Different qualities are shown by different colored fonts.

For example, the three words"Brilliant Number" displayed on the optical brain information.

It is displayed in blue font.

And blue is a rare quality color!

Inferior gray; ordinary white; excellent green; rare blue; excellent red; perfect pink!

The Brilliance as a whole is of blue rare quality.

There are multiple red excellent qualities appearing in the component parameters below!

Brilliant: First-order reconnaissance ship (blue rare)

Keel: red excellent; hyperdrive: red excellent; pulse jump engine: blue rare; main battery: red excellent; secondary battery: blue rare; anti-aircraft gun: red excellent ;

Locking radar: green and excellent; detection radar: white and ordinary...

The rows of red and blue fonts represent the high-end quality of each module, which made Xu Zian smile so much that the corners of his mouth almost reached his ears.

Although there are some partial subjects, what does it matter!

If the overall level reaches blue rarity, then you will earn blood!

It feels like it cost 520,000 yuan and made 10 million yuan!

He is more confident about the college entrance examination in three months!

Strive to get a good rank and enter the top university!

The Brilliant Number has evolved.

Xu Zian immediately started to replenish fuel, ammunition, and supplies!

Even the captain's room module is only a minimum of 4 square meters, just to save the most storage space.

The fuel for the hyperdrive engine is dihydrogen.

Good dihydrogen fuel is not affordable, and the lowest grade dihydrogen polymer is sufficient.

I bought a full 100 units of dihydropolymer.

One unit of dihydrogen polymer can be used for 0.5 light years without any problem. 100 units can be used for 50 light years!

If the secondary battery is used regularly, it will definitely be no problem to maintain a range of 10-20 light years.

The fuel for pulse transition is tritium.

The lowest grade of tritium fuel, Tritium Blend, was purchased in 70 units.

One unit of tritium mixture is enough for the main gun to fire three times, and only one unit of tritium mixture is required for a pulse space jump at a distance of one light year.

Anyway... it's almost enough.

The fuel warehouse can hold a total of 200 units, and the remaining 30 units of space are all used to purchase photon energy.

Provides use of anti-aircraft guns.

Then there's the ammunition magazine.

Anti-aircraft guns use photon energy and do not require warheads.

Only the main and secondary guns require warheads, and 100 units are prepared to load ammunition.

A unit can carry 2 pulse penetrating warheads, or 100 secondary battery high-explosive warheads.

The main gun is divided into 70 units, which can fire 140 rounds.

For 30 units of secondary artillery, that’s 3,000 rounds!

The final living supplies warehouse has a total of 10 units of space.

It is more than enough to carry a month's worth of food and water, as well as enough scraps to survive for a month.

Since then.

More than 29,000 yuan was spent.

Now Xu Zian only has a pitiful three thousand yuan left in his hand.

The key is to spend these three thousand yuan to buy medical guns and weapons later!

The shit is dry and the urine is gone.

Even the evolution value is only a pitiful 2 points.

Good thing.

All done.

I can finally make money.

In fact, even if Xu Zian still has money, he can't evolve.

The evolution value... is too little.

Unless the wealth value is converted into bioenergy.

There are two ways to obtain evolution values.

One is normal practice. Every time you get 1 point of biological energy, you get 1 point of evolution value.

The other is to destroy the enemy biological starship!

Different evolution values ​​will be obtained according to the opponent's strength level.

Apart from this, there is no other way to obtain evolution points, and they cannot be traded or given away.

Moreover, in addition to evolving starships, evolution values ​​can also be used to directly repair starships in emergencies, or to directly use evolution values ​​to restore injuries when a person is near death!

It can be said that evolution value is the most important resource for every biological captain.

With the remaining three thousand yuan, I first bought a medical gun.

Even if the evolution value is sufficient, for general injuries, medical guns and medical beds will be used to treat injuries.

Unless it's absolutely necessary, you won't use evolution points to directly recover. That would be too luxurious.

What's more, Xu Zian only has 2 evolution points left, which is not enough to recover from any injuries.

The cheapest medical gun, a hemostatic bottle, an anti-inflammatory bottle, and an analgesic bottle.

The rest of the medicine bottles were not purchased, but the number of uses of one medicine bottle will be determined based on your injury.

As for the curative effect... it's the cheapest kind anyway, so don't expect particularly powerful curative effects.

Weapons, a knife, a gun.

The knife is an alloy sword, and the gun is an ordinary thermal rifle - that is, the gun with gunpowder bullets in the 21st century. It is easy to buy this and it is cheap enough.

A rifle is equipped with three magazines, and each magazine has 30 rounds of ammunition.

Since then.

Xu Zian only had the last 23 yuan left on him.

Never been so poor. five minutes later.

Xu Zian drives the brand new Brilliance for the first time.

Should I say it or not...

The Brilliant Ship, which has been renovated to achieve the rare quality of overall blue, is completely different from the previous small ball ship in terms of control sense and feel.

In other words, they are not on the same level at all!

Even though the driving area in the captain's cabin is still small, even the cheapest control system is used.

But the overall power and flexibility of the starship have been completely improved.

Just by lightly stepping on the power pedal of the light speed propulsion engine, unparalleled power burst out, easily pushing the Brilliance, which weighed 778 tons when fully loaded.

The effortless kind.

Hyperlight Engine: Red Excellence

Feature 1: Acceleration increased by 15%;

Feature 2: Flexibility increased by 11%;

Feature 3: Energy consumption reduced by 9%; this.

These are the three characteristics of these two red excellent quality light speed propulsion engines!

Excellent quality, only one feature.

Rare quality, has two characteristics.

Excellent quality, has three characteristics!

The higher the quality, the more features!

And the higher the percentage increase or decrease!

This time, I flew on the Brilliance again and received a lot of attention.

But this time it was no longer a look of ridicule, but a look of surprise and envy.

When people on the ground saw that the appearance of the Brilliance was different from any starship in their memory, they knew - this was an evolved biological starship!

Although I don’t know what level of reconnaissance ship it is, nor what its quality is.

But judging from the overall quality of this starship... it shouldn't be too low.

At least it can't be inferior.

But what do the words Wuling Spaceship Group and the Wuling LOGO painting on this starship mean?

Is it possible that this starship uses the hull of Wuling Spacecraft Group?

Or is this the latest starship developed by Wuling Spacecraft Group?

But I have never heard that Wuling can build starships!

And what the heck are the words [Mini Small Ball] on the hull painting? ? ?

Such a ferocious starship... What are you doing with this Mini? What the hell does it have to do with the little ball?

In the confused eyes of the people looking up below.

The majestic and domineering Brilliance slowly disappeared from the place with the Wuling small ball paint.

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