"Hahaha, Master Xu, are you trying to make me laugh to death? Is your biological battleship a garbage ship? Ha ha ha ha……"

The noisy jeers echoed in the office, and the sarcasm and sneer in the tone were not concealed at all.

The classmates from this school and from other schools all laughed out loud, looking at Xu Zian as if they were looking at a fool.

Even the federal staff in the office... were laughing and feeling uncomfortable.

They have worked here for so many years and have registered new procedures for countless awakened people, but this is the first time they have seen someone driving such a dilapidated garbage ship to register a biological starship.

Seriously... it's eye-catching!

Isn't this equivalent to cutting off one's own retreat?

Unless you can evolve superiorly later.

But...please ask the evolutionist for free?

Evolution doesn't require a lot of materials?

And once evolution fails... it will really be useless.

"Chang Shaokong, is this Xu Zian from your third middle school?"

A frivolous voice sounded, and the speaker was a young man. He looked Xu Zijing up and down, and couldn't help but sneer:"Your No. 3 Middle School... were you suppressed by this kind of person for three whole years? Are you too useless?"

The expressions of Chang Shaokong and the other twenty-one classmates who were laughing suddenly froze.

Chang Shaokong first glared at Xu Zian with disdain, then turned around and said coldly:"Lu Xing, what are you pretending to be here?

His scores in liberal arts and Star Wars are not only the first in our third middle school, but also the first in Lake City...

Is it possible that your No. 1 middle school is not from our Lake City?

You are so awesome, why don't you get first place in Lake City?"

The face of the young man named Lu Xing changed and he snorted, but he did not say anything more on this issue. Chang

Shaokong and the classmates from No. 3 Middle School did not come up to mock Xu Zian again this time.

Instead, they They hid away like a god of plague, fearing that others would know that they and Xu Zian were classmates... It was really embarrassing to have such classmates.

Xu Zian just glanced at this group of people.

Their appearance, The names were all remembered in my heart.

Soon, it was his turn.

Under the weird eyes of the staff, he updated his strength; registered the small ball as his own biological starship, and injected a unique identification code.

Here he is. When it came to naming the biological starship, Xu Zian directly entered the name he had already thought of -


The Brilliant biological starship.

This name carries his ambition.

It carries his expectations for the future.!

One day, his starship will be like the most dazzling pearl in the universe. It will be dazzling wherever it goes! It will also turn into a ray of bright light, illuminating himself and the human race!

In his identity information When the update was completed, 300,000 cosmic coins had been transferred to his personal account in seconds.

After that, he applied for an ultra-low-interest loan of 200,000 yuan. The total loan was for one year, and the total interest of 200,000 yuan per year was only It required 1,000 yuan.

It was almost equivalent to an interest-free loan.

After everything was done, Xu Zian immediately left the place in the Brilliance and returned home.

Turning on the optical brain watch, his current detailed information in the Federation was displayed.

【Name]: Xu Zian

【Identity]: Quasi-biological captain (the starship has not reached the minimum starship level)

【Age]: 17

【Account]: Earth Federation Bank;

【Balance]: Cosmic Coin: 552,143.11; Nano Cluster: 0

【Address]: Jiuxiao Xinghai...

In the address bar, there is a long list of detailed addresses.

This federal detailed information is just like your own ID card.

As for the 550,000 cosmic coins, I have all saved up now.

The wealth value of 100,000 calculated by the system only represents the total wealth he has gained over the years, not how much money he currently has left.

I earned about 100,000 yuan in total from odd jobs, scavenging, and federal assistance. However, over the years, I received federal assistance for food, housing, and tuition, but I also spent about 50,000 yuan on other aspects.

As for the [Nano Star Cluster] in the balance column, it is a high-level energy source and even a high-level currency.

It seems to be a kind of energy specially used for space jumps. Anyway, it is not currently accessible to me.

In addition, a total of five hundred thousand was obtained this time.

But only 300,000 of them were converted into his own wealth.

The loan of 200,000 yuan was not included in the calculation.

It seems that the system will not have such low-level vulnerabilities.

The reward of 300,000 yuan has also turned into 30 points of wealth value, and now his wealth value has reached 40.1.

Originally, Xu Zian should have immediately started purchasing starship parts to evolve the Brilliance.

But after looking at the [Actual Combat Simulation] option in the system, I hesitated and decided to try the [Evolution Simulation] in it.

After all, he was about to evolve the Brilliance.

And he is actually not that confident about his level of evolution.

Maybe, the system can give you a surprise.

Xu Zian has always been a decisive person.

Now that you have decided, there will be no further hesitation.

Clicked to enter the [Evolution Simulation] interface, and several options popped up.

But this time there is only one option to choose from

【First-grade evolution master practical simulation teaching】

【Do you want to choose to spend 10 wealth points for a one-year practical simulation teaching of a first-grade evolution master?】

【Tip: In the simulation, the flow rate ratio in the real world is 1 year: 1 hour]

Xu Zian’s breathing suddenly stopped!

Practical simulation teaching?

Are you still teaching? ? ?

And it’s a one-year practical simulation teaching!

"I just knew...the system is awesome!!!"

Xu Zian was excited.

Without any hesitation, he immediately clicked in.

10 wealth points were consumed instantly.

The next second,

Xu Zian's eyesight went dark, and his soul seemed to be dragged into a magical space.

Opening his eyes again When I opened my eyes...

I was stunned by the scene in front of me.

This is an extremely huge space.

But there is no planet or any buildings, it is just a place similar to a dimensional space.

As far as the eye can see, there is only one spaceship......

That is, a spaceship that is exactly the same as his Brilliance is parked here quietly.

Next to it, there are countless starship parts of various types from various companies in the universe!

There are so many.


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