The Inhumans were divided into seven groups for this training.

Among them, the number of training groups for long-star geniuses is the smallest, only a few twenty-two.


But they are already all the star-level geniuses of the Inhumans race now.

The second is the Void level.

Then there are the Immortal class, Star Destroyers, Deep Space Ships, and so on.


The battleship has the most celestial arrogance and demons.

More than 500 people!

Of course.

Among them.

It is mainly the demonic geniuses who occupy the vast majority.

There are not many ordinary Tianjiao, top geniuses, and peerless Tianjiao.

At this time!

They were in a star system, quietly waiting for all the personnel to arrive.

There are more than 500 people in total, and at present, there are only more than 400 people.

There are still about a hundred people left, and when the Inhuman powerhouse arrives, it will be ready for training.


None of them seem to be anomalous.


A news that suddenly appeared suddenly attracted the attention of many geniuses.

The news......

But it was a peerless Tianjiao of the Zerg Race called Ken Wude, who suddenly made a post on the public network of the universe-

[My Zerg 577 has died so many Tianjiao, and the Inhumans of the Dog Day must also die! This Zerg Clan's peerless Tianjiao can't do it, then it's up to me, I will tell the whole universe that Xu Zi'an is just like that!!!]

As soon as the post was posted, it quickly became a trending post.

The cosmic human race is watching the joke.

On the Inhuman side, it's blown up!

After all, this Ken Wood is specifically aimed at their Inhumans!


"Roll !!"

"Zerg, hehehe, garbage, waste Zerg, no matter which one it is, is the most rubbish!"

"Ditto! Come back, you're a peerless Tianjiao from the previous session, and you've all reached this session, but you're still only at the Void level, and you're embarrassed to show your face?

"Come, come, we Inhumans are waiting for you!!"

"Do you want to emulate Xu Zi'an of the human race? There is one thing to say, although I can't wait to eat Xu Zi'an alive, but! Regarding his strength and talent, even if I am an alien race, I hate him, but I will obey him......!

"+10,000!! upstairs said what I wanted to say! I wanted to kill Xu Zi'an, and I hated him. But that doesn't affect him in my mind, the CFCC is indeed the most talented rival of this era!

"It's not that everyone is Xu Zi'an, seeing that you are so arrogant, I have to borrow a sentence from the Terran side - the reason why Xu Zi'an is a peerless Tianjiao is because there is only a peerless Tianjiao at the highest!

This post is later.

Inhumans sneered and taunted wildly.

And more Inhumans.

While ridiculing, he also took out Xu Zi'an for comparison.

And actually!

What these Inhumans said was actually what hundreds of millions of races in the universe wanted to say!

The Inhumans and the Zergs, it is undeniable that they hate Xu Zi'an very much.

I want to kill him as soon as possible.


I have to deny it again.

For countless years.

Xu Zi'an's actions, as well as his strength, talent, and so on.

Let the people of the Inhuman race or the Zerg race be convinced!!

There are countless people of the Inhumans and Zergs who often sigh on the Internet-

How good it would be if Xu Zi'an was the Tianjiao of our Inhuman Race (Zerg Race), the Cosmic Human Race was really out of shit luck!

From this sentence, it is enough to see Xu Zi'an's strength and talent.

It is recognized by the whole universe!

Or even!

If it weren't for Xu Zi'an's fame too late, or if Xu Zi'an and the number one demon king on the list today were born in the same era......

Then almost everyone in the universe agrees on one thing -

The first place on the Tianjiao list, the title of the Great Demon King.

It must be Xu Zi'an's.

No one can take it away!

Right now.

The peerless Tianjiao of the Zerg Race is still the peerless Tianjiao of the previous session, but now it is only a void-level peerless Tianjiao.

but threatened to emulate Xu Zi'an and attack them against the Inhuman race......

ushered in.

Naturally, it was ridiculed and ridiculed by countless people.

For countless years.

There was only one Xu Zi'an.

You Ken Wude, where did you get the courage???

So the ridicule and ridicule continued.

But no one took it seriously.

No one cares.


From the back of this post.

There wasn't even a reply from the Zerg, so you could see it.


The Zerg themselves, seeing this post, felt so embarrassed that they had to buckle the soles of their toes.

No, it's good that you have courage. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But let's just say...... Can we not boast so much or slightly, when bragging, not to be so outrageous?

also told the whole universe that Xu Zi'an was nothing more than that?

This, our courage is a little too much!


Bright Horn.

Look at the post that has become the number one hot list.

Smile slightly.

No more hesitation.

With a big wave of his hand.

With all the women.

He flew towards the wormhole in front of him.



Inside a galaxy.

The meeting place for the super genius training of the Inhuman battleship class. []

More than 500 people, and now, nearly 500 people have come.

Only the last few dozen people remained.

The strong men who trained them are also preparing for this training.


The main thing is to observe the situation on Xu Zi'an's side of the universe human race at any time.

Nothing else.

Let's just put it this way, as long as Xu Zi'an and his brilliant fleet disappear from the battlefield of Imei Nebula A for more than six hours.

The Inhumans will immediately activate an emergency plan to re-protect these geniuses.


For now.

Xu Zi'an and the Bright Fleet had no intention of doing anything to their geniuses again.

This also makes the powerhouses and high-ranking people of the Inhumans continue to prepare.

Training, training.

It's not like you can start at the beginning.

It is necessary to make a detailed training plan, as well as prepare enough materials and resources.

But when the personnel arrived, it was almost time to start.


No one noticed......

It's somewhere in uninhabited deep space a hundred light-years away from this star system.

A fleet, quietly coming.

When the target area of the star system is determined, there is not even a Void Ship.

No more hesitation.

He didn't even show his face.

Nine starships.

Direct use of ultra-long-range missiles.

Lock that galaxy.


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