Chapter 168

After learning that Tong Xiang had lost his memory, Wang Jianguo and Liu Cuihong were particularly concerned about him.

Asking if you are hungry for a while, and if you are thirsty for a while, it’s even more intimate than a daughter.

Tong Xiang was so concerned that she was very uncomfortable. In her memory, there has never been a stranger who treated her this way.

During this period, Liu Cuihong took her hand whenever she had time, and told about the interesting things that happened between her and Wang Ce, hoping to restore Tong Xiang’s memory.

But how difficult is this?

Wang Jianguo also found out the photos taken when he was in the shelter. There are many life photos of them, including the pictures of Tong Xiang and Wang Ce.

These “evidences” made Tong Xiang believe the words of Wang Jianguo and Liu Cuihong.

But that precious memory can never be recovered.

At the same time, Wang Cezheng, Zou Congjun and others visited the two pterosaurs captured alive.

The two pterosaurs bound by more than a dozen iron chains were no longer as arrogant as they were at the beginning.

It’s not that they don’t want to break free, but that they have tried countless struggles before, but ultimately ended in failure.

It’s better to rest for a while than to waste all your energy.

Wang Ce stood in front of one of the pterosaurs and said to everyone,

“The fighting power of this pterosaur is still good. If it can be tamed in batches, it will definitely increase its combat power for Dawn City.”

Everyone was happy when they heard it, and smiled at each other, not knowing how to respond.

Only Liu Yifan forgot everything that happened before and said shamelessly.

“Helper, how can these things be so tame? According to our eight-hour test, they are already about the same as humans’ IQ except that they can’t speak.”

“Everything we do, they see in their eyes, and they must have hated us penetrates the bone.”

After listening, Wang Ce shook his head and said,

“There is nothing difficult in the world. If possible, I hope to establish a dragoon army, and then we will be able to cross the sky and the earth.”

When these words came out, everyone was amazed by Wang Ce’s rich imagination, but at the same time, they were also moved, afraid that only Wang Ce would have such ambitions.

Because other people just want to survive in the disaster world, only a bite to eat, a place to shelter from the wind and rain is enough.

At this time, Liu Kai said,

“Helper, it is not impossible to build Long Qijun, but we need a lot of pterosaurs. Nowadays, there are still a lot of pterosaurs hovering outside the shield. If they can be put in some, they can be captured. Part.”

“As long as you can catch your hands, you will be able to tame them sooner or later, just like human ancestors tame wolves into dogs.”

“Well, it makes sense. In this case, everyone should be prepared. After three days, if there are no accidents, I will open the protective cover, and then you will show your skills.”

As Wang Ce said, he passed by the pterosaur.

Then, he came to the edge of the Shuoguang No. 2 planting field.

Not only did various vegetables grow in these fields, but also many fruit trees grew. However, due to the shorter planting time, the fruit trees have not yet grown fruit.

“Yes, now Dawn City can completely get rid of food poverty, Ma Shuo, you should take the lead!”

“All of this is what I should do. It has always been my dream to be able to feed everyone.”

Ma Shuo said with a smile on his face.

Before the Shuoguang 2 conference, he was just a transparent person, focused on researching more efficient vegetable seeds. Many people were not optimistic about him.

But when Shuoguang 2 was released, he immediately became a bare-handed figure in Dawn City. Countless people regarded him as an idol and called him a contemporary Shennong.

When everyone passed through the cabbage bushes more than one meter high, Du Changqing took the cellphone and said to everyone,

“Come on, let’s take a picture together, so that everyone can see the prosperity of our Dawn City.”

Everyone agreed, surrounded by Wang Ce, standing among the tall cabbage, smiling happily.

There are surprisingly large vegetables in the background.


Du Changqing took three photos in a row, each of which showed the rich variety of the planted fields from a different angle.

There is no need to add text, and it will be published directly on the platform with the most traffic and the largest traffic on the Internet in the catastrophic world.

As soon as it was released, it caused thousands of people to question it.

The picture comment area exploded at the time,

“What’s the matter, it’s such a fake, you make the cabbage smaller anyway.”

“You think we haven’t planted the ground before. The tomatoes and eggplant are bigger than pigs and taller than humans. Let alone now, the space vegetables in the past never dared to grow so long.”

“Vegetables need time to grow. It can take as little as a month or as little as half a year. How long will the high temperature disaster pass? In that case, this thing can grow out, isn’t it a joke!”

“At the first glance, I can only say damn it, and then take another look, it turns out that it is Dawn City, then it’s okay. People who wishful thinking can do anything.”


In the comment area, abuse and ridicule are endless. Although they are in a disaster, people have exhausted all they have learned and vented the resentment in their hearts.

They can’t see others have a better life than themselves, let alone Dawn City.

But it was these three pictures that immediately caused an uproar in other major shelters and military districts.

Among them, Qianzhou had the greatest reaction.

Qianzhou Chief Hu Zheng was sitting in his office leisurely sipping tea, flipping casually with the mouse in one hand.

He is most fortunate that he is still able to access the Internet and can continue to browse various websites, which can be regarded as a rare pleasure that has been preserved in the catastrophic world.

This shows that there are many places in the country, and there is still a complete order.

When he browsed the web, three pictures suddenly came into his eyes.

“This is……”

When he clicked on the picture and looked at it carefully, he was suddenly struck by lightning.

His hands couldn’t help shaking, and his eyes were almost close to the screen.

“How is it possible that they actually cultivated super vegetables first?”

Regarding the Super Vegetable Project, many military area research institutes are doing their best to conduct research.

The purpose is to develop super vegetables with higher yields and shorter growth cycles. Only in this way can it be possible to solve the human food problem.

But after so long, the major military regions have only felt a bit of a sign, but there is still a long way to go before success.

Even the Qianzhou Military Region, which claims to have the highest technology, is just two steps ahead of others.

But Hu Zheng did not expect that someone had completed the research and even planted the finished product.

It is conceivable that this military region has developed super crop seeds a long time ago.

At the same time as he was surprised, a cruel expression flashed in his eyes.

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