Chapter 131 The Powerful Dawn City

Under the dark night sky, among countless meteorite showers, a blue flash was dazzling.

Li Guosheng didn’t see the true face of the figure in the first time, but only felt a powerful energy blooming from the figure.

This light cut through the darkness and also cut off the shackles of Li Guosheng’s Death.

The huge meteorite was divided into two, and the dazzling fire burst into the air.

A thick heat wave landed on the earth, shaking Li Guosheng back again and again, he couldn’t help but block his eyes.

Li Guosheng’s evolutionary strength is stronger than that of ordinary people, but it is far from being able to compete with the shock waves produced by meteorites.

A few seconds later, when Li Guosheng was about to open his eyes, he felt his body lightened. The whole person was lifted up in the air and flew quickly in the direction of Dawn City.

The strong wind blows on the face, like a thin line cutting across the face.

Li Guosheng couldn’t even open his eyes, so he could only try his best to keep his arms in front of him and cover his face.

He wanted to shout, but his mouth was filled with wind, and he couldn’t even make a sound.

In this way, after dozens of seconds, the stinging strong wind of the scraped skin suddenly stopped.

The body also slowly fell, and finally his feet touched the ground again.

At this moment, Li Guosheng lowered his arms and looked forward in a daze.

In front of him, there are rows of ruined buildings. Although they are not complete, they are ten times better than the refuge in Qingjiang City.

At least the buildings here can clearly be seen to have been cleaned and refurbished.

Then he looked up again, and a huge light blue dome shrouded his head.

Countless flame-burning meteorites violently hit the dome, only oscillating out a ring of ripples.

The entire Dawn City was hardly destroyed by meteorite rain, and everything was so peaceful and silent.

When Li Guosheng looked behind him, the huge humanoid tank shocked him back and forth again and again.

“You… are you a robot?”

He asked tremblingly.

The mechanical parts on the chest of the humanoid tank moved slowly, and soon, Wang Ce revealed his true face.

“Chief Li, don’t come here unharmed!”

“You are……”

Li Guosheng’s eyes widened, and he finally saw Wang Ce’s face clearly under the radiance of the meteorite shower.

“Dawn City Lord?”

“it’s me!”

At this moment, Li Guosheng was overjoyed, and his uncontrollable excitement was completely revealed.

After suffering, he finally saw Wang Ce’s true face, and he was saved by the other party. This kindness is really hard to repay.

“It’s great, it’s really great. King City Lord, admiring his name for a long time, disrespectful!”

Li Guosheng stood up straight, and after entering a military salute, he walked two steps forward and stretched out his hand to ask for a handshake with Wang Ce.

Wang Ce lowered the tank and held it together.

“Chief Li has come all the way, and it’s been a lot of work. I have prepared a place to rest for you. Let’s go and rest for one night. If you have anything to do, I will talk about it tomorrow.”

Li Guosheng wanted to express his inner request, but Wang Ce had already said it to this point, and naturally said that he did not want to talk too much.

So Li Guosheng quickly thanked him and stopped discussing the purpose of this visit.

More and more meteorite rain fell above their heads, and the fluctuations of the energy shield became stronger and stronger with each impact.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ce frowned slightly.

He had been worried about whether the energy shield could completely resist the impact of meteor shower.

“System, how long can the energy shield protect?”

【Ding! According to the defense level of the energy shield, it can resist for up to ten minutes! 】

“Ten minutes? This won’t work, upgrade now!”

【Ding! Upgrade the energy shield and consume 5000 survival points! 】

At that moment, Wang Ce almost heard the sound of his heartbreak.

Five thousand survival points, just to upgrade a protective cover, this almost killed him half his life.

But the situation is imminent, and it won’t work if he doesn’t escalate, unless he is willing to abandon Dawn City.

Sure enough, after upgrading the protective shield, the impact of the meteorite rain was simply insignificant, and Wang Ce was no longer worried.

“Lord Wangcheng, is the thing shrouded in Dawning Cheng a new technology product manufactured by your city?”

Li Guosheng asked suspiciously, he had never heard of this stuff before.

With this, Qingjiang Refuge can also have a certain degree of self-protection ability.

But Wang Ce just glanced at him casually.

“No comment!”

These four words are deeply pierced in Li Guosheng’s heart.

In Qingjiang Military District, Li Guosheng is the head of a military district, and everyone is in awe of him.

But here, Li Guosheng is just one of the refugees.

Wang Ce saved him because of Wang Jianguo’s request.

After eating, Li Guosheng stopped talking, just watched all this quietly.

Only a few minutes later did he discover that Dawn City really had enough capital to build the city.

Not to mention this magical protective shield, it is said that the steel city wall has far surpassed other military districts.

You know, even a city wall built with earth, stone, brick and tile requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

In this era, most people can’t even eat enough, how could they be willing to be obedient and build city walls?

No matter what method Wang Ce uses, he has enough ability to feed the whole city and work at his orders.

The head of any military region, if he can achieve this step, will not succumb to his current position, and will inevitably go further.


Suddenly, a deafening roar came from behind.

Li Guosheng shrank his neck in fright, quickly looked behind him, and ran a few steps in the opposite direction.

This roar is really terrifying, it is the most terrifying sound Li Guosheng has heard so far, far better than the roar of those monsters and upgraded beasts.

“City Lord, a monster is about to attack the city!”

“Don’t worry, it’s my city guard!”

Wang Ce walked quickly in the direction of the roar.

After thinking about it, Li Guosheng quickly followed.

Soon, they came to a place not far from the chimpanzee.

Li Guosheng’s jaw was almost astonished when he saw the huge, yelling chimpanzee and thumping his chest.

Raising such a super monster in the city, I am afraid that no military district can do this step except Dawn City.

Li Guosheng roughly estimated that the chimpanzee was at least forty meters tall, and the monsters or upgraded beasts he usually encountered were only about one or two meters tall.

Those monsters and upgraded beasts are only worthy of stuffing their teeth in front of the chimpanzee.

But such a terrifying existence turned out to be the city beast of Dawn City.

Li Guosheng really didn’t dare to see that the scene before him was real, even if it was a dream, the dream was too outrageous.

“What’s wrong?”

Wang Ce stepped forward and asked.

The chimpanzee looked towards the sky full of killing intent and roared loudly,


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