Watching the Kenwude fleet finally leave the wormhole alive.

A smile of satisfaction could not help but appear on the face of the seventh elder of the Ghoul Chong clan.

Although he must die.

Just now, in order to keep the Kenwood fleet safe, his starship suffered extremely serious damage.

But... in the end, their Insect race's Kenwu De-fleet was saved.

He laughed wildly, and with a ferocious expression on his face, he charged towards the fleet of the cosmic human race.

He didn't want to have someone on his back before he died.

Because it's simply impossible.

Even in a 1V1 situation, he couldn't defeat any space human annihilation ship on the scene.

Not to mention there are so many annihilation ships present.

Now... he just wants to do his best to cause enough damage to the annihilation ship of the cosmic human race before he dies.

This is enough


What happened here.

Spread to the entire universe at the fastest speed.

The top brass of the insect race were furious.

But... he can only be helpless and furious.

The humans in the universe are laughing at you.

The Inhumans clapped their hands and cheered.

Because the whole story of this incident will be known to everyone in the universe within a few days.

Everyone knows... the reason why the Insects failed this time.

It was purely caused by the rebellion of a spy they planted in the human race of the universe.

If not, this action of the insectoids must be successful. pity.

The loser is the spy.

A little spy.

But it directly led to the failure of the insect-human plan.

Two more Annihilation Ships and a dozen World Destruction Ships were lost!

And you know, this is still a fleet!

The same number of fleets must be more precious!

It even almost caused the defeat of their national treasure fleet, the Kenwu De Fleet, on the spot.

Thanks to the super strong men of the insect race, they made quick decisions and risked their lives to protect the Kenwood fleet, allowing the Kenwood fleet to escape the scene.

Otherwise... this loss is absolutely unacceptable to the insectoids.

But even so!

The Kenwood fleet survived, which made the insectoids breathe a sigh of relief.

The deaths of two Annihilation-level powerhouses and more than a dozen World-Destruction-level powerhouses were enough to make them feel so distressed that they could hardly breathe.

Twice before and after.

The Kenwood fleet all failed in the territory of the space human race.

The first time was fine.

Especially this second time.

Almost fell into the human race of the universe.

And the insect-human race suffered huge losses at the hands of the cosmic human race.

Thinking about it, if you want to take action against the human race in the universe in the future, you must be cautious.

He will never attack the human race of the universe so easily again.

The Insects are suffering, and the Inhumans are not much better.

They laughed at the failure and loss of the Insects, and regretted why the Kenwood fleet did not fall into the human territory of the universe this time.

He even angrily scolded the strong men of the human race in the universe that they were all a bunch of trash and couldn't even survive a mere void ship.

But as they laughed and laughed, they couldn't laugh anymore.

Yes, the Insects suffered huge losses this time.

But... the Kenwude fleet suffered no losses.

And judging from this experience, the main energy of the Insect Race in the future will definitely be put back on the Inhuman Race!

There is Xu Zian in the human race of the universe.

The Buggers have Ken Wude.

They Inhumans have no shit!

Smile, laugh, and laugh at others!

Next, you should think carefully about how to deal with the cosmic human race Xu Zian, and the most important thing is the attack of the insect race Ken Wu De! pity. what a pity.

God is also so unfair.

Why, why does the cosmic human race have Xu Zian, the insect race has Ken Wu De, but they, the Inhuman race, have nothing?

Or... will the same genius appear in the Inhuman Race next?

Of course.

This idea is just a thought.

There are not many people to rely on


Xu Zian and his party.

This time, there was no return to the Insects at all.

A direct positioning found an extremely hidden military town of the human race in the universe and hid it.

Then wait for the time to come for the next part of your plan. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A few days later.

The Kenwood fleet reappeared in the Kenwood star system of the Insect race.

The Brilliant Fleet is still fighting tirelessly in the Yimei Nebula A battlefield.

0 Flowers Requested

No one would have thought... that the planned Inhuman super genius with the ability to locate and shuttle through wormholes would appear in the near future.

By the time.

This is the rebalancing of the three peak ethnic groups.

The Inhumans no longer have to worry about the surprise attacks of the super geniuses with the wormhole positioning and shuttle capabilities of the Insects and Cosmic Humans.

Because... they also have super geniuses with this ability.

In a military town.

Xu Zian and the girls found themselves at peace in a rare and real sense.

No need to practice.

I didn’t study anymore[]

This time.

I plan to take a real break for ten days and a half.

The reason why they don't even need to practice... is because their biological energy has reached the full value at the current stage. only.

Neither Xu Zian nor the other girls chose to evolve the starship.

Because the fleet monitored by the Inhumans would give Xu Zian and the others a chance to take action at any time.

If the starship is evolving and the opportunity is missed, then you don’t know when the next opportunity will be.

And after you really have some free time.

The relationship between Xu Zian and the girls also heated up rapidly.

The emotional issues that I had never had time to talk about before, this time...

I finally have time to face them.

But... everyone has been displaying their emotions here for so many years. In fact, there are not many sweet words or vows of eternal love.

Everything falls into place naturally.

Including Mu Ziqiu.

The dazzling fleet, except for Taj and Taimei.

They no longer run away from their emotions.

Xu Zian.

I also enjoy the blessings of being together every day.

Thanks to his long years of using heavenly materials and earthly treasures to strengthen his body, his current physical strength has far exceeded his current level.

Otherwise, they will face the declaration of war by Hu Qiqi, Qin Fuyue, Miao Xiaomi, Haitang, Liu Yuyu, Bai Xiaoyuan, Qu Tiange, and Mu Ziqiu.

Xu Zian is probably really unbeatable.

It is in this leisure time... an opportunity.

Finally someone is here!.

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