Xu Zi'an, the plague god.

It hasn't been seen for about half a month.

The Inhumans and the Zerg all breathed a sigh of relief.

They think.

Xu Zi'an, he should have given up.

At least for the time being.

After all.

They have protected all of their peerless celestials.

The whole territory is searching, and I should think that I can't make a move, so stop for the time being!


Now that you, Xu Zi'an, have stopped......

That's next.

It's our turn!


Just when they were full of anger and ready to take crazy revenge on Xu Zi'an and the cosmic human race......

One news after another, they were instantly dumbfounded.

After being dumbfounded.

It's the madness that is about to split!

On this day!

And on the same day!

There are more than 2,000 starships, and they have appeared in more than 2,000 different regions of the Zerg at the same time, and more than two top-level Tianjiao, or ordinary Tianjiao!

For them, the most direct madness was directly given!

Kill and run!

This time.

Didn't do any more looting or anything like that.

Not enough time!

Lack of strength!

After all, there are many more who are captains of deep space ships!

Although Xu Zi'an gave these captains of deep space ships, the opponents he arranged were all battleships, and even cruiser-level top-level Tianjiao and ordinary Tianjiao.

And the location of the target also extinguishes the existence of more than the battleship and above.


Deep space ships, after all, are not invincible.

As long as there are a large number of enemies, they can still be entangled.

All you have to do!

It is to identify the identity of friend and foe and disguise, and quietly run to the target not far away.

Unleash the most powerful attack directly and take out the opponent before they can react.


Before the rest of the Zerg can react, immediately run away and flee directly through the wormhole.

It's as simple as that.

It's as straightforward as that!


Xu Zi'an estimated that his own side would have some losses.

However, the assassination went surprisingly well.

All of this is mainly due to the Zerg Clan, who put all their attention on the peerless Tianjiao!

Never thought ......

Xu Zi'an.

Such a large-scale operation will be organized.

Do it to them!

You're eternal!!

Eternal heavenly pride!

It has the potential of the eternal level!

And then you tell me what you've done???

Do it to those top Tianjiao and ordinary Tianjiao?

Is it really shameless?

Who would have thought?!

Nobody thought of it.


this day.


Lost more than 2,000 Tianjiao!

To know......

A group, there are so many geniuses in total.


Although it is not as rare as the peerless Tianjiao.

But it's not cabbage!

More than two thousand were lost in one day.

What is the equivalent of this?

It is equivalent to that even if there are more Tianjiao of the Zerg Clan, they have lost a full eighty percent!

There are only a few hundred days left to chat, and the sky is shivering!

It also represents ......

In the future.

They are Zerg.

There will be more than 2,000 super powerhouses who are at least the Vertical Star, and even the Zhenyu Level and Supreme Level!


There are still one or two of them, who can get lucky enough to reach the world destruction level!

Although the probability is extremely small, extremely small.

But now, there is no probability at all.

More than 2,000!

The Zerg were so distressed that they were dripping blood.


They're crazy.

Lost my mind!


Even the annihilation-level peak powerhouse of the Zerg Race directly came out and shouted with a hideous face-

If the cosmic human race, or rather, if Xu Zi'an doesn't stop again.

They are Zerg.

A race war will be waged against the Terrans!!

This is a threat of race warfare!

Although this is just angry talk.

There is a 99.999 percent probability that you will never dare to initiate it.

But there is no doubt about it.

Clan Wars do not start, but can start mega wars......

It should be reckless.


When it was confirmed that the Zerg were really on the verge of losing their minds.

This way.

Xu Zi'an was about to make a move against those demon-level geniuses of the Zerg Clan!

Shizu, Wan Chongshan, took the initiative to contact Xu Zi'an!

As soon as the communicator is switched on.

You can see the brilliant smile on Wan Chongshan's face to the extreme.

I only heard Wan Chongshan's tone reveal endless joy, and said with a smile: "Xiao An~." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Alright, you all retreat. "

Xu Zi'an was stunned: "Withdraw?"

"I've got those demonic geniuses locked in here. "

"Is it because of the Zerg high-level shouting?"

"Master, do they really dare to start a race war?"

"And didn't they take the initiative to provoke this?"

"If it weren't for the fact that they had assassinated our Terran peerless Tianjiao, I wouldn't have taken revenge. "

"If they dare to start a race war, then let's see who dies!"

"My Terran, when have you ever been instigated?"

Wan Chongshan smiled and explained, "They really don't dare to really start a race war. "

"What's more, even if it is initiated, our human race will definitely not be afraid. "

"However, if it continues, it will definitely lead to a mega war. "

"And the consequences of a super-large war are uncontrollable consequences. "

"Now, our cosmic human race is actually the most in need of steady development. "

"We, in fact, don't want to see a super-large war happen, and in the end, once it is uncontrollable, it will turn into a race war......"

"Actually, we Terrans don't have an advantage!"


"Just give us time ......"

"The advantage of our human race will be greater and greater. "

"Now, we Terrans lack time the most! What we need most is time!"

Seeing that Xu Zi'an still didn't understand.

Wan Chongshan suddenly smiled, pointed at Xu Zi'an, and said, "You kid." "

"Have you forgotten your title?"

"Brilliant through the ages!"

"You think this title is for nothing?"

"This shows that you have been our cosmic human race for countless years, and even the entire universe for countless years!"

"The person with the most hope of becoming the fourth Immortal-level Overlord powerhouse!"


"Actually, it's you who we're waiting for!

"Once we're well developed, wait until you've really grown to the ...... of eternity."

"Originally, we were in a situation with the Inhumans and the Zergs. "

"Our human race can even directly reach a seventy percent, or even eighty percent win rate!"

"We ...... It's actually for you!"

Wan Chongshan's words.

also made Xu Zian really stunned.

Of course he knows his title.

Of course, I also know that the cosmic human race has high hopes for itself.


Definitely not expected.

The high hopes can be so high!

Or even because of himself, so he would rather choose to admit it than continue to expand his current advantages?

Xu Zi'an was surprised: "Eternal level...... Can it really increase the winning rate of a group by two percent?"

Xu Zi'an was really shocked.

Wan Chongshan shook his head and smiled, and in his eyes, there was a hint of yearning: "Two percent?"

"Notice what I just said!"

"I'm talking about...... In the face of the Zerg and Inhumans, the omission of our cosmic Terran can reach seventy!"

"It's !! at the same time"

"Let's just say that. "

"If, I'm just saying if. "

"Our Terran race has no eternal level. "

"Then believe it or not, in less than a hundred years. "

"Our human race will surely fall apart and be eaten away by the Inhumans, Zergs, and even hundreds of millions of races?"

"Eternal level, the guardian god of the race, this title is not for nothing!"

"Do you know why there have always been only three peak overlord races in the entire universe for countless years?"

"Yes, it's because of the Eternal Level!"


"Now any race, once an eternal level emerges!"

"So...... He will be the fourth peak (of money) peak overlord race!"

"...... Now"

"Can you understand the importance of the Eternal Level?"

"Do you also know why we chose to retreat bravely in the rapids this time, rather than letting you continue to assassinate the genius of the insect race?"

"Work hard, develop well, and be strong!"

"The future of our cosmic human race depends on you!"

"You. "

"It's the future of my Terrans!"

"Oh yes. "

This sentence. "

"It's our Terran Patron Saint who let me bring it to you. "

"Of course. "

"If you yourself have different ideas and opinions, speak them up, or just do it!"

"If you want to continue, then you can continue!"

"We absolutely and unconditionally respect and support your ideas and decisions. "

"Even if it really starts a war between the three races in the end......"

"We, the human race, press the entire race to cover for you!"

"Hehe, this sentence ......"

"That's what his old man told me to say. "

"At the same time. "

"That's what I and those of us at the top are all about. "

"Do what you think is right!"

"To continue or not to continue. "

"To fight or not to fight. "

"You decide!".

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