Global Cards: I Create the Oriental Mythology Card Group

Chapter 183: Impermanence Claims His Life

Ren Wang couldn't help swallowing.

He is a bit reckless and bold, passionate, and doesn't care about anything.

He has done things like keeping watch in funeral parlors and visiting ghost nests at night.

At one time, I thought that there was nothing in this world to be afraid of.

But now there is.

The all-pervasive suona sound seemed to be able to arouse his heartbeat rhythm.

"Plop! Plop! Plop!!!"

The heart is like a big rock, and every beat is "moving forward with weight".

Although every card making feedback will reflect the physical body and strengthen the lungs, but the heart is one of the most important organs of the human body, no matter how strengthened it is, it is very fragile compared to other body parts.

At least the hearts of card masters below the gold level can hardly bear the heavy pressure.

Ren Wang is no exception, he has the mental strength to resist the sound, after half a minute, his face is a little pale, and cold sweat flows down his cheeks.

Looking at this scene from a distance, Ji Nian suddenly became a little "soft-hearted", and asked the suona team to lower their pitch slowly.

In this way, the originally sharp suona sound became a bit ethereal, floating in the river wind, making it feel more weird.

Wang Ren's complexion looked better, and he gradually got used to the pressure.

And quickly adjusted the state, ready to accelerate the collision.

But at this moment, a shrill meow exploded behind his ears.


The sharp sense of horror is much higher than the simple Suona song.

In just one second, he had goose bumps all over his body, as if he had been splashed with cold water, from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.

He could even feel the itching of the cat's whiskers across the back of his neck.

But when he turned his head, there was nothing on his back.

It's just that there is an old locust tree with a crooked neck beside the river, a hemp rope is hung on the thick branch, and a few old altars are placed under it, shaking constantly, as if hiding something.

His [One-Eyed Rusted Butcher] was sitting there at the moment, stretching out his hairy hand into the altar.

Two seconds later, a mouse with black hair, a bloated body, half a foot long, and red eyes was pulled out.

The rat seemed to have become a spirit, struggling desperately, and took a bite at the rusted butcher's hand.

But that butcher is the body of a vicious ghost, how can he be hurt by such a small thing, and with a little force, he will be strangled to death.

At this time, a cat meow suddenly sounded from the top of the tree.

While Ren Wang's scalp was numb, he looked up and saw a skinny black cat with dark eyes lying on the trunk of the old locust tree, staring at him.

"This cat... looks like the one in Yu Anran's field..."

"No, the thin cat she raised is a pet, and occasionally serves as an atmosphere group, it's far less scary."

As Ren Wangxin said, he raised his hand and instructed Rusty Butcher to write a letter to catch the cat.

But the old locust tree seemed to have a Taoist spirit, and hundreds of faces with different emotions and expressions instantly appeared on the tree.

The butcher couldn't climb the tree, so he jumped up on the spot, and went straight to the black cat with the butcher's knife in his hand.

Unexpectedly, it was cut empty.

The black cat seemed to exist only in Wang Ren's fantasy.

Disappeared from the tree, and when Wang Ren turned his head, he appeared on the tricycle, Youlu's eyes were fixed on him.

Then when he reached out to pat [Prisoner Covered with Hundred Scars] on the shoulder, he disappeared again, occasionally uttering a shrill meow, which merged into the creepy suona sound.

Suona, black cat...

Gritting his teeth, Ren Wang accepted the two meeting gifts given to him by Ji Nian.

There is no indecent assault.

Seeing the bride-seeking team gradually approaching the river, he commanded the [Frozen Fish Assassin in a Hat] to float in the dark, ready to strike at any time.

"Sir, do you know that I have been ill for a long time and will soon die of heartbreak for you..."

That gloomy and desperate singing didn't mean to stop at all, and the weird singing made people feel chilled physically and mentally.

Invisibly, it also had a certain impact on Kaling under King Ren.

Even though the wedding reception team was tens of meters away from the river, the Frozen Fish Assassin was still moving his feet like a torpedo, ready to break out of the water.

Ren Wang noticed this, and hurriedly communicated with his senses, trying to stop the other party's death-seeking behavior.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, two big icy cold hands suddenly stretched out in the darkness, grabbed his ankle, no, it was the frozen fish assassin's ankle, and dragged it down.

Even with the rank of Frozen Fish Assassin Lanpin's three-star rank, there was no room for resistance, so he was quickly pulled to the bottom of the river.

But this is not the end.

Ren Wangzheng desperately mobilized his mental strength, when his neck suddenly tightened.


As soon as he was halfway through speaking, he leaned back suddenly and almost fell from the car, his face turned blue instantly.

He felt that something behind him was strangling his neck tightly with a chain, and some kind of jelly-like object in his body seemed to be ripped out.

The marquee began to flash before his eyes, and Wang Ren's head slowly drooped, but when he was halfway down, he suddenly opened his eyes and broke the connection with the frozen fish assassin.

Finally slowed down.

"Before the official start of the fight, I killed one of my generals. It is worthy of the year...cough cough..."

Suffering heavy injuries in succession, Ren Wang appeared to be indifferent on the surface, and he still had the leisure to praise his opponent, but in fact, he had already begun to feel guilty in his heart.

He who had always been reckless suddenly "grew up" at this moment and was forced to become "reasonable".

"Now I have only two Kalings, Uncle Tang and Prisoner, on my side. On the opposite side, there are two main combat units, the frightening groom and the bride who didn't show up, plus a large group of younger brothers."

"It's too irrational to fight more with less, it's better to be steady."

Thinking of this, he reached out and patted the old man's shoulder, signaling him to turn around quickly and walk in the opposite direction, which is the direction where the Grand View Garden is located.

Seeing this situation, Ji Nian, who was leading Hongsha, didn't speed up, and just walked slowly, following the tricycle not too far or too close.

Realizing that he was getting farther and farther away from that cold aura, Ren Wang couldn't help turning his head, seeing himself gradually distanced from that extremely weird team, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But before he was happy for half a minute, there was another thick fog in the wilderness in front of him.

It is still the familiar suona sound, but this time it is slightly heavier, which makes people feel sad when they hear it.

"Under Qian's screen window, I have no chance; in the loess ridge, what is your life..."

Singing God's will to tease people, but also tears...

What Wang Ren heard was that parents love their children deeply, but they have to bear the grief of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man.

Young people's ambitions are not fulfilled, they have not fulfilled their responsibilities as children, they have not tasted the fruit of love, and they have not had much enjoyment. Most of the time they are under pressure and exhaustion.

Now there is a thin coffin, how heavy it is, a small mound, ending life.


Ren Wangchang breathed out, and two lines of tears flowed slowly.

Perhaps because of his high spirit, he did not capture the link of "Daiyu Returns Tears" passed on to him by Ji Nian. Instead, he pointed directly at the core and touched the origin of Baisha: unrewarded ambition, and deeply sympathized with it .

But he reacted quickly, pinched himself severely, and forcibly concentrated.

I saw a team slowly walking out of the slightly grayish white mist under the dark sky, walking and dancing.

Every step is accompanied by a heavy suona sound.

The leader with a sad face, drooping eyes and drooping brows led the way, waving banners and paper money.

Eight large coffins, with white mantle on their heads and red coffins on their shoulders, are down-to-earth and difficult every step.

The suona troupe wears coir hats and white clothes, and dances and walks, transporting Qi to the dantian, and playing the sound of great compassion.

On the coffin was a woman, dressed in oyster, crying with her arms in her arms, singing softly:

"It's uphill, the road is muddy, don't get your feet wet..."

"Meet the mountain, cut the road with an axe and go from here..."

"Cross the river, cut down trees and build a bridge to cross here..."

"Trouble around, write directions, and don't get bullied along the way!"

"Drink water when thirsty, eat rice when hungry, and add clothes when it's cold!"

The simple libretto has a crying voice and a little hoarse voice.

Ren Wang was stunned for a moment, and blurred images such as "reciting burial flowers", "reading the West Chamber together", "love gradually", "Bao Dai's meditation", "being sick for Qing" and so on suddenly flashed in his mind.

Until the scene of "Lengyue Burying the Flower Soul" appeared in front of my eyes, thousands of scenes collapsed in the slightly mournful joy.

Wang Ren looked at the oncoming team, and then looked back at the approaching team.

I just feel absurd.

The bridegroom came to meet his relatives, laughing madly, but he didn't know that the person in the sedan chair was not the person he wanted; when he met the dead on the way, his heart was dark, but he didn't know that the person in the coffin was the person in the coffin.

Suona staggered past.

While shouting "Between wings and branches, we will tie the knot", while sighing "The beauty is short-lived, and the white head is never seen".

Sigh childhood sweetheart, wait for a wishful wish.

I only heard that "the first bow to the heaven and the earth, the second bow to the high hall, and the husband and wife bow to each other..."

Send it to the mourning hall.

Scenes of portraits flashed in his mind, Ren Wang couldn't help feeling heavy.

Suddenly, he didn't realize that he had fallen into the river. The two teams, one in front and the other behind, were no more than ten meters away from him.

The libretto is intertwined and the suona is corresponding, as if the tide is coming from all directions.

The black shadow hidden in the river glanced at King Ren, then slowly dissipated, and went to the next place to wait.

Ren Wang also woke up at this time, looking around, a little flustered.

At some point, [Prisoner Covered with Hundred Scars] climbed out of the trough and became a bearer;

[One-Eyed Rusted Butcher] With a solemn face, he carried the red coffin on his shoulders and moved forward steadily;

[Red Robe Smiling Demon Monk] Full of compassion, holding beads with one hand, chanting sutras;

[Old Tang in the Crazy Dream] Even the tricycle with him is missing.

In addition, the [Frozen Fish Assassin] who had been dragged into the bottom of the river and "strangled to death" a long time ago.

He became a loner.

The smell of despair spread in the air.

Ren Wang took a few deep breaths, held Lao Tang's scattered wooden sticks, and looked around.

Shoes, socks and trousers were wet.

But he couldn't care so much, his heart was shaking wildly, as if it was on the verge of bursting.

The happy and sad teams also began to circle around him, throwing paper flowers and paper money on his head.

The wind blew the white man, and lifted the car curtain, revealing the bride's hands with blood-red fingertips and her perfect and delicate jawline.

The groom's official smile was crazy, his cheeks were all squeezed together, and when he bowed his hands to Wang Ren, his face was not without complacency.

——He thought that he had married his sweetheart, and he was as happy as a soldier who had won a battle.

Terrifying and pathetic.

"Cross the river..."

Just when King Ren fell into despair, the soft singing of the woman in the coffin made his body lighten, his eyesight flickered, and he came to another world.

This is a long blood-yellow river, crawling with insects and snakes, with a bloody wind blowing in the face, and enchanting blood-like flowers grow on the bank.

Ren Wang wiped his eyes, and suddenly saw two figures, one black and one white, one tall and one thin, standing not far away.

"When you see money, the world will be peaceful..."

He lowered his head and muttered softly, when suddenly two pairs of official boots, one black and one white, appeared in front of his eyes.

When I looked up, I saw two faces.

One has a long tongue hanging down, with a wry smile; the other is holding a chain, with a fierce and cold face.

"King Ren, a native of Qingshan Province, has lived to the end of his eighteenth lifespan. Come with us."

The cold and deep voice was like a bolt from the blue, echoing in Wang Ren's heart.

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