Chapter 149

“The leader of the alliance is extremely powerful, and he can just use his fingers to kill those people to the death. It’s really mighty.”

“Who is the leader of our Qin League? That is the son of heaven.”

“That’s right. In the near future, even the head of the military region will have to say good things to our leader.”

In a huge cave like a square, a group of people raised their wine glasses to compliment Qin Hai who was sitting in the first place.

At this time, Qin Hai was a little bit drunk, but still drinking continuously.

Sitting in the vice seat was a slim and beautiful woman. The woman was Qiu Ziyuan.

She elegantly held the red wine glass and looked at the scene in front of her with contempt.

In her eyes, Qin Hai was nothing at all.

When Qin Hai was in confusion, from time to time he secretly aimed at Qiu Ziyuan.

When he found that the latter still had an expression of disinterest, there was a little emptiness in his heart.

After half an hour, everyone was drinking, and they couldn’t stand still.

Finally, he was dragged away from the cave by his subordinates.

When only Qin Hai and Qiu Ziyuan remained in the cave, the slightly dim yellow candlelight added some ambiguous atmosphere.

“Zi Yuan, do you seem unhappy?”

Qin Hai said first, he came to Qiu Ziyuan with a wine glass.

The latter smiled indifferently, but instead questioned,

“Is there anything that can make me happy?”

“Hey, I won a battle today.”

“Victory? Do you know how much trouble you have caused?”

“Get into trouble? Oh, what can you do if you kill that group of people? Besides, even if you get into trouble, I still take it all down. With this secret weapon, who can move me?”

Qin Hai said, removing the glass ball necklace from his neck.

Inside the glass ball, there is a large blue lobster, which looks extremely delicate.

Qiu Ziyuan mocked this,

“You don’t really think that after this, you will be invincible, do you?”

“Do you know who your opponent is today?”


Qin Hai opened his mouth and spit out a strong scent of alcohol, which made Qiu Ziyuan very disgusted, but she still said word by word.

“If I’m not mistaken, the one who can become a werewolf should be the head of the Qingjiang Military Region, Li Guosheng.”

“And the old man who was rescued is Wu Shiqing, the section chief of the Ming Naval District Research Institute.”

When Qin Hai heard this, he sneered.

“I thought who it was, that is, Li Guosheng had a little background. As for Wu Shiqing, heh, there is one bad old man, and there is another one. It’s not bad, and he is quite strong.”

“The most troublesome thing is the strong one. He is Wang Ce’s subordinate.”

Qiu Ziyuan took a sip of wine and said lightly,

“Wang Ce’s name, you should have heard of it. Overwhelming Zou Congjun, who is about to kneel and lick you, built Dawn City with one hand and became a thorn in the eye of the heads of other military regions, but he was still alive and comfortable.”

“Now he is colluding with Li Guosheng again, and your alliance is between Minghai City and Qingjiang City.”

“If he wants to clean up you, he can flick it between the two sides. It’s easy, do you think you have any chance of winning?”

The only thing that came out was that there was more murderous air on the scene.

Qin Hai also put away his disdainful expression, his expression gradually becoming solemn.

He drank two sips of the wine, and the hot wine could not dissolve the chill in his heart.

As Qiu Ziyuan said, he is indeed on a big deal now.

He also knew Wang Ce’s name very well. It was definitely a master Yazi would report.

But now, Qin Hai guessed that Wang Ce already knew everything, and he must be ready to attack himself.

There is another reason why he thinks so, and that is that he can control these powerful alien creatures.

Wang Ce knew this, how could he not covet this ability?

Sitting up, Qiu Ziyuan saw the other’s changing complexion, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, knowing that he was right.

Then, she got up and walked slowly around Qin Hai, looking at it carefully.

“So, what are your plans next?”

“Should you continue to hide in this dark place, or should you take the first step and fight head-on?”

Qin Hai swallowed hard and turned to look at the woman.

At this moment, he realized that this woman was really terrifying, and had the ability to guide and control the intentions of others.

Even though Qin Hai wanted to change his choice, he found that his brain was considering the ultimate gains and losses of the two choices given by the other party.

“I… I don’t know.”

After he finished his last sip of wine in the glass, a fiery stream of heat entered his abdomen and immediately rushed to the top of his head.

Qiu Ziyuan is like playing with a little bird that has no resistance, constantly disrupting Qin Hai’s thoughts, causing him to fall into a trap and unable to escape.

This is actually the ability she accidentally acquired after evolution-mental manipulation.

Now her evolutionary level is relatively low, so she can only be guided by words or behaviors, and finally achieve the purpose of manipulation.

Finally, Qin Hai was completely controlled by her. This control was not permanent, but it would change his mind in his subconscious.

The most frightening thing is that even after being awake, it is difficult for the manipulated person to notice that he has been manipulated.

“What should I do, what should I do?”

Qin Hai kept repeating these words like dementia.

In front of him, Qiu Ziyuan’s beautiful eyes wandered, using his index finger to gently tap his forehead,

“What you have to do now is to immediately attack the Qingjiang Military Region with all your strength, occupy it and build it as a base area.”

“Now that the Qingjiang Military Region has no leader, it is the best opportunity. Don’t miss it.”

“Okay, I’m going to occupy the Qingjiang Military Region, and I want to become the head of the military region.”

Qin Hai murmured.

Qiu Ziyuan nodded with a satisfied smile, her goal has been achieved.

As long as she occupies the Qingjiang Military Region, she can continue to develop her ambitions.

Although she is a woman, she thinks she doesn’t need any difference from a man.

In her view, this disaster is a great opportunity and a great opportunity for her to truly reach the pinnacle of her life.

If she catches it, she is confident that she can open a new chapter of the era and create a prosperous world again.

Qin Hai muttered to himself. Under Qiu Ziyuan’s order, he walked into a branch cave of the cave, which was his bedroom.

Qiu Ziyuan walked to the depths of the cave.

No lights were installed on the road behind, only a small flashlight in her hand was used for lighting, but she did not have the slightest timidity.

She didn’t stand still until it was nearly a hundred meters deep.

In front of her, there is a huge stone gate with a lot of mysterious symbols carved on it.

After many years of weathering, many symbols have been unclear.

Faintly, only a few humanoid symbols and a few weird-looking super-large creatures can be seen, including octopuses, crabs, shrimps…

Qiu Ziyuan stepped forward and put his hand in a palm-shaped groove on the stone gate.

Thinking carefully, it is extremely scary that there are only three fingerprints in this groove.

Therefore, she can only put the four fingers outside the thumb together in pairs.


A strange energy was drawn from her body and poured into the stone gate, the gate slowly ascending.

A faint blue light shone on Qiu Ziyuan’s body.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, revealing a greedy expression, a few seconds later, she walked forward step by step in a daze.

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