Chapter 165 Awakening

A brilliant light bloomed on Tong Xiang’s body, and the green upgraded core was suspended above her forehead.

A series of majestic energy fluctuations rippled from the upgraded core, and finally all condensed on Tong Xiang’s forehead.

Standing next to the medical cabin, Wang Ce stared at this scene, with a lot of worries in his heart.

But the matter has come to this point, everything can only be resigned to fate, whether death or life depends entirely on fate.

After about 30 minutes, the green upgraded core gradually faded from the green light and turned into a transparent ball.

The upgraded core that had lost energy fell down, and Wang Ce immediately reached out to catch it.

At this point, the treatment course is over. According to the medical cabin’s test, Tong Xiang’s brain injury has been completely cured, and there is no omission.

But at this moment, Tong Xiang was still unconscious.

“It’s all cured, why haven’t you woken up yet? Is there really an accident?”

Wang Ce looked down at Tong Xiang’s peaceful face. After a long time, he sighed softly, turned and left the room.

Less than a minute after he left, Tong Xiang, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes, and her eyes were shining with a light blue light.

At this moment, her eyes were a little blurred and full of doubts.

She looked at everything unfamiliar around her, frowning slightly.

“Where is this place? Why am I here? What happened? Ah! My head hurts!”

She stroked her head, stood up, and walked out of the room barefoot.

There was no one in the quiet aisle.

Stepping on the cold floor and staring to the left and right in panic, Tong Xiang felt even more frightened.

Looking for the faint light around the corner, Tong Xiangmao walked cautiously with her waist down. The gloomy weather outside added a bit of horror.

“Where the hell is this?”

Tong Xiang was almost crying, she really couldn’t remember what happened before.

“Have I been kidnapped? This is still a hospital, could it be…”

She opened her frightened mouth slightly, and hurriedly covered her mouth, for fear of making a noise and being noticed by others.

When she walked out the door and saw a ruined wall outside, with only a small part of the building still intact, the whole was a battlefield-style picture, the whole person was dizzy.

She didn’t understand, she was watching TV well at home before she fell into a coma. How could the world become like this when she woke up?

Just when she was holding the door in doubt, a dirty-clothed man suddenly ran up to her, showing a very surprised appearance.

“Tong Xiang, you finally woke up. It’s great. Is there anything uncomfortable on your body? Do you know that I was really scared to death just now. If there is anything wrong with you, I will die. It’s hard to blame.”

This scene scared Tong Xiang back.

“You… who are you?”

“Oh, knowing that you are mad at me, I sincerely apologize to you again. If you want to fight or scold you, just come here. As long as you are okay!”

Liu Yifan smiled happily, showing a simple and honest appearance, but in Tong Xiang’s eyes, it was no different from a human trafficker.

“Ah! Help!”

Tong Xiang shouted and ran outside at the same time.

Liu Yifan didn’t know why, thinking that the other party knew the cause of the incident, but still held a grudge against him, so he hurried to catch up.

“Tong Xiang, hey, don’t run. I was wrong, I really know it was wrong, you see I have been kneeling here for a long time!”

But no matter what Liu Yifan said, the flustered Tong Xiang didn’t hear a word.

But Liu Yifan followed closely, Tong Xiang cried out after being chased, and subconsciously waved his hand.

“Go away!”

“Hey, I…ah!”

As soon as Liu Yifan opened his mouth, he felt that he had hit an invisible barrier, and then his body flew backwards quickly.

He only heard a bang, and slammed into the outer wall of the hospital cabin, crashing the wall.

“Oh, it hurts, what the hell is going on? What happened to me just now?”

He rubbed his head, moved his body a little, and felt tingling everywhere, and he felt the bones all over his body shattered.

Tong Xiang hadn’t noticed all of this at all, but blindly fled to a corner with no man’s land, and stopped after making sure that he was hiding well.

She was habitually panting, but after a few breaths, she found that her face was not red or heartbeat, and she didn’t even feel tired at all.

“Huh? Why don’t I feel anything after running so far? I used to remember running 800 meters in college and I was almost exhausted to death.”

This little doubt flashed through her mind, and then she looked around.

The sights are very unfamiliar, but the large buildings in the distance feel as if they have been seen somewhere.

“Why is everything here so much like Minghai City? But Minghai City can’t be so shabby!”

She said to herself.

This is not a big deal. What surprised her most was the sky above her head.

There seems to be a lot of rain in the sky, but the rain does not fall on people, as if they are cut off by an invisible barrier.

As a result, the sky is always gray and sometimes dazzling lightning strikes the sky.

“Isn’t this the world I used to live in? And that person just now, how strange did he know my name? He still wants to apologize to me.”

Mysteries formed in her heart. She wanted to explore but found that she couldn’t start, so she could only walk carefully in the aisle.

After walking for a while, there was a grunting noise in my stomach.

She rubbed her belly lightly and licked her slightly dry lips.

Finally, after walking a long distance, I saw a few middle-aged men with a little tattered and skinny body squatting by the wall to eat.

There are several large pieces of meat in each person’s bowl, and the charming fragrance floats in the air, making Tong Xiang even more hungry.

She stepped forward cautiously,

“Uncle, what is this place?”

Those who squatted on the ground busy eating, responded without raising their heads,

“Fuyong Street, buy and sell things, post tasks, go in and find our captain!”


Tong Xiang couldn’t understand what the middle-aged man said. She looked in the direction the other person was pointing.

It was a building that almost collapsed, and it seemed that it could turn into a pile of rubble at any time.

It was dark inside, and she didn’t dare to go in.

So Tong Xiang asked carefully again,

“Uncle, I’m very hungry now, can you give me something to eat? Don’t worry, I won’t eat your food for nothing, and I will pay you back when I get home!”

When the few people who were eating heard it, they raised their heads in unison, looking at her like a fool.

Someone laughed haha,

“This is really the biggest joke I heard today. Who needs money in this era? Little girl, should you use your brain if you want to cheat?”

Tong Xiang blushed immediately.

It was the crowd who looked up and was deeply fascinated by Tong Xiang’s beauty.

But in this era, the beauty of women is a sin.

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