【Rendering of the evolved brilliant number! View the picture directly like a computer. For the mobile version, click on the word (picture) in the upper right corner to view it!】


The light in front of my eyes changes rapidly.

When I saw it clearly, I had returned to my home.

Nothing around him changed. After all, only an hour had passed in the real world.

Xu Zian exhaled a breath of exhaustion. He didn't even want to think about anything anymore, so he just closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In less than five seconds, he fell asleep.

An hour has passed in the real world, but Xu Zian's spirit has been really busy for a whole year.

Thanks to Xu Zian's two lifetimes, his mental power is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Otherwise, most people would probably have a mental breakdown.

It was a sleepless night.

I slept until noon the next day before waking up.

Xu Zian also became energetic again.

The wealth value is still 30.1.

He did not conduct another simulated evolution.

Because, the rare level is already the limit.

There are only 550,000 in total. With 550,000 resources, you can evolve a junk-picked spaceship into a rare-quality first-order reconnaissance ship...

Just ask how many evolutionists in this world can do it?!

The whole thing is of rare quality, but there are actually many parts that are just fine, or even of ordinary quality!

I have no choice, I really have no money.

If you give Xu Zian money for a rare-quality future star, do you believe that Xu Zian can directly simulate and evolve the starship to perfect quality?

Components that do not reach rare quality can only be slowly evolved after making money later.

It doesn't matter, at 520,000, it is comparable to Chang Shaokong's 19.99 million Future Star...

What else is Xu Zian not satisfied with?


It’s the infinite charm brought by evolution!

With evolution, everything is possible!

Now that the evolutionary plan has produced results.

Of course Xu Zian will not waste time anymore.

Run directly to the landing pad, board the Brilliant, and fly towards the star port.

A star port is a port specially used to park medium, large, and ultra-large spaceships and starships.

It is also a place where mechanical spaceships and starships are repaired and biological starships evolve.

In ordinary places, where are there so many facilities and spaces to provide biological starship evolution?

In addition, the star port also provides supplies of fuel, ammunition, and living supplies.

It cost 3,000 yuan to rent a small starship factory for a total of three days.

Here, there are all kinds of equipment, whether it is repair or evolution.

If you want to buy something, place an order directly on the optical brain watch and it will be delivered quickly.

Very convenient.

When Xu Zian drove the Brilliance into the starship factory, the starport staff responsible for docking inside were still confused.

He looked blankly at the information displayed by the optical computer in his hand, and then looked at the brilliant ship in front of him...

His little brain probably couldn't figure it out. How could he spend three thousand yuan to rent a factory for a ship like this? What are you planning to do!

What's displayed on the optical brain is the evolution of a biological starship...

But, you tell me, this thing is actually a biological starship? ? ?

Seeing Xu Zian walking over, he hesitated for a moment, then asked tentatively:"Uh, Captain Xu, Xu, do you need our help in recommending an evolutionist?"

Xu Zian shook his head:"No, I have an evolution plan and don't need an evolutionist."

The staff seemed to be relieved and nodded repeatedly:"Okay, if you need anything, please tell me any time. I'll leave first!"

After saying that, he stepped on the air. Get out of here quickly.

Fortunately, Xu Zian didn't ask him to recommend an evolutionist.

Otherwise, no matter which evolutionist he recommends... he is likely to be scolded by the other party - evolution is this thing?

Which evolutionist would evolve such a thing?

You don’t think it’s embarrassing, but I still think it’s embarrassing!!!

If you have evolved well, you will lose face, but if you have not evolved well... it will be even more embarrassing.

The staff left, and Xu Zian was the only one left in the entire closed starship factory.

He came to the optical computer display screen in the factory and began to purchase the components and materials needed for evolution.

The keel of the entry-level medium-sized reconnaissance ship of the Starship Series of the Sky Starship Manufacturing Group -


Interstellar Power Company's Yuanhang series entry-level high-power 2 times the speed of light propulsion engines*2 units -


Pulse Drive Group's Super Pulse series entry-level high-power pulse transition engine -


The 88cm caliber pulse cannon produced by the Fersen Federal Military Factory in the Haima Galaxy -


Four secondary guns and two anti-aircraft guns, all from Interstellar Technology Company -


These things are most expensive.

Then there are energy shields, locking radars, detection radars, engines, weapon cooling systems... as well as the captain's living room, life support system, gravity control system, carrier-grade star crystal optical brain, and so on.

These things added up to the final 60,000 yuan.

You can imagine the quality of these things.

And a lot of the 60,000 yuan is made of various metals and materials!

Let's put it that way.

The captain's living room is 4 square meters in total!

The total price is 1,800 yuan, but it covers a single bed, washing machine, folding toilet, shower head, and a small refrigerator!

The space is ridiculously small and the quality is extremely poor.

Just that bed... I'm afraid sleeping on it is almost like sleeping on the floor. Don't expect it to be comfortable. As long as it's not too uncomfortable, Xu Zian said he could accept it.

I still have 30,000 yuan left in my hand, which I can't touch.

You also have to replenish starship fuel, ammunition and living supplies.

Fortunately, these things are not particularly important parts, so we can only make do with them and evolve into better ones when we make money in the future.

Xu Zian squeezed this starship to the extreme.

But it can improve the overall quality to a rare level...

You can imagine how high the quality of those main components is.

Three full days.

Xu Zian was buried in the starship factory, evolving the starship non-stop.

The Brilliance is also the same as in the actual combat simulation.

According to Xu Zian's plan, earth-shaking changes have taken place. finally.

The afternoon of the third day!

Evolution, all done.

Looking at the biological starship that transformed from an ugly duckling in front of him, Xu Zian showed a satisfied smile.

He can even feel the power of the biological starship through the mysterious connection with the starship!

He called up the evolved starship optical brain, which displayed the current detailed information of the Brilliance.

The most eye-catching thing is the blue name in the first row and the rows of red fonts below.

Brilliant: First-order reconnaissance ship (blue rare)

Keel: red excellent;


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