Global Cards: I Create the Oriental Mythology Card Group

Chapter 196 Goldman Sachs' ambition, a miracle! Shijielift after the rain

The golden rooster heralds the dawn, and the morning mist dawns.

Gray light shines through the paper window and falls on Ji Nian's face.

"Why didn't you come?" Ji Nian yawned.

Since his mental power broke through silver, he only needs a short sleep to recover his energy.

But after not sleeping all night, he was still unavoidably tired.

"I don't even dare to move personally, and I will sit at the children's table at the table from now on."

Ji Nian muttered, his unshaven beard and slightly messy hair slumped on the chair, and the small cauldron next to him automatically raised a wisp of white smoke to wash him.

"Good boy, really good boy."

Ji Nian couldn't help but be happy.

This kid is really conscious and sensible.

Thinking about it, the dragon gave birth to nine sons, each of which is different.

He already has the "rebellious son" Lao Zongzi under his command, so it's time for him to be a sensible and filial obedient baby.

"Good boy, keep it up. From now on, your Zongzi brother's resources will be yours."

Ji Nian smiled and drew a big cake.

The spiritually deficient little golden silkworm only knew that "Abba" wanted to do him good, and the room was filled with joy.

As everyone knows, his Zongzi brother has always been self-sufficient, so he has no resources, let alone poisons and bugs.

"Another good day, time to take the second step."

As Ji Nianxin said, the nine-section stick in his hand hit the ground, and a mirror appeared in his hand instantly.

He raised his hand and saw that he was handsome and imposing, but his temperament was a bit wrong, as if he was going to do harm to others.

He hurriedly stroked his face, adjusted his eyes and smile in the mirror, and finally showed a strong, resolute and compassionate expression.

He picked up the Eka pen again, and dyed a few strands of white hair on himself, making his expression a little haggard.

Only then did he open the door and walk out, and when he looked up, he saw the dark blue sky.


Hearing the movement, Zhang Liusan, who had been guarding the door all the time, got up with his crutches, showing the smile of the rest of his life.

Along with him, there are a few relatively strong young people in the town, but they also look malnourished.

His limbs were thin and his belly was bulging, his expression was numb, and he looked at him with gratitude, awe, and some kind of indescribable complex emotions.

Ji Nian, who has done research for a long time, of course knows what is going on.

It doesn't matter whether it's a big scene demon or a blue star card master.

For a long time, almost all extraordinary people have regarded this group of mortals as a kind of cultivation resource.

To put it bluntly, it is the livestock raised in captivity, and the vegetables that are harvested once in a while.

Don't treat them as human beings at all.

It's been a long time like this. On the one hand, they are full of awe of the extraordinary, and they hardly dare to have any thoughts of disobedience. On the other hand, they harbor hatred for the entire group of extraordinary.

This hatred went deep into the bone marrow, like a volcano that had been suppressed for a long time, and the moment it erupted, the sky collapsed.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Ji Nian never doubts the power and wisdom of mortals.

In the world before he traveled, there were no cards, no spiritual power, and people could rely on their own wisdom to achieve amazing results one after another.

Navigating the moon in nine days and catching turtles in five oceans are nothing more than a piece of cake.

Although due to various reasons, the development of technology is not feasible here, but this is also a world full of miracles.

Armed with a treasure house of Chinese knowledge, he can completely turn these "bugs" in the eyes of the world into wings to help him take off.

And they themselves will change their destiny in the process.

Anyway, the situation will not be worse than it is now, why not make a fuss?

"Daoist...didn't you rest well last night?"

Zhang Liusan, who was still sharp-eyed, noticed a few strands of white hair on Ji Nian's head at a glance.

Look haggard, slightly tired.

"It's okay, okay." Ji Nian smiled apologetically: "I was a little tired yesterday, and I went to bed early. I don't know if my husband stayed here all night. It's really my sin."

"You are getting old, the moisture from these one hundred thousand green hills has penetrated into the marrow, which is extremely harmful to the body."

After all, before the old man could react, Ji Nian turned back to the house and poured a bowl of talisman water with glutinous rice paper and "insect-free clean water".

Then, taking advantage of the dead corner, he filled in another strand of white hair for himself.

"You drink this."

Ji Nian walked out with a bowl in his hand, with a smile on his face.

The old man's hands were hanging in the air, his lips trembling: "Master Taoist, Ant People..."

"It's not good to store the water for a long time, so I have to pour it... I don't want to waste it, do I?"

Ji Nian smiled subconsciously, and immediately lowered the corners of his mouth, the bad smell almost didn't come out.


Zhang Liusan's hand was hanging in the air, trembling, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses: "Bai Ma, help me find a bowl."

The dark-skinned, unshaven young man ran all the way after hearing the words, and came back with a bowl in his hand after a while: "Third uncle!"

"Master Dao, please pour the talisman water into this bowl, the survivors must not dirty your tableware."

Zhang Liusan took the stone bowl and turned to Ji Nian.

When Ji Nian heard the words, he bowed his head and said nothing, and just poured the "Fu Shui" into the other party's bowl. The extra strand of white hair moved with the wind, and he became more and more tired.

This time, not only Zhang Liusan, but also the young people who accompanied him, named "White Horse", "Stone", "Yellow Worm", "White Bird" and "Big Eye", also noticed it.

"Does Taoist want to go back and rest for a while?" Zhang Liusan whispered.

"Nothing." Ji Nian gently waved his hand: "Poverty can't stay here for a few days, let's go around and see if he can do something for the villagers."

Zhang Liusan originally wanted to say something, but seeing Ji Nian's firm gaze, he sighed softly and walked with Ji Nian, leaning on a crutch.

As for the bowl of talisman water, he only took a sip and left the rest for the village boy.

But even taking a sip, the potency of the talisman water made by the Nine-Jones Staff also made him feel tired, and he seemed to be a few years younger.

"This is a really tall man."

As Zhang Liusan was talking, he suddenly remembered the few locks of white hair that had appeared over the years, and a guess suddenly came to his mind, and he couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

"Old man? Is there something wrong?"

Zhang Liusan turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw Ji Nian's face full of concern, with a complicated and unspeakable feeling in his heart.

It's just that it can't be confirmed for the time being, so he can only suppress his emotions, wave his hands and say: "It's nothing, nothing."

The right hand holding the crutch was a little bit harder because of the emotional ups and downs, and blue veins burst out.

Ji Nian keenly noticed the strangeness of the other party, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a chuckle: "How is the little tree stump recovering?"

"Thank you for your concern, I can run and jump, and I am recovering fairly well." Shiratori replied.

"That's good."

Ji Nian nodded slightly, and accompanied by several people, walked around the town for a week.

Only the small temple in Zhenxin, these townspeople are afraid from the bottom of their hearts, and they dare not look at it from a distance.

"Old man, when the poor Taoist came, he saw an old locust tree outside the town. It was quite miraculous. What can you say?"

Ji Nian tapped the ground lightly with a nine-section stick, shaking away the Yin Qi that had been lingering around him, floating from the small temple.

At the same time, Goldman Sachs, who was far away in Taoyuan, felt as if his temple had been stabbed, and he couldn't help but gasped.

"It doesn't look like a Dajing Immortal... a demon, he should be a capable stranger..."

"Heaven bestows good material, not taking it is a crime."

"Zhengchou didn't have a summoning card for auxiliary medical treatment, so this Taoist took the initiative to send it to his door."

"Has my Goldman Sachs luck finally come?"

Goldman Sachs pressed his throbbing forehead, showing a slightly demented smile.

If it is said that the protagonists of Qingshan are weird, then Yunding is a city of lunatics.

It is very normal to make cards out of your own bones and create a "sea of ​​people".

On the Blue Star side, there is the Card Master Alliance, and they can pretend to be a good person. When they get to the secret realm, they basically let themselves go.

"You still have to be steady."

Goldman Sachs took a few deep breaths to stabilize his emotions.

"Ji Nian may come at any time. This person is too bad. If he is determined to compete for the Taoist priest in yellow, I'm afraid..."

Recalling Ren Wangbi's skeptical face after the game, Goldman Sachs couldn't help but shiver.

There are also ranks among bad guys.

No matter how crazy the little villains of Gotham are, they will still be afraid of clowns and penguins.

Facing the calendar, he felt somewhat guilty.

But after all, it was at his own home court, so he didn't have a little confidence.

"Stabilize that Taoist first, and I'll focus on dealing with Ji Nian first. After the competition is over, I'll get the reward, and I don't have any worries, then I'll make a move."

"In this way, there are magic cards, template cards, godhead fragments, and powerful healing cards that can suppress [Insect Dwelling Disk]."

"With the rapid expansion of strength in a short period of time, there is no need to be confined to this corner of Qingshan."

"Shenjing, Night City, Peony City, Yunding...that is my stage."

"Afterwards, I will rush out of Kyushu to trample on the geniuses of Dongying, Tianzhu, and the sun never fades."

"What kind of super cards, turbid river cards, mecha cards... are just rubbish, and they are no match for my magic cards."

Goldman Sachs was talking to himself, his heart surging.

After a while, the entire valley echoed his rampant laughter.

"Ho... tui!"

The awakened zombie was full of resentment. Borrowing the mountain wind, he spat out corpse poison and fell straight to the top of his tent.


Goldman subconsciously touched the top of his head, and when his hand fell, it was already dyed dark green.

"Chi..." White smoke curled up.

Goldman Sachs was silent for a moment, and burst into a foul language.

In Shijie Town, Ji Nian, Zhang Liusan and several young people were standing in front of the old locust tree.

"Daozhang, look."

As Zhang Liusan said, he pointed to the crown of the tree tied with red strings.

"This old locust tree was planted by a fairy god who is as compassionate as you..."

"Not only did his old man save us ants from the evil cultivator, but he also spent all his energy to find a place for us to build a town."

"It's just that he calculated that his time was approaching, and he wanted to leave no matter what, saying that he didn't want to implicate us ant people."

"At that time, the old man who was only thirty years old led the villagers to stay, and he still insisted on leaving."

"It's just that before we left, we left a round-topped stone tablet for us. This is also the origin of the town's name 'Shijie'."

Ji Nian's eyebrows twitched when he heard the words: "Stone tablet?"

"Yes." Zhang Liusan nodded lightly: "The old man said that the stone tablet has the ability to distinguish between good and evil."

"In the future, if a fairy comes to town, just bring him here and hold the tree."

"If there is a stone tablet rising in the open space beside the tree, it proves that this is a good god who can bring us Shijie out of our embarrassment, and we must serve it sincerely."

"If there is no movement, then we should be careful..."

Ji Nian smiled when he heard the words: "Now that the old man tells Pindao these things, isn't he afraid that Pindao is an 'evil god' who can't get up the stone tablet, and finally becomes angry and hurts the townspeople?"


Zhang Liusan was about to say something when Ji Nian pressed his palm on the tree.

There was only a toothache grinding sound, and the soft ground moved slightly after the rain, as if something was about to break through the ground.

I was busy with the name change in the afternoon, so it was a bit late, everyone please forgive me.

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