At the moment when Xu Zi'an gave the order!

The women who have long been ready to go.

In an instant, he burst out with his strongest combat power!

The firepower in the sky is overwhelmingly surging towards the target.

Strive for a round of direct spikes!

And at this moment!

Kenwood fleet.

Look at the eleven starships that suddenly emerged from the optical stealth, and the shells that burst out.

All of them have changed their faces!

Not because of the strength of this mysterious fleet.

It's about the fact that this mysterious fleet was able to perform optical stealth at such a close range, and they didn't notice it at all......

All of them fully show one point-

The starship quality of this mysterious fleet may far surpass theirs!

But no matter what.

It's useless to think about it now.

Kenwood immediately hissed and roared, "Fight !!"

Immediately, control your own starship to evade.

Evade and counterattack Xu Zi'an's bright number at the same time!


But he was horrified to find out.

No matter how he dodges and dodges.

It was as if they couldn't dodge, and the cannonballs on the other side rushed towards him as if they had eyes.

If at this time, he still doesn't understand that this is a strong fleet, and it is a strong fleet that is much stronger than him......

That's stupid.

Although it is not understood exactly where this fleet came from.

Who the hell is it?

But I still prepared for the worst at the first time.

The roar commanded: "Break out now!"

"Go to a starship, and then all the reconnaissance drones of the support ship will be released to break through!"

"Escape from the signal blockade area and report the situation here as soon as possible!!"


The support ships in his fleet immediately released all the reconnaissance drones.


It's not useful.

In the case of mental arithmetic and unintentional.

In this case, how could it not be expected by Xu Zi'an?

These reconnaissance drones were directly attacked by Fox Qiqi.


The reconnaissance drones of Bai Xiaokite and Qu Tiange have long been hidden in various surrounding areas.

Now is the time to wait!

One drone after another, immediately slaughtered the drones of Kenwood's fleet.

In just one round, kill these drones in seconds!

Although the reconnaissance drone of the two daughters of the white kite, Qu Tiange, is not used for combat.

But neither is the enemy's.

And their reconnaissance drones are of higher quality and the two women's star warfare capabilities are more powerful......

Just press on the ground and kill!

The kind without any surprises.

Look over here again!

A blow from the brilliant fleet.

It's finally here!

And this.

It is also the first battle of the Brilliant Fleet, after all members were promoted to the level of Void Ship!

When you are at the Bright Fleet Star Destroyer level, you can unite to blow up a Star Destroyer.

At the immortal ship level, it can even blow up a fleet of Void ships.

Not to mention now!

Even if the other party is also a genius, there is a peerless Tianjiao among them!

It's still unlikely that there will be any way to fight back.

Or in the case of being ambushed.

It's even more ......

There is no possibility of a comeback.

Only one round.

On the women's side, terrifying firepower.

It was easy to blow up the two support ships on the opposite side and the other three starships on the spot.


It's just that the starship has exploded.

Deliberately avoided its cockpit to prevent the other party from dying.

Because keeping them, there will be a use in the future!

It is also an extremely important part of the plan.

Xu Zi'an's side......

didn't kill the other party in seconds.

It's almost the same as a spike.

As a matter of fact.

If it weren't for Kenwood's life......


Not at all.

But even so.

The engine of the other party.

The other party's communicator.

opposing weapon systems.

The other party's ......

In a word.

In addition to one cockpit.

The rest of the parts are full of holes.

The terrifying combat effectiveness of the Void Ship level Brilliant can be seen from this.

"Yes, it's you!!"

"Xu Zi'an !!"

"You are Xu Zi'an!!"

"You are the !! of the Brilliant Fleet"

At this time, Kenwood finally confirmed the identity of this fleet through the various attack methods of the bright fleet, as well as the cockpit glass.

The voice has changed, it has become angry, it has become angry!

He never expected it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xu Zi'an.

And his brilliant fleet.

Unexpectedly, they dared to come to their Zerg!

Could it be that he still has the cosmic human race behind him, so he is really not afraid that their Zerg race will launch a super war desperately?!

But after the anger.

It's consternation, it's horror, it's despair!

I was shocked that the Brilliant Fleet, which had not been seen for three years, had come out again, and it was already at the level of a Void Ship!

Such a promotion speed is appalling!

and frightened and hopeless......

Since it is Xu Zi'an and his brilliant fleet.

So this time......

He and his fleet are probably really doomed.

Wait a minute!!!

Before he fell unconscious.

A thought came to mind—

If not mistaken.

Four months ago.

It seems like......


Isn't the Brilliant Fleet already appearing in the cosmic human race?

The media of the Cosmic Terran are constantly reporting on it!

There's even a video!

It can be clearly seen.

In the video, it is the bright fleet, it is Xu Zi'an!

There is no way to be wrong about this!

It's not surprising why the Brilliant Fleet is here.

The elusive ability of the Brilliant Fleet is well felt by the whole universe.

Oddly enough......

Brilliant fleet, shown in the video......

It's still just a special immortal level!!127!

How...... Why is it that now, it has suddenly become a Void level???

Moreover, it is also a full-fledged void level!!

Ken Wood looked dazed.

I can't turn my head around.

But suddenly!

Another flash of inspiration.

He seemed to have thought of one of the most unbelievable and incredible possibilities!

Could it be ......

So, that's fake?

This brilliant fleet in front of you is real???

The cosmic human branch is, is disguised???

But, what is the significance of Xu Zi'an's doing this......

Come to think of it.

His whole body was instantly soaked in cold sweat.

He seems to ......

I see.

Understand why the Brilliant Fleet suddenly appeared with them.

And it's going to ambush them!

It's even more important to cut off their signals.

To know...... This has never been seen before in all the actions of the Brilliant Fleet in the past!

And then think about the configuration and class of their fleet......

He seemed to understand something.

His face changed wildly, and he wanted to commit suicide directly if he didn't even think about it!

Even if you die, you must not ......

But it's a pity.

Now him.

Even if you want to die.

It can't be done.

A super-thrust blast of a secondary cannon exploded beside him.

The violent shock effect made him faint instantly.

The moment of fainting.

He understood—


Something big is going to happen!!。

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