

‘Whoosh - boom!!! '

Xu Zian never thought about it.

Star Wars simulation can be such an intense and exciting way to unfold.

Before he even opened his eyes to clearly see the situation in front of him.

In his ears, there were countless explosions and roars.

The explosion of thermal energy guns; the roar of pulsating weapons; the 'biubiu' sound of laser and photon weapons; and the explosion of starships being penetrated and the roar of starships' fast sailing engines.


Before Xu Zian could adapt to the situation in front of him, there was a sudden loud noise, and the starship he was piloting suddenly shook rapidly.

A hole was directly penetrated by an armor-piercing shell at the right forward bow position.

This position was very close to the cockpit, and the broken starship fragments inside hit Xu Zian like bullets.

Xu Zian was wearing armor, but it didn't matter.

But what really made his expression suddenly change was... he actually felt real and extreme pain!

Actually... can feel pain!

Moreover, the image is still painful in a 1:1 ratio to reality!

In the cockpit, warning red lights flashed crazily, and the star crystal optical brain issued urgent reminders.——

"Attention, the right front part of the bow of the ship was penetrated, and the starship cabin was damaged 34%;"

"The right secondary battery module was damaged; the kinetic energy pipeline of the second right secondary battery was damaged by 77%, and the kinetic energy lethality was reduced by 88%%;"

"Please fix it as soon as possible! Please hide as soon as possible……"

"warn! warn! This ship is locked by the fire control radar! This ship is locked by the fire control radar! According to calculations, the interception success rate is less than 50%, please avoid it immediately! Please avoid immediately!"


A series of warning sounds frightened Xu Zian, and he almost subconsciously controlled the starship to dodge - but the result was still a beat slower.

The energy shield itself was shattered. Without the energy shield, when faced with the attack of three enemy combat missiles, only two anti-aircraft guns could not completely intercept it.

Only two of the missiles were intercepted, and the last combat missile still hit the hull.


There was a deafening explosion, followed by an extreme pain as his body was torn apart inch by inch.

His vision went dark and he entered a blank space.

A huge virtual panel and holographic video appeared in front of you.

On the virtual panel, Xu Zian's shortcomings were pointed out, how he died, how he should respond, etc.

The holographic video, on the other hand, directly analyzes it and teaches Xu Zian how to deal with it in detail!

At this moment.

Xu Zian was still a little shocked.

Real, too real.

The battlefield just now, the pain, and the pain and despair of death, everything was too real!

It took a long time to calm down a little.

He stared at the front panel and the holographic video.

Via video.

He learned what this Star Wars simulation was like.

The system actually directly simulated a real battlefield! and.

This is not an ordinary battlefield with interstellar pirates, but a real battlefield between humans, aliens, and bugs in the universe!

The battlefield he was in just now was just a small area on the edge of the battlefield.

The most powerful warship, both your own and the enemy's, is a frigate.

The rest are scout ships.

The enemy is the infamous insect race!

The Insects... have the worst relationship with humans...

No, it should be said that the Insects have extremely bad relations with humans and Inhumans!

The kind that never stops.

But it is a pity that the insectoids are indeed very powerful.

The Insects are naturally extremely numerous, and the combat effectiveness of a single starship may not be comparable to that of human and Inhuman starships.

Victory lies in the worm sea tactics!

For example, in the video, the number of insectoid starships is three times that of our own!

Among the three peak overlord groups in the universe.

Human starships are superior in high-end technology, sophisticated equipment, powerful attack, strong defense, strong speed, etc.

There are also various attack methods emerging in endlessly.

Inhuman starships are better because they are thick-skinned and resistant to construction.

The Bugger starships have no outstanding points in any aspect... but there are too many of them.

What limits the number of humans and inhumans are biological awakeners.

But the insect race has too many people, so the proportion of biologically awakened people will naturally increase.

In a three-on-one situation... it's really hard to have a chance of winning.


Xu Zian's eyes lit up and he was extremely surprised.

Is there anything more suitable than a real battlefield to improve your Star Wars strength?


Real battlefield!

Real pain!

The result is the most real strength improvement!

Even if you die, you can come back to life!

Not to mention, after the fight is completed, the system will also use text and holographic video.

Everything is detailed, almost chewing up the combat knowledge points and feeding them to you!

With this teaching method...

I'm afraid even a pig can be taught to become a peerless master, right?

The negative emotions from the previous death were immediately put aside.

The next second, Xu Zian devoted himself directly to studying.

He looked forward to it.

Looking forward to my transformation in one year!

This 10 wealth value.

Well worth the money!


‘Whoosh—bang! There was a loud rumble

, and a strange-looking starship was directly smashed into pieces.

Look around again.

It's a piece of starship wreckage.

Most of them belong to the insect race, and only a few of them belong to our own side. besides.

There are more than a dozen starships just floating around, forming a faint encirclement.

It seems...like it's skimming the formation.

In the middle, there is a medium-sized biological reconnaissance ship and a blown-up insectoid biological reconnaissance ship.

In the cockpit

"Haha, the brilliant account is awesome!!!"

"Xu Zian, is this the fifth ship you have killed? So cool!"

"Why didn't I realize you were so powerful before? Killing three insectoid biological reconnaissance ships and two insectoid mechanical reconnaissance ships by one person... God, I can't even think about it!"

"Xu Zian, you are the leader in this encounter!"


One after another, exclamations and praises were constantly coming from the communicator.

Listening to the sincere words of his teammates, Xu Zian could only shake his head and sigh.

All I can say is... the system simulation is too realistic.

These teammates are all simulated with flesh and blood.

The next second!

The picture in front of me gradually became blurry.

Then a frame appeared in sight

【The first-order reconnaissance ship Star Wars simulation tutorial is over! 】

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