After being surprised, these senior officials and big shots didn't pay too much attention.

Although it was a bit surprising that Xu Zian immediately awakened his biological energy as soon as he entered the awakening cabin.

But that's all.

The length of awakening time does not mean the level of talent!

The level of talent is reflected in subsequent growth.

The short awakening time can only mean that he is lucky.

What's more, 76 biological energy awakened as soon as he entered... Isn't this good luck?

"What a lucky boy."

In the stands, a burly middle-aged man wearing space armor and a centipede-like scar on his collarbone glanced at Xu Zian, shook his head and smiled. The principal who had been respectfully accompanying the man quickly laughed after hearing this. Said:"Captain Zhang is right, but luck is also a part of strength!

And I also know that Xu Zian is ranked first in the school in liberal arts and Star Wars, and he was an orphan since he was a child. It is not easy to grow up to where he is today."

"oh? Is there such a thing?"

Zhang Ershen replied in surprise, glanced at Xu Zian in the awakening cabin again, smiled, and said nothing more.

The awakening continued.

When the cabin door opened, Xu Zian still had a deep feeling in his heart. Reluctant to give up.

Because he felt that he could continue to absorb it!

Unfortunately, the potion mist was gone.

The amount used by each person to awaken was fixed.

It was a pity.

Then he looked at his biological energy.

It turned out that It is a one-time increase of 10 points!

This shows how powerful the effect of this potion is.

No wonder the federation only provides one awakening opportunity for free, and you have to pay for it at your own expense if you want to awaken again.

Thinking about it, the price of this potion must be very expensive.

The biological energy increased by 10 points, but the full value was still 100. The +27 at the end became +37. The evolution value became 137.

When he walked out of the awakening cabin,

Xu Zian felt the majestic power in his body.

Now, he can be called a quasi-biological warrior.

Biological energy can be used, and the level of life has also undergone qualitative changes. It is unclear how strong he is now, but Xu Zian has a feeling...

He should fight ten There was nothing wrong with me before!

This is the difference between biologically awakened and unawakened creatures.

Back to the crowd, the eyes are all different.

Some are still dissatisfied and unhappy.

But some are timid. Dare to look at Xu Zian again.

The mocking and sarcastic eyes were completely gone.

Xu Zian smiled faintly.

Look, there are just a bunch of people like this who are jealous of him.

He shook his head and didn't pay attention to them anymore. His thoughts were all put behind him. Binding on the starship!

Starship binding is the first step to truly step into the starry sky and eternal life. The biological starship is really important to the biological warrior.

And every awakening Under normal circumstances, you can only bind one starship in your life.

Unless your starship is sunk and you are not dead... then you can bind the second one.

Otherwise, once you bind, It cannot be unbound and can only accompany you for life!

Although subsequent biological starships can evolve, the initial binding also determines your initial combat power, as well as the difficulty and direction of subsequent evolution!

For example, Chang Shaokong, his parents gave The rare-quality future star he prepared... can be said to be the highest pursuit of all ordinary awakened people.

As a classmate said before, once Chang Shaokong is bound, at least on earth, not to mention absolutely invincible at the same level. At least it's the top-level one!

It's impossible for me to bind such an awesome starship. Even the lowest-level starship... seems to be unaffordable. The cheapest first-level reconnaissance ship currently on the market, a universe Developed by the lowest-end company, it’s called [Starry Sky Travel].

From the name, it looks awesome, and the price is only 199,800 cosmic coins.

But its combat effectiveness... can be imagined.

The surface data is very powerful..For example, titanium super alloy keel; pure oxygen titanium alloy armor; four 2-speed hyperlight thruster engines; two photon pulse thruster engines; two main guns, six secondary guns and four anti-aircraft guns...

Should I say no? Said, the surface data alone is comparable to a frigate, far beyond the scope of ordinary reconnaissance ships.

The price is less than 200,000 universe coins, who wouldn't be tempted?

So someone actually bought it, and then it appeared... stalled for no reason while driving; the engine exploded directly during the pulse jump... the main gun exploded, five of the six secondary guns malfunctioned, and the anti-aircraft gun couldn't stop even a bird!

Xu Zian even doubted that his little ball could fight the opponent for 300 rounds!

But such a junk starship costs nearly 200,000 yuan.

With that kind of money, Xu Zian would never buy such a thing.

As for his first bound starship, Xu Zian has actually made plans!

He decided to directly bind the current garbage boat ball!

Binding the small ball is very simple, just to break through and become a real biological warrior, and then you can get a reward of 300,000 yuan from the federation!

Later, by virtue of his status as a biological warrior, he could obtain an ultra-low-interest loan of 200,000 yuan from the federation.

Adding in the tens of thousands of dollars in his own balance, there are five to six hundred thousand.

Finally, I personally redesign and evolve the little ball, turning it into a real starship!

This is Xu Zian's plan.

Very risky, but also possible to succeed.

Once successful, it will save a lot of money.

You can also build a starship that truly suits you.

And the premise of all this... is that I can successfully evolve the little ball!

No surprises!

Otherwise... my future path will basically be considered useless.

An hour later, the awakening ceremony ended.

In total, more than 1,000 senior high school students and more than 500 people have awakened.

But in the end, the only one who successfully awakened wasThere were twenty-three people.

This probability is neither high nor low, and is within the normal range.

Overwhelmed with joy at awakening.

Unawakened sadness.

The first time I didn’t wake up... my future path was basically cut off.

Being an ordinary mortal may be their only choice

"First of all, I would like to congratulate the twenty-three awakened ones. Your future path will be a sea of ​​stars."

The fat principal said with a smile:"But students who are not awakened don't be discouraged.

If you didn’t awaken the first time, there is a possibility of awakening again later!

In addition, there are only three months left before the college entrance examination. I personally suggest that awakened students bind their biological starships as soon as possible.

Strive to achieve a higher degree of compatibility with the biological starship within these three months and have a higher and more powerful combat effectiveness!

Even... complete an evolution!

In this way, you can get into a better university!

Students who have not yet awakened should also work hard and contribute to the human race in our universe!

Okay, that’s it for today.

Let's all disperse!"

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