Chapter 105 Evolution


Xiao Ke flapped his wings excitedly, looking at Wang Ce who was almost exhausted with his big eyes.

“You little guy is really good at picking up ready-made ones. You don’t work hard when you work. If you have a bargain, you will run out quickly. I won’t take you next time.”

Wang Ce said silently.

Xiao Ke has been attached to Wang Ce’s body all this time, protecting important parts of his body at any time.

However, after possessing the S-class interstellar armor, Wang Ce didn’t care much about trivial matters.

At least for now, no creature can break through the defense of the S-class armor.

Xiao Ke’s eyes rolled steadily, as if begging to Wang Ce.

“You mean, it has upgraded cores in its body?”


Xiao Ke responded with excitement, his two wings flapping constantly.

Wang Ce controlled the robotic arm, stood up on his body, and then turned the robotic arm into a giant sword.

He slashed hard on the pangolin’s head, and suddenly a thin crack was cut, and then he slashed again.

After a few blows, the pangolin’s defense was finally broken.

But under the constant firing of the armor-piercing projectile just now, the pangolin’s brain was all muddled.

Wang Ce checked it and found no upgraded core.

“Don’t make a mistake!”


“Forget it, if you can find it, you can eat it yourself. Although it is an upgraded beast that has evolved nearly four times, its upgraded core is not much stronger.”

After that, Wang Ce asked the system to check the damage of the tank.

The result was not optimistic. The defense system was almost completely destroyed, and other mechanical parts were also severely damaged.

So, he spent a thousand survival points to repair it as before.

After deeply feeling the shortcomings of the humanoid tank, Wang Ce continued to upgrade it.

This upgrade cost another 3,000 survival points.

Of course, what you pay for is what you pay for. This time, the tank’s various functions are almost ascension to the extreme.

【Ding! Upgrade the attack system to unlock the plasma cannon! 】

【Ding! Unlock the remote flight function! 】

【Ding! Laser weapon upgrades, lasers are transformed into decomposed beams! 】


The uninterrupted system prompts echoed in Wang Ce’s ears, and his sense of security immediately became Ascension.

The current tank has become a complete body, dozens of times stronger than before the upgrade.

In particular, the upgrade of the light knife has made its attack power reach an incredible level.

In the past, the light knife was laser cutting, but the current light knife will break it down as long as it touches an object.

Where the light knife passed, everything went to nothing.

If you fight with the upgraded pangolin again at this moment.

Wang Ce is confident that within three moves, he will surely be killed.

“Huh! Now even if you encounter upgraded beasts that have evolved four times, you don’t have to worry about it.”

Wang Ce said cheerfully.

Inadvertently, he saw the pangolin corpse lying on the ground collapsed.

When he reached out and touched it, only a piece of skin with scales was left, and the flesh and blood in it disappeared.

Needless to say, it must be Xiao Ke’s masterpiece.


Xiao Ke’s cry came from above his head, and Wang Ce couldn’t help feeling surprised when he looked up.

Xiao Ke’s body changed again.

The body became slender, like a snake, the whole body was silver, with wings growing three inches below the head, four small claws on the belly, and two cute little tentacles on the top of the head.

It looks like a candle dragon in myths and legends.

“Xiao Ke, have you evolved again?”


Xiao Ke rushed forward quickly.

Just as he was about to hit Wang Ce’s chest, he immediately took a sharp turn, flying around Wang Ce’s body like a show of skill.


Xiao Ke shook his head, then raised his head to the sky, with a slight red glow in his belly.

This scene is quite similar to when the pangolin condensed energy just now.

Wang Ce watched attentively.

When the energy was condensed, Xiao Ke suddenly opened his mouth, spitting out a wave of flames.

The surrounding temperature instantly ascending, and the space seems to be burnt and deformed.

Blaze waves sprayed onto the pangolin’s scales.

In an instant, the scales were scorched and melted, and within ten seconds, they disappeared into nothing.

This scene stunned Wang Ce.

Before, he could not break the pangolin’s armor at one time with a light knife.

Xiao Ke at this moment actually destroyed this armor at once, showing how terrifying the power of the flame light wave.

Xiao Ke’s flaunting chirping seems to be saying,

“Look, I’m great, don’t you hurry up and praise me?”

Wang Ce smiled and stretched out his hand to him, and Xiao Ke immediately fell on his arm, knowingly.

“The little guy is pretty amazing. I don’t know what you will eventually evolve into. If there is something delicious in the future, I will definitely be the first to give it to you.”

Xiao Ke screamed happily, then melted into a pool of liquid, penetrated into the humanoid tank, and attached to Wang Ce’s body.

Killing the upgraded pangolin this time, although encountering great danger, Wang Ce still felt it was worth it.

Otherwise, I don’t know when Xiao Ke will be able to continue to evolve.

Wang Ce took out the walkie-talkie,

“Li Min, what’s going on with you?”

“It has been resolved, and now I am going to the northwest of the medium area, where there are the most upgraded beasts now.”

“Well, you must be careful. If you encounter an abnormally large upgraded beast, don’t fight, and run away immediately.”

“Yes, the gang leader should also be more careful.”

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Wang Ce rushed to the northwest.

But as soon as he ran more than two hundred meters, a pit with a diameter of about ten meters gradually appeared in front of him.

The potholes were not bottomed, dark, and a strange stench radiated from inside.

Wang Ce had patrolled around in the refuge before and did not find the existence of this pit.

Coupled with the battle with the upgraded pangolin just now, he suspects that this pit is the hole made by the pangolin.

Then it is very likely that there is something in the hole that accelerates the pangolin’s upgrade.

Therefore, Wang Ce turned on the humanoid tank flight function and slowly fell into the hole until the darkness overwhelmed his body.

The deeper you go, the more unpleasant the smell becomes. Gradually, it makes you almost unable to breathe.

But fortunately, the S-class armor has an air filter function, so Wang Ce can continue to probe down.

When he descended a distance of about a hundred meters, a faint sound of running water came from below.

He speeded up, and after a short while, he felt suddenly enlightened.

After the night vision function is turned on, what you see is a huge stalactite cave. The cave is very wide, like a large commercial plaza.

All kinds of stalactites are lined with numerous shapes and shapes, and each stalactite unreservedly shows the extraordinary craftsmanship of nature.

But in such a beautiful place, it actually smells bad, and normal people simply cannot survive here for more than five minutes.

The system detects that the stench is emitted from the river passing through the cave.

“Sure enough, there is a problem!”

Wang Ce flew upstream against the river.

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