Chapter 174 Weapon Advisor

[Item: upgraded butterfly wings][Analysis of composition and structure: The main component is upgraded hardened protein. It is composed of membranes, scales, scales, and lin powder. 】

【Hardness: 217】

【Function: Scales are highly toxic, and the poison possessed by a single scale can kill a thousand people. Scale powder has a strong hallucinogenic effect, and when used properly, it can allow creatures to enter hallucinations, making it difficult to wake up. 】

When Wang Ce saw it, he was immediately happy.

He thought it would be tested casually, and if it was useful, he could stay, in case where it was needed in the future.

The result was a surprise to him, this is simply a set of super strong forging weapons and armor materials.

Not to mention anything else, the hardness alone is outrageously strong.

The hardest substance in nature is Vajra stone, its hardness index is only 10.

And the hardness of this pair of wings has reached 217, how hard is it to be?

No wonder Chiyan Vajra slashed the butterfly’s wings with an axe several times without any harm to it.

Reaching this hardness is simply indestructible.

“What exactly is this pair of wings made of?”

Wang Ce was a little tangled.

If it is made into armor, about fifty or sixty sets can be made.

But there is a bit of trouble. Even the people wearing these armors must be careful, otherwise, if they touch the scales and become poisoned, they will be killed.

Therefore, if it is made into armor, danger and safety coexist, and even more dangerous.

“If it is made into a weapon, it should be similar, but what kind of weapon will it make?”

While Wang Ce was thinking hard about it, his walkie-talkie rang.

“Dage, everything in the city has been cleaned up. We have collected a large amount of Bella’s upgraded nuclear. Do I send it to you directly home or to the research institute?”

When Wang Ce heard that it was Du Changqing, he was a little confused. Generally, this walkie-talkie is used by Li Min and him for reporting work.

After he questioned in doubt, he learned that Li Min was attacked by a red monkey while fighting a Bella. As a result, he was injured. He is now being treated in the hospital cabin.

Wang Ce gave a hum, and then said,

“Then you can send it directly, just because I have something to ask you.”


Du Changqing happily agreed, carrying a large number of upgraded cores, and happily flew towards the large scientific research institute.

Wang Ce also temporarily gave up thinking about what kind of weapon should be made.

Because Du Changqing was originally a small arms expert, and as the saying goes, he specializes in the art industry. It is better to leave this kind of professional work to someone with relevant professional knowledge.

Wang Ce began to look at the main functions of scale powder and the medicines that could be mixed into it.

After research, he was surprised to find that these scales can not only be used in combat, but also can be used to treat Tong Xiang’s amnesia.

As long as the dosage and method are used properly, Tong Xiang can experience the previous memories again.

It’s just that the danger of doing so is relatively high, after all, Wang Ce has not been able to fully control all the effects of scale powder.

Although there are not many scales on a pair of wings, the test results show that the scales are precipitated from the scales on the wings.

So as long as the wings have energy supply and add some activity to them, then it can continuously produce a large amount of scales.

In other words, although there are few scales, it can be manufactured without restriction.

This made Wang Ce very happy, after all, the more such good things, the better.

In addition, there is another terrible thing about scale powder, that is, the illusion it creates is very real.

So once people can control the illusion they produce, then many people will definitely use scales to find comfort from the illusion in order to escape the cruel real world.

This is definitely not a good phenomenon, so Wang Ce decided to strictly control the spread of scales.

Before long, Du Changqing’s shout came from outside the main control room.

After Wang Ce let him in, Du Changqing saw the huge wings at first sight.

“Wow, is this the wing of the upgraded butterfly just now? It’s so beautiful. I didn’t expect a butterfly to grow so big.”

He carefully checked every pattern on the upgraded butterfly’s wings like a treasure.

“Dage, what are you going to do with this thing? Or hang it in the auditorium of the management center? It can be regarded as showing the true strength of our Dawn City.”

“This stuff is superb material. Wouldn’t it be too wasteful to hang it up?”

Wang Ce responded,

“I want to make some more practical items from it, such as weapons. What kind of weapon do you think is better?”

“By the way, take a look first. These are the properties of the detected materials. Think about it.”

Under the guidance of Wang Ce, Du Changqing came to the screen and carefully checked all the information on the screen.


After watching for a while, Du Changqing slowly said,

“If these scales are not toxic, it is indeed the best armor to make, but it is too hard. Even if you find a way to make armor, it may not be convenient for the wearer to move.”

“In my opinion, it is better if it can be made into a blunt tool, such as a stick, whip, mace, or a tiger-head hammer.”

“This type of blunt weapon is extremely harmful when used, and it causes internal injuries to living things. If you add this strong toxicity, it will simply die if you touch it, and its lethality can be increased several times.”

Hearing what Du Changqing said, Wang Ceru awakened from the dream, and most of the things he used before were knives and swords.

So as long as he mentions weapons, all he thinks of are sharp-edged ones. As for blunt weapons, he didn’t care too much before.

“Okay, it’s okay to cause a blunt object. Just make a slight adjustment on the grip to avoid hurting the user.”

Wang Ce patted both hands and praised happily.

“You, a weapon expert, can really do it, so you can serve as a weapon consultant for Dawn City in the future!”

“Haha, Dage, don’t bury me, I will have something like that. How dare you show it off, there are many masters in the city.”

Du Changqing scratched the back of his head with some shame, and said with a smile.

Then, Wang Ce continued,

“That’s it. Make half of the wings first and see the result. If possible, make the other half as well, and use the remaining side to make scales.”

“Okay. By the way, these are Bella’s upgraded cores. They all look a bit small, but the energy inside is still very pure.”

Du Changqing said, ran to the door and dragged a huge box in.

As soon as I opened the lid, it was filled with green Bella upgraded cores.

But these upgraded cores are slightly smaller, probably smaller than a baby’s fist.

After Wang Ce saw it, he was very satisfied.

He is now in need of these upgraded cores, because he accidentally learned from the system before that upgraded cores have a very important function.

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