Chapter 151 Unilateral Massacre

After Du Changqing spent nearly an hour explaining and answering everyone’s questions, everyone finally had a basic understanding of the Haimeng base.

Of course, after this understanding, everyone subconsciously took a breath.

It’s too hard to attack.

If it were placed in ancient times, it would be a natural danger, and even ten times the army would not be able to take it down.

But it’s a pity that it’s a modern era where hot weapons are rampant. If you can’t make a close attack, then you can attack from a distance.

The firearms of the Dawn Army are ten times stronger than those of the Haimeng.

Therefore, Wang Ce is not worried, he still has many methods, enough to win the Haimeng.

“Everyone already fully understands the distribution of their attack targets, right?”


Everyone responded in unison, full of confidence.

As the saying goes, knowing oneself, knowing the enemy, and winning in all battles, it is only at this moment that people truly realize the importance of this sentence.

Wang Ce waved his hand.

“Okay, let’s go!”

The teams of the Dawn Army lined up one after another, and then sorted and checked the guns and ammunition.

After everything was ready, everyone immediately rushed towards the Haimeng.

Under the cover of night, these people arched their bodies and shuttled through the wasteland, making it difficult for anyone to find them.

After the body has evolved, the cliffs are nothing in front of them.

Many soldiers even walked flat on the ground, using their hooks, climbing ladders, hand claws, and foot hooks very handily, almost playing tricks.

In this way, most people quickly approached their offensive goals.

At the same time, the people in all branches of the Haimeng League were still immersed in their dreamland, unaware of the approach of danger from the outside world.

Perhaps they all thought in their hearts that the mountains of the Haimeng base were extremely dangerous, and if they hadn’t had a fixed secret road, it would be very difficult even for monkeys to climb over from outside.

Monkeys are like this, let alone humans.

Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to attack here without doing anything else and risking death.

It’s a pity that what they thought was so good that they didn’t expect Wang Ce to exist at all.

“City Lord, a team is ready!”

“Town Lord, Team Seven is ready”

“The City Lord…”

Soon the eighth team has approached the Hai League branch.

As long as Wang Ce gives an order, they will immediately gather to attack, and they will kill all the people in the branch as quickly as possible.

Wang Ce listened to the words coming from the walkie-talkie, with a smug smile on his lips.

He had always been too kind before, so he didn’t act cruelly to those military districts who wanted to offend him.

So this time, I will use the Haimeng to perform the operation first. If other military districts turn a deaf ear to this, then the military district will be the next one to perform the operation.

“Do it, don’t keep alive!”

Wang Ce said flatly, but his words were full of ferocity.

Liu Kai, who stood beside him, shuddered.

The first shot was echoed in the valley, and the teams rushed into the cave in a swarm, slaughtering unscrupulously.

Most of the Haimeng people are still asleep, and some have just been awakened, and before they realize what happened, they have become a corpse.

There are also some who took up weapons to counterattack, but found that their own weapons and the other party are simply very different.

Some people just hold an axe, while others hold a machete.

On the other hand, the people in Dawn City are fully equipped.

This was simply a unilateral massacre. Dawn City directly crushed the Haimeng, killing all the people in its branch, whether it was a man or a woman, leaving none.

Wang Ce stood on the edge of a cliff, and beneath it was an abyss.

Facing the night breeze, he looked into the distance and listened to the fierce fighting erupting in the caves of the various branches of the Haimeng.

At that moment, he was like a high emperor, watching the world, invincible.

Not long after, gunshots and fighting ceased in each of the branch caves.

Wang Ce closed his eyes and listened carefully to the sound of the wind.

After a few breaths, a deafening explosion suddenly erupted from a section, and the dazzling fire light illuminates all the scenery around the entrance of the cave.

“Report to the city lord, the blasting of Division 3 is complete!”

“Report to the lord, the blasting of Division 2 is complete”


A series of voices came from the intercom, and Wang Ce smiled with satisfaction.

Then he jumped and jumped out of the abyss.

When it fell at a rapid speed, a strange noise different from the explosions of various parts came into the ears.

At that moment, Wang Ce immediately opened his eyes, and the aircraft on the armor turned on instantly.

“right here!”

He quickly flew in the direction of the sound.

After a few seconds, I saw a huge hole with a lot of ropes hanging above the hole, with indented passages on the side, and stairways.

In this regard, he did not hesitate to give praise.

“This Qin Hai will really find a place, such a secret location, ordinary people can’t get here.”

But is Wang Ce an ordinary person?

He slowly levitated and approached, and before he reached the entrance of the cave, he heard an angry voice coming from inside.


“Kill your people!”

As soon as he said something, Wang Ce waved his hand and pointed out, like Flying Daggers, the big dragonfinch embedded on the arm armor shot out.

The person inside hadn’t even appeared yet, and there was no sound anymore.

But it was precisely because of this dying sound that everyone inside was defensive.

Many people rushed to the entrance of the cave, and some pulled the trigger directly, and dozens of bullets poured in.

Wang Ce closed his hands, folded his arms around his chest, and continued to approach unhurriedly, his face always holding a wicked and somewhat mocking smile.

The bullet hit him, but he couldn’t even scratch it.

Those people were horrified by the situation. One person can fly in the air without fear of bullets.

Such an existence is either a fairy or a ghost.

The guards in the cave were so scared that they shouted again and again, and the more timid had fled into the cave.

“A bunch of cowards, Qin Hai, let him get out of me!”

Wang Ce shouted angrily, but no one dared to respond to his words.

Some people were still bold enough to keep the machete in front of them, wanting to do their best to resist Wang Ce.

But how could they be Wang Ce’s opponent?

The Great Xia Dragon Sparrow pulled out of the dead body by itself, and then rotated and flew extremely fast in the wide cave.

The blood on the knife was gleaming, as if condensed with monstrous killing intent.

Wang Ce didn’t need to show the true face of the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow, he only had to control the reduced Great Xia Dragon Sparrow.

It was enough to execute them all, leaving only one living mouth.

In the face of this kind of shaman, he was too lazy to even take a look.

“Come on, where is Qin Hai?”

Wang Ce walked to his side and looked into the depths of the cave.

The man knelt on the ground and shivered, his eyes staring like copper bells, and his eyes were bloodshot.

He had never thought that the person in front of him was so terrible. From the time he entered, he had killed more than a dozen people without even showing the gun. The methods of killing were even more weird.

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