Chapter 143-Battle Plan

Early in the morning, in an office in the auditorium of the management center, Wang Ce and the managers of Shuguang City were having a meeting.

Zou Congjun took out a folder from his briefcase and presented it to Wang Ce with both hands.

“City Lord, this is a battle plan for Bella around Dawn City. Please have a look.”

Wang Ce opened it and looked at it carefully.

At the same time, Zou Congjun also began to give a general explanation.

“According to the investigation results of the investigation team, the number of Bella at the south gate of Dawn City is the largest, and their attack power is also extremely strong, so I think the south gate should be mainly defensive, supplemented by seduction.”

“There are also a lot of numbers in the north of the city, slightly worse than in the south. On the west and east of the city, the number of Bella is slightly less.”

“And in the battle last night, Bella was killed or injured a bit more on these two sides. Coupled with the weak coordination between the two places, it is most likely to be breached.”

“Therefore, we should take the lead in attacking from these two places, breaking them into parts, and then defeating them one by one.”


Wang Ce’s gaze has always been on the proposal. After listening to Zou Congjun’s simple explanation, he nodded in agreement.

“The two places are indeed sparsely distributed, but have you checked the reason?”

This question really stopped Zou Congjun. He just wanted to find the weakest part of the enemy and then break it down in one fell swoop.

But I didn’t think about why these two places were weak, and even the overall strength of Bella in the north of the city was stronger than that of the East and the West.

Wang Ce looked up at Zou Congjun, who immediately showed an awkward expression, and then shook his head in shame.

“Sorry, this is my negligence!”

Wang Ce closed the proposal, leaned back, leaned on the chair, and looked at everyone present.

“Regarding Bella’s habits, everyone must have found it out during the battle last night.”

“They are very gluttonous and can eat all living creatures with energy, so they are distributed in places with a lot of food.”

“The South Gate is the largest gateway to Dawn City. It has the most soldiers guarded here, and the strength is also the strongest. This will attract many Bella.”

Everyone listened quietly, nodding their heads in agreement.

Wang Ce continued to explain to everyone,

“So, we can take advantage of their tendency towards high-strength energy bodies to disperse them and break them one by one.”

The words have not yet landed, Liu Kai raised his hand, and Wang Ce asked him to speak.

Liu Kai said,

“Helper, if a single person with super energy is to seduce, then Bella will definitely chase it?”

“In theory, it is true, but in fact it is not. For the time being, there are only a handful of people in the city who are qualified to attract Bella to the split.”

“And I won’t let these people risk their deaths to attract Bella, because the value and ability of each of them is much higher than a hundred thousand Bella combined.”

Speaking of this, some of the people present were very happy, because they all knew that what Wang Ce was talking about was himself.

Such as Liu Yifan, Du Changqing, Wu Ming and others.

Some people are happy and some are worried, and a small group of people talk to each other in whispers, and they all express their worries.

“But if that’s the case, how can we seduce Bella?”

“Yeah, they can’t be allowed to continue under the siege, otherwise we might all be trapped and die here.”

“Or let’s ask the city lord to dig a tunnel, so that everyone can leave Dawn City through the tunnel and hunt outside.”


In short, all kinds of discussions and complaints were made all at once.

Although everyone spoke very softly, everything came into Wang Ce’s ears.

“I also understand your worries, but rest assured, I have my own way.”

Wang Ce snapped his fingers, and a drone with a diameter of about two meters was suspended outside the window.

Everyone looked at him, showing doubts.

Humanoid drones, most of them know that this is Wang Ce’s exclusive, but what does it mean to appear at this moment?

Wang Ce informed everyone of his own plan, and most of them immediately began to talk in a low voice. They seemed to disagree with each other, but no one dared to say it directly.

Others just sat there in a daze, without making any comments.

After arguing for a long time, in Wang Ce’s cold snort, everyone closed their mouths and looked at Wang Ce quietly, expecting his real decision.

“The existence of drones is mainly to strive for the upgraded cores produced by each Bella after death. As long as there are enough upgraded cores, we can use them to make super powerful weapons in scientific research institutes to deal with Bella.”

After listening, everyone nodded, and no one dared to say a word.

Then Wang Ce said to everyone,

“In the next two days, just do a good job of defensive work, and at the same time make all the wasteland reclamation teams in the city be prepared.”

“In the future, there will be a real full-scale war. It will be difficult to implement the combat plan only with soldiers guarding the city. We need more people.”

“In addition, today the drone manufacturing production line has just started, and it is expected that three thousand drones will be produced in two days.”

When he said this, his expression became extremely serious, and everyone present felt a heavy pressure.

“This will be the first time we take the initiative to launch a full-scale battle against Bella. We can only succeed and not fail. After this battle, we must get back at least 10,000 upgraded cores.”

After hearing this number, everyone’s heart trembled.

What is the concept of 10,000 upgraded cores?

In short, none of the people present dared to imagine.

Then, after many discussions among the people, the final improved combat plan was finally sorted out.

After Wang Ce watched it, he was very satisfied and told all relevant departments of Dawn City to immediately implement the plan.

Just as Wang Ce was about to end the meeting and left, a senior executive handed a report to Wang Ce respectfully.

“City Lord, this is the network information we have recently collected. Based on this, I request Dawn City to cooperate with several surrounding military districts, which can show our strength on the one hand, and Ascension our status on the other hand.”

“Nowadays, Dawn City has become the focus of heated discussions on the Internet. We must do something at this time, otherwise, I am afraid that it will be jointly attacked by several other military regions soon.”

After listening to these words, Wang Ce sneered and shook his head.

“A few small military districts, even if they come, what’s the matter? When Bella is resolved, I will visit them one by one!”

As he spoke, he patted the report on the table.

Get up, get out of place, and go out.

In this set of actions, Wang Ce was decisive and unrestrained, without entanglement or hesitation.

After he left, the rest of the people looked at each other.

At the same time, Wang Ce met the long-awaited Li Guosheng outside the door.

The latter looked anxious, his voice trembled slightly when he spoke.

“King City Lord, please allow me to take the evolution potion back. If I wait any longer, I’m afraid…”

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