"Ken Wude, I am the Seventh Elder of the Ghost Worm Human Race. "

"I'm glad that our Zerg Clan has produced such a peerless Tianjiao with an infinite future like you. "

"I'm happy, and I'm happy for us Zerg. "

The captain of the sixth-order annihilation ship from the ghost worm human race said to Xu Zi'an in a kind tone.

Xu Zi'an grinned and responded to the other party according to Ken Wude's personality and style.

The two sides exchanged a few pleasantries.

After that, the seven elders of the ghost insect human race immediately sent the detailed plan this time to Xu Zi'an's starship.

This is the most detailed action plan, especially the first goal, which is also listed above.

See the goals on this plan......

Xu Zi'an's eyes suddenly froze, and infinite murderous aura and anger surged in his heart.

But on the surface, he was silent, but showed an excited expression.

Then he immediately chose to use the multidimensional space starship overlapping ability.

The little wife Bright, even if the cosmic human race is extremely far away at this moment, has completed the integration of multi-dimensional space in an instant.

Then this information was quietly transmitted by Xu Zi'an to the little wife's bright number.

25 After that, the overlapping ability of multi-dimensional space was immediately lifted, and the little wife Bright Bright returned to the origin of the universe human race in an instant.

At last.

Xu Zi moved with peace of mind.

The little wife Bright Bright, who is located in the universe human race, directly and unscrupulously contacted the master ancestor Wanzhong Mountain and them, and then transmitted this plan to them!

In this way......

Not to mention the Seven Elders of this ghost worm human race.

Even the Zerg Race's Immortal Level powerhouse is here, even if it is his starship, it is absolutely impossible to intercept Xu Zi'an's abnormal behavior.


The reason why Xu Zi'an is such a troublesome operation is very simple.

You don't have to think about it to know.

This starship of the Seven Elders must be equipped with a signal interception system.

No matter how awesome the quality of the bright number is.

It is absolutely impossible to do it, and under the nose of the annihilation ship, this plan will be quietly transmitted to the cosmic human race.

Once discovered, the consequences are unimaginable.


Adopt multi-dimensional spatial overlapping technology......

Of course, there will be no problems.

Multidimensional space starships overlap underneath.

The two Brilliant Ships are one and the same.

In the case of one, it is equivalent to changing the left hand of the proposal to the right hand.

Of course, there will not be any abnormal fluctuations that will be intercepted by the other party.

After all, the overlap of multidimensional space starships is the all-round fusion and overlap of the two brilliant ships.

Naturally, this also includes data sharing and so on.

It's not.

Xu Zi'an operated this wave.

The plans have been safely transferred to the hands of the cosmic human race.

But this Seventh Elder ......

But he didn't notice it.

Not even the slightest anomaly was found.

On the cosmic human side......

After getting this proposal.

Immediately took action.

Including Shizu Wanzhongshan, everyone immediately evacuated.

Their evacuation was also fairly simple.

Xu Zi'an summoned a wormhole directly in front of them.

Go directly through this wormhole to the target location to ambush and set up, and wait for the prey to be transferred into the trap.

Everyone guessed wrong.

I thought that the first target of these Zerg should be the Ide Nebula.

But who knows, their first target turned out to be......

An extremely hidden, cosmic human high-level research base that is absolutely unexposed!

Therefore, there is no annihilation-level force to defend, because it is concealed enough and top-secret enough.

Never thought about it......

However, the Zerg not only knew.

Even the personnel arrangement, the defense force, and even what is being studied inside are all clear!

You don't have to think about it to know.

The 10,000 percent was provided by the Terran traitors.

This is also where Xu Zi'an is angry. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I never thought that in such a high level of secrecy, there would be Terran traitors.

Moreover, the level of this Terran traitor must not be low.

The level is too low to have such a clear understanding of what is going on in the research base.

The list of spies that followed this plan also proves this.

The plan for the universe human race is very detailed, mainly to let Xu Zi'an have the most intuitive understanding and avoid mistakes in the plan at that time.

And the plan for the cosmic human race is naturally no worse than the plan for the Inhuman race.

Therefore, the number of spies within the universe human race is even larger, reaching a full 22,000 people!

The strongest of them has also reached the Supreme Ship level!

Moreover, there are still three !!

Three captains of the Supreme Ship.

This is definitely a terrifying number.

After all......

Captain of the Supreme Ship, that's the level of the Lord of the Star Sea!

And one of the three captains of the Supreme Ship is a high-ranking member of that research base!

Didn't think about it. []

He's going to be a traitor!

Hidden inside the cosmic human race, I don't know how many years.

Xu Zi'an said that he was very angry, and after being angry, he sneered.

Should it be said or not.

This plan against the Zerg is just this Zerg Terran traitor lurking in the Terran Race of the Universe Terran......

It's already a big profit.

Kill all these traitors......

It can be said that a huge cancer 837 has been removed.

Of course.

These traitors will definitely not touch them at the moment.

Instead of touching them.

There may even be higher positions for some of them.

And then...... At critical times, spread some fake news to them.

On the contrary, it is a good thing.

On the Zerg side.

The plan was handed over to the high-level of the Terrans, and Xu Zi'an ignored it.

According to the coordinates, a wormhole was directly opened.

The Seven Elders took the lead and entered first.

After that, there are the remaining super powerhouses of the Zerg Clan.

In the end, it was Xu Zi'an and the daughters.

One after another.


When they arrive at the Cosmic Terrans.

Master, they must have all been prepared.

Just waiting for them to enter the urn.

Ten days later.

Everyone, one after another, appeared in the territory of the universe human race!

Surrounding, unusually quiet.

The Seven Elders of the Ghost Worm Human Race glanced around and smiled coldly.

With a wave of his big hand, he said coldly: "Let's go!"

"Today. "

"It's going to turn this cosmic human race upside down!"

"Let them know what it means to be in pain!"

"Let them know more about ......"

"There is a Xu Zi'an in his universe human race, and our Zerg human race also has a Ken Wude!"

"Come with me, kill !!".

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