Chapter 112

“Helper, can we count this as returning home?”

Liu Yifan leaned on the track of the tank, gnawing at the upgraded beast in his hand and asked.

Sitting on the tank, Wang Ce looked in the direction of Qingjiang City, his heart seemed to have returned to the shelter.

“Almost, this time we will take away everything we can bring, and we won’t come back many times in the future.”


Liu Yifan nibbled a piece of meat excitedly, picked up a bottle of mineral water, and took a sip lovingly.

He licked his slightly dry lips,

“Oh, to be honest, I can’t bear the base. That was the first time I lived in a sheltered place after the disaster. It’s not long, but the feelings are deep.”

As he said, Liu Yifan glanced at Du Changqing, who was standing on the withered tree in the distance.

“Speaking of which, helper, this kid is like a wooden person all day long. He wants to say a few words to him, but he can’t jump out a word for a long time.”

“I thought Liu Kai was boring enough. Who else has an elm head.”

“Haha, speak ill of others behind, be careful to be heard.” Wang Ce reminded with a smile.

Liu Yifan really didn’t care.

“How is it possible? At such a distance, even if his evolutionary specialty is ears, he may not be able to hear clearly. Besides, even if he hears it, it can take me…”

Before the words were finished, a light arrow shot towards Liu Yifan’s feet straight and diagonally.

At that time, Liu Yifan jumped on the tank with fright.

He looked up and saw Du Changqing looking over here.

At that time, Liu Yifan got angry, holding the meat in his hand and shouting at the other party.

“Hey, don’t you just say a few words? As for shooting me with arrows? Don’t think that your excellent archery skills are great. Someone will stand up with me!”

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, three light arrows shot in swiftly, and in the blink of an eye, they shot to the front.

At this speed, even the current Wang Ce was only able to dodge it just now.

As for Liu Yifan, there is no possibility of dodge.

At that moment, Liu Yifan felt a hundred regrets in his heart.

Why do you regret that your mouth owes so much? Why bother with such a straight-headed thing?

Three arrows grazed Liu Yifan’s head and shot past, exploding behind him.

The rest of the prestige fluctuations caused Liu Yifan to stagger forward.

Suddenly, Liu Yifan was furious looking for Du Changqing to settle accounts.

However, Wang Ce’s warning made him immediately show Fang Tian’s painting halberd.

When Liu Yifan turned his head and looked behind him, cold sweat broke out on his back.

In front of the tank, a huge white ant with wings crawled out of a sunken pit.

Each ant is the size of a puppy, and the two sharp teeth are glowing with cold light.

Wang Ce said,

“Du Changqing, I didn’t want to shoot you just now, but shoot the three upgraded termites flying towards you.”

Hearing this, Liu Yifan’s cheeks blushed and he couldn’t hold onto his face, so he immediately changed the subject.

“Helper, you quickly get into the tank, I’ll stop it.”

“Come on, you can’t stop these things!”

Wang Ce shouted to everyone,

“Get together quickly and don’t distract your actions.”

“Make a torch to ignite and disperse termites.”

Ordinary people will be in a rush to face this scene, but Wang Ce has seen such scenes of termites besieging humans more than once in his previous life.

So I know how to deal with it.

The upgraded termites that have evolved for the first time still retain their fear of fire. They only need a little flame to prevent them from attacking rashly.

Under Wang Ce’s command, everyone immediately tore their clothes into pieces of cloth, then smeared them with gasoline and set them on fire.

A group of people formed a circle back to back, unanimously outside, waving with torches to disperse the flying termites.

Wang Ce entered the tank and turned into a human form, then flashed the light knife and directly inserted it into the termite hole.

The upgraded light knife is to decompose the beam, no matter it is any creature, any body part that touches the light knife will be instantly decomposed.

Those termites that wanted to get out were completely wiped out after hitting the light knife.

But at this time, thousands of termites were flying in the sky and attacking everyone.

Liu Yifan seemed to be possessed by God of War, waving Fang Tian’s painted halberd, slashing and killing termites continuously.

Fortunately, these termites are all evolved for the first time, and their strength is not strong, even Liu Yifan’s armor cannot be broken.

It’s just that the number is large, and it can’t be killed in a short time.

A light arrow was shot in the air, and each arrow exploded on a termite, eventually spreading to several.

Du Changqing shot coldly, reaching the extreme speed, like a machine gun, which was terrifying.

Wang Ce held the light knife in his hand, and suddenly the system’s survival point sounded in his ear to get a reminder.

[Kill an upgraded termite to gain 5 survival points. 】

[Kill an upgraded termite to gain 5 survival points. 】


“Huh? This…”

At the beginning, there will be an interval of one or two seconds between the prompts.

But after tens of seconds, the survival point acquisition reminder is like an explosion.

To Wang Ce, it was as if someone was constantly chanting scriptures on both sides of own, and he felt that his head was about to dizzy.

At this moment, he really felt that the survival point was increasing as if money were not needed.

This is simply an excellent way to save survival points, it can be called a bug.

On the other side, Liu Yifan slayed vigorously, with several termites lying on his body.

But no matter how it bites, the teeth cannot pierce the armor’s protection.

“Haha, rubbish, come here some kind, let you taste Grandpa’s Fang Tian painting halberd.”

With a sweep while speaking, two termites were cut across the waist.

Bang bang!

Then there was an explosion in his ears, which shook his ears.

Looking back, I saw Du Changqing pull the bow and arrow again.

“Good fellow, take this opportunity to retaliate against me. Hmph, just see who kills more, and I’ll settle the account with you afterwards.”

Liu Yifan struggled to slaughter the original thousands of termites, but only a few dozen of them were left at this time.

Finally, under the joint efforts of everyone, it was completely wiped out.

At this moment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Wang Ce tiredly, asking for instructions.

Little did he know that Wang Ce was about to shake the sky at this moment.

In just a moment of effort, he obtained a full eight thousand survival points.

The value of a single termite is not high, but it cannot withstand the large number.

Seeing this momentum, if he continues to brush it off, he can easily break 10,000.

“Helper, what are you doing?”

Liu Yifan walked over with Fang Tian’s painted halberd and asked suspiciously.

Wang Ce glanced at him.

“Nonsense, of course it is blocking the hole. Hurry up and take people away. The farther you go, the better. I’ll catch up later.”

“What are you looking at? Don’t dare!”

Under Wang Ce’s scolding, Liu Yifan and Du Changqing hurriedly drove away with everyone.

It was not until they disappeared from Wang Ce’s sight that the latter prepared to pull out the light knife.

But at this moment, Wang Ce only felt that the ground under his feet was slowly creeping, and there seemed to be something big to get out.

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