Chapter 101 Life’s Direction

The high temperature disaster ended, the weather turned cold, and people moved from the ground to the ground.

However, today’s surface is completely unrecognizable.

The forest vegetation is all dead, standing on a high place and looking around, the earth is devastated and completely silent.

At this moment, people realized that any life is so vulnerable in the face of disaster.

The technological level of today’s human beings is simply not enough to fight against this level of disaster.

However, the moment is not completely desperate, at least there are still people alive.

As the saying goes, if you stay with the green hills, you don’t have firewood if you don’t shoot.

As long as mankind has not become extinct, there must be a day when the prosperity of the past will be restored.

What’s more, people who have experienced high-temperature storm radiation have evolved to varying degrees.

Mankind is no longer as weak as before, and has enough ability to protect itself in a catastrophic world.

Of course, even so, if you want to live well, you have to use all your strength.

In the shelter, people worked hard to participate in the construction of the management center.

Under the supervision of Li Min, the middle area began to clear the ruins and organize the streets to make the refuge more like a place where humans live.

On the other hand, the installation of the artificial intelligence management system was completed, and Zou Congjun supervised all refugees to go to the management center auditorium for identity registration.

After registration, refugees will receive a set of iris and fingerprint codes, which bind their personal identity and work information.

Contribution Points are used as a new type of transaction currency in the refuge.

People can obtain them by working for the shelter, or by handing in materials such as meteorites and monster body parts to the management center.

Contribution Points can also be traded between the two, but they need to go to the designated artificial intelligence service site to apply for the transaction.

The main reason for not owning transactions is that the level of the artificial intelligence management system is too low to create portable online trading tools.

But even so, the shelter has undergone earth-shaking changes.

People once again found the traces of life before the catastrophe, and the stars of hope began to rise.

Wang Ce sat in his office, reviewing a large number of documents, each of which had a vital influence on the development of the shelter.

This is also due to Li Min’s selection of a group of management talents in various industries from the refugees, including returnees and industry leaders.

These people have made suggestions for the construction of a new type of shelter, and various strategies have emerged one after another, and there is a strong momentum to build the shelter into a super empire in a catastrophic world.

Although Wang Ce had expected that the construction of the shelter would be troublesome, he did not expect it to be so troublesome.

He has been highly concentrated and examined continuously for more than ten hours. If it were not for extremely physical fitness, he would have been tired and lay down.

But no matter how powerful it is, the head is still long, and after a long time, it can’t stand it.


“Extremely exhausted! Why are there so many applications!”

Wang Ce put the closed documents into the pile of reviewed documents, rubbing his astringent eyes.

This kind of fatigue is not just physical fatigue, but also mental. People who don’t do this kind of thing often can’t handle it at all.

If he is allowed to choose, he would rather go single against a thousand monsters.

Seeing that there were unapproved documents more than a foot high beside him, he felt his head twitched.

“This thing, when is it big?”

When he complained helplessly, there was a knock on the door outside the office.


“Leader!” Liu Yifan opened the door and ran in excitedly.

“I have good news and bad news here, which one would you like to hear?”

Wang Ce looked at each other speechlessly, thinking that this kid must have gone crazy playing in the refuge, otherwise he would never jump with joy.

“Say if you have something to say, let go if you have a fart! I’m still busy.”

“Oh, my helper, life is too short, so I have to have more fun, I am always sullen, I am easy to grow old.”

“Have fun? Alright, I just happen to be itchy hands, let’s go out and practice.”

As Wang Ce said, he was about to get up.

This time, Liu Yifan was scared, he hurriedly laughed and said,

“Just kidding, don’t be so serious.”

“But having said that, helper, we won’t be short of food this time 80%.”

“What do you say?” Wang Ce asked.

Liu Yifan approached and said mysteriously,

“After the last storm, all the bugs and rats hiding in the ground were upgraded.”

“Some mice are as big as a calf and are extremely ferocious. There are also those beetles that can bear a sheep in size, and eat if they catch a person.”

Wang Ce was very puzzled.

“This shouldn’t be good news, right?”

“Oh, I haven’t finished eating yet, ah yeah, I haven’t finished talking yet.”

“Du Changqing and I killed a big beetle. It looked like a shit-shelled beetle. The shell was cut open, and it was full of white and tender meat.”

Liu Yifan became more excited as he spoke, and the smile on his face became stronger.

“I asked the old man Wu Shiqing to examine it. The meat has no problems. It is completely edible and nutritious. The protein content is ten times that of beef.”

“There are now a large number of insects and mice in the refuge. If all of them are killed, the meat saved will be enough for everyone to eat for two or three months.”

When Wang Ce heard it, he nodded slightly.

“Yes, if this is the case, then it is indeed good news.”

“By the way, how is the management system registration?”

“I heard from Zou Congjun this morning that more than 40,000 people have been registered. If they are fully registered, it is estimated that tomorrow.”

“Well, let him speed up the progress. Now let the notification go down, and all registered people can claim the task.”

“Okay, I will go now.”

Liu Yifan ran out of the office without hesitation.

Then Wang Ce immediately issued tasks to the artificial intelligence management system through the system.

After confirming the release, the three-dimensional projection task bar inside and outside the auditorium of the management center refreshed instantly:

“Please note that the majority of members, the task has been refreshed, please register members to the management center as soon as possible to receive the task.”

“Task 1: Turn in the upgraded creature corpse, the completeness reaches 70, and the reward is 5 Contribution Points, the completeness reaches 80, and the 8 Contribution Points are obtained, and the completeness reaches 95 or more, and 10 Contribution Points is obtained.”

“Task 2: Turn in meteorites and get 5 Contribution Points per ton, without capping.”

“Task 3: Sign up for the selection of refuge guards, and those who pass the review can receive 50 Contribution Points every month.”

“Task Four…”

The emergence of the task changed the life state of the refugees in a muddle-headed manner.

With the goal of struggle, people have raised their enthusiasm.

Those who are in the low-level area want to get Contribution Points to live in the middle-level area.

Residents in different environments also need to pay different amounts of Contribution Points. If there is no Contribution Points to pay, you can only sleep on the street.

Therefore, people who have evolved a little more powerful abilities and dared to take risks all form gangs and hunt down upgraded creatures.

Others who are not strong or adventurous, choose the most stable and safest mission to collect meteorites.

Almost everyone in the refuge has work.

The Contribution Points obtained can be exchanged for food and water, which greatly improves people’s lives and makes people all praise Wang Ce.

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