

So in his opinion, there is nothing in this world that can threaten him

But when he saw Chi Yan Vajra, he understood what it means to be someone outside a person, there is a sky outside the sky.

“This…what kind of monster is this?”

He sat on the ground with a panic, and kept moving backward, his eyes full of horror.

At this moment, he can’t run away, nor can he escape, he doesn’t know how to face everything in front of him.

Wang Ce slowly floated down from the air, fell in front of Qin Hai, and looked at him casually.

“Your fucking name is Qin Hai?”

“I…I…I am”

Qin Hai responded tremblingly.

At this time, there was no longer any arrogance and wild look on his face, instead he was so terrified and humble, he even knelt on the ground.

The other soldiers were ashamed to see this scene, and even their generals knelt at the feet of the opposing leader.

Then what reason do they have for fighting?

“Lord King, I surrendered. I came to attack Dawn City only after believing the bewitching of others. It is not my true intention. Please forgive me. I promise I will be loyal to you in the future. I will not hesitate”

“If you don’t believe me, I can swear, or you can do anything you want me to do. As long as you can let me live, my life is yours.”

Qin Hai said hurriedly, he has brought his thirst for survival to the extreme.

But Wang Ce looked at him coldly, and after a while, he just hummed softly.

“You are not even worthy of being my dog!”

In Wang Ce’s view, Qin Hai is nothing but rubbish.

As long as they possess these monsters, anyone can become Qin Hai.

When Qin Hai heard this, his heart was ashamed, but his face still showed a flattering smile.

“That’s right for you. I’m just a shit. I don’t even know how to polish your shoes, so you just put me as a fart.”

With Qin Hai’s humble appearance, he saw the soldiers shook his head again and again.

Even if they are in the final moment of life crisis, they will not be as not wanting as Qin Hai, and have no ambition.

But this world is often this kind of person, and the one who lives is the fastest.

This is the kind of person who can live to the end.

In Wang Ce’s view, killing such a person is simply dirtying his hands.

A person who has no ambition, no backbone, and who shirks responsibility in any matter, living in this world is a waste of air, and a waste of land when he dies.

“Hmph, against you, I won’t make it myself!”

With a cold snort, Wang Ce rose into the air and flew in the most intense direction of the battlefield.

He had just ordered Li Min to send all the soldiers to surround the attackers outside, and never let one go.

Even Qin Hai could hardly escape the encirclement no matter how cunning.

so. It doesn’t matter when to kill, the most important thing is that Qin Hai can be used to deter many military regions and refuges.

After all, what Qin Hai made in the Qingjiang Military Region some time ago was not trivial, and it attracted the attention of many parties.

Now, as long as Wang Ce kills him live, it is enough to prove that the strength of Dawn City is extraordinary, and it can also make everyone realize that Wang Ce’s methods are fierce.

Let those who are careful think more about whether they should act for own stupidity.

However, as Wang Cechao flew away, Qin Hai’s laughing face suddenly became fierce.

He took out an inky black ball from his arms.

“go to hell!”

He threw it towards the distance with all his strength, but as soon as he waved his hand halfway, he heard a roar from the other side.

“Dog bastard, don’t hurt me to help the lord!”

Liu Yifan waved Fang Tian’s painted halberd and cut it off in one move, directly cutting off the opponent’s arm.

But it was too late, the jet black ball had been thrown out, right behind Wang Ce.

At this moment, Wang Ce suddenly turned his head, stretched out his hand and grabbed it in his hand.

“The worm shakes the tree!”

With a loud bang, the black ball exploded with great power and enveloped Wang Ce.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yifan rushed into the smoke in a panic, waved his hands to disperse the smoke, but did not find Wang Ce.

“Helper, are you okay with helper?”

He shouted loudly and eagerly, but there was no response.

At this moment, he was extremely angry, turned his head and stared at Qin Hai fiercely.

“The gang leader has already let you go. You actually avenged your grievances and avenged the killer. Today I will make you better than dead!”

An extremely angry Liu Yifan waved Fang Tian’s painted halberd and cut off Qin Hai’s other arm, then swept across the air, cutting off Qin Hai’s two thighs.

Qin Hai screamed in pain, and then felt a flash of light before his eyes, and his eyes lost their light forever.

“My eyes, my eyes!”

Qin Hai’s eyes were bleeding and tears, and he rolled back and forth on the ground. He tried to cover his eyes, but found that his hands had been lost.

The whole person is like a human being.

Even so, Liu Yifan could not vent his resentment.

“You damn thing, go to the funeral of my helper!”

Fang Tianhua halberd pierced out, bringing up a dazzling cold light.

At that moment, although Qin Hai couldn’t see it, he formed the scene of his death in his mind.

He cried bitterly, with blood and tears in his eyes.

But for him at this moment, death may be a permanent relief.

But just when Fang Tian’s painted halberd was about to stab him in the throat, one hand stretched out and grasped it firmly.

At this moment, Liu Yifan was shocked.

“Bang…Bang lord, it turns out that you are not dead”

“You look forward to my death so much, are you planning to be your helper?”

Wang Ce joked.

Liu Yifan shook his head quickly and retracted Fang Tian’s painting of the halberd.

“How is it possible? I also hope that you can live forever. It makes sense for me to live where you are.”

“The mouth is a lot sweeter.”

Wang Ce said with a smile, and then brought Qin Hai up again.

“This person is damned, but he can’t be killed now. Next, he will be of great use”

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