Chapter 138 Cholera Dawn City


Liu Yifan yelled, and Fang Tian painted a halberd in his hand to draw a half-moon blade, and slashed towards Li Guosheng.

At this time, Li Guosheng reflexively raised his right paw and blocked Fang Tian’s painting of a halberd.

At this moment, Liu Yifan’s mouth raised slightly, revealing a mocking smile.

In his opinion, no monster can withstand the blow of own Fang Tian’s painted halberd, because this is the strongest weapon that Wang Ce gave him.

However, at the moment when Fang Tian’s painted ji collided with Li Guosheng’s claws, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

The two actually fought together, bursting out thousands of sparks.

The violent impact shook people’s ears.

The next moment, Liu Yifan was shaken back for two steps. When he stood still, his hands were still shaking slightly.

Li Guosheng also stepped back a few steps, and the sharp claws on his hands had already been cracked.

Being able to do this has already shocked everyone.

Only with a physical body can hold such a powerful high-tech weapon, it can be seen that his physique has been incredibly strong.


Li Guosheng roared, and his claws gradually extended under the witness of everyone, reaching a length of one and a half feet.

The sharp claws shone with cold light, and the killing air burst out from it.

Until this moment, Liu Yifan showed a serious look.

From just the blow, he realized that the monster in front of him was absolutely extraordinary, much stronger than any monsters and upgraded beasts he had encountered before.

“Good guy, pretty good! But in front of your Grandpa Liu, that’s all!”

The moment the words landed, he turned into an afterimage, and when he appeared again, he was slashed on Li Guosheng’s neck with a halberd.

That style, shaped like a gust of wind, and like lightning, is so fast that people can’t see its trajectory.

Even though the speed was so fast, Liu Yifan was still shocked to find that there were five sharp claws on his chest.

In an instant, his heart was tangled up.

He deeply realizes that there is still a gap between himself and the other party.

If it weren’t for the Grade A interstellar armor he was wearing, he might have been pierced into his chest by the opponent at this moment.

Li Guosheng roared, a huge force came from his arm, and he threw Liu Yifan away.

And The next moment Liu Kai appeared in front of him, and a spear pierced his chest.

But Li Guosheng was extremely fast, grabbing the tip of the spear almost in the blink of an eye, and then a huge force was uploaded from the tip of the spear.

Liu Kai didn’t care whether he attacked, he only cared about the final result, but even if it was the method of the sneak attack, he still couldn’t take advantage of Li Guosheng.

The immense power on the spear slammed Liu Kai out, turning into an arc, and smashed to the ground far away.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Ming also rushed forward. He did not have high-tech weapons, only the pair of fists was his greatest support.

“Die to me!”

The moment he shouted, he had already lost, because a pair of giant claws had been caught between his ribs.

Wu Ming was panting heavily, but found that own breathing was getting harder and harder. The armor could defend against powerful attacks, but it couldn’t relieve the violent pressure on his chest.

“Do not……”

Wu Ming was unwilling to die like this, but he had already smelled a strong breath of Death.

When the other two saw this scene, all their eyes were torn apart, but a deep sense of powerlessness rose from the bottom of their hearts.

They finally realized that they were no match for the werewolf monster in front of them.

This monster is too strong, so strong that they have given rise to a sense of despair.

“Let go of my brother!”

Liu Yifan climbed up from the ground with difficulty, and rushed over again with all his strength. At the same time, Liu Kai also held a spear and desperately rescued Wu Ming.

At the moment when the two of them were about to approach Li Guosheng, Li Guosheng suddenly looked up to the sky and roared.

That extremely strong sonic attack knocked the two of them off again.

At that moment, the two only felt that the world was spinning, their minds were chaotic, and there was nothing else in front of them except chaos.

Li Guosheng opened his mouth wide and bit Wu Ming’s neck.

Just at that moment, a hand suddenly appeared, firmly grasping his upper jaw.

Li Guosheng’s mouth couldn’t be bitten down, his eyes lifted up, and Wang Cezheng was looking at him coldly.

“Land of Dawn, how can you make a mistake?”

While speaking, Wang Ce used a little force and threw Li Guosheng away heavily, hitting the half-collapsed wall, and smashing it into a pile of rubble.

Then, before Li Guosheng stood up, Wang Ce flashed in front of him in an instant, and then slammed it head-on.

With this punch, Li Guosheng’s head was smashed into the ruins, and a large amount of rubble fell on him, almost burying him.


He just let out an angry roar, The next moment found himself being thrown into the air.

Wang Ce stepped on the ground with both feet, propelled by the armored aircraft, and flew into the air, kicking on Li Guosheng’s chest.

The latter fell quickly, and no matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail.


There was a loud noise, accompanied by heavy dust.

Li Guosheng smashed deeply into the pothole in the ground.

When he got up, he was already in a daze, he couldn’t stand straight, his body swayed, as if he was drunk.

Wang Ce put his hands behind him and landed slowly.

He is like a god, looking down.

At this moment, Liu Yifan, Liu Kai and others below hurriedly knelt to greet them, not daring to neglect the slightest.

Li Guosheng’s eyes were blushing, and the muscles on his body bulged high again, and the sharp hair turned upside down like steel needles.

He fiercely raised his head to look at Wang Ce in the air.


He made unclear voices intermittently, but Wang Ce heard clearly.

Now Wang Ce doesn’t know that this person is Li Guosheng, so while using him to dispel the arrogance of Liu Yifan and others, he must be wiped out forever.

When Wang Ce was suspicious of Li Guosheng’s identity, he suddenly opened his mouth, a blue light condensed from his mouth, and then burst out instantly.

Wang Ce really felt that the energy contained in the blue light was so similar to the energy emitted by the nuclear light cannon.

Just when he was stunned by it, he was hit hard by the laser.

At that moment, his figure flew upside down, and the violent explosion sound almost spread throughout most of Dawn City.

The dazzling blue light made everyone look up to the sky involuntarily.


Li Guosheng raised his hands in excitement, and the scarlet color in his eyes finally returned to the normal color of humans.

His eyes gradually appeared a little normal at this moment, but the overall look was still ignorant.

But at The next moment, Li Guosheng suddenly knelt on the ground, staring at his hands in a daze, and said in disbelief,

“I… I killed the city lord?”

This result made him feel like a bolt from the blue!

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