"Master Sound Pillar!"

"Yin" opened the door and Yu Zhuan Tianyuan walked in.

Soon, a short-haired young man appeared in front of him. There was a very scary wound on his face. He was walking slowly with the support of a beautiful woman.

"My lord!"

Chalcedony Tianyu knelt on one knee.

"You're here, Tianyuan!"

Ubuya Shiki Yaoya stopped and turned to look at Utsuo Tengen with a gentle voice that made people feel like they were taking a breath of spring breeze.

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan stood up: "My lord, the things you arranged have been prepared, and the transfer can begin now."

Ubuyashiki Yōya shook his head slightly: "It's no longer needed!"

"No need?" Yu Zhuan Tianyuan showed a puzzled expression on his face.

Ubuyashiki Amane took out a piece of information and handed it to him.

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan browsed it quickly, his eyes opened wider and wider, and he couldn't help but said: "My lord, is this true?"

"Information sent by Kanae herself," Ubuyashiki Yōya said.

"That is to say, Aomura not only returned safely, but also killed the third and newly promoted upper strings under the siege of Kibutsuji Muzan and the five upper strings."

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan took a breath: "What a magnificent achievement!"

Ubuyashiki Yoya's heart was also filled with emotion.

They had made a lot of preparations in order to deal with the newly promoted Shangxian Six, but now it was all in vain.

Who would have thought that the winding ghost could die so easily?

Before that, no one had been able to kill Shangxian for more than a hundred years.

The excitement gradually subsided, and Yu Zhuan Tianyuan thought of a question: "My lord, has Qingcun's strength improved too fast?"

Ubuyashiki Yōya said in a calm tone: "Tianyuan, it is a good thing that Mr. Aomura becomes stronger. Since we are allies, we should give him full trust."

In fact, Yu Zhuan Tianyuan is not the first person to raise this issue.

He also understands the concerns of his players.

Will Mr. Aomura become the second best Kibutsuji Muzan? He does not deny that it is indeed possible.

Once this happens, what they are doing now is to help others do evil.

However, if you want to defeat Muzan Kibutsuji, how can you not take any risks?

Over the past thousands of years, too many people have died due to ghosts, and the Demon Slayer Team has also made too many sacrifices.

As long as he can put an end to Muzan Kibutsuji, he is willing to take any risk no matter how big it is.

What's more, so far, Mr. Aomura has been blameless in other aspects except for his slightly drastic methods when facing villains.

"I understand, my lord!"

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan said.

He has not had much contact with Qingcun and still has doubts in his heart, but he trusts his lord's judgment.

"Then thank you to the head of the Uyashiki family for your trust." A voice suddenly sounded next to him.

Uzhuan Tianyuan's expression changed drastically, and he stood in front of Ubuya Shiki Yaoya without hesitation.

Aoki slowly walked out of the shadows.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation, it just happened to happen."

After learning "body control", he became more comfortable in concealing movement and eliminating the sense of existence. He even tried his best to hide it from Yu Zhuan Tianyuan.

Yoya Shiki patted Uku Tengen's arm, telling him not to be nervous. Then he looked at Aoki and said with a gentle smile: "I hope Mr. Aomura doesn't mind. Tian Yuan is also used to seeing ghosts harming people, so he is so vigilant."

"It's human nature and understandable!"

Aoki said.

He has long been mentally prepared for the fact that his display of too much strength may arouse the fear of the Demon Slayer Corps.

This is also the fundamental difference between him and Tamashi and Yushirou.

This didn't bother him too much.

This is something the Demon Slayers need to consider.

If Ubuyashiki Yoshiya wants to terminate the cooperation because of this, he is willing to get together and part ways.

During this time, he has gained enough.

"Then thank you Mr. Aomura." Ubuyashiki Yoshiya smiled and asked: "Kanae said that Mr. Aomura has something to tell me?"

"I recently gained a new ability."

Aoki didn't waste any time, and explained the "space mark shuttle" situation in detail, and finally said: "So, I hope the Demon Slayer Squad can give me more information about ghosts!"

Ubuyashiki Yōya looked a little serious and thought for a few seconds: "If Mr. Aomura doesn't mind working harder, we can put more effort into intelligence collection and leave the job of killing ghosts to Mr. Aomura!"

"I'm OK!"

Aoki said without thinking.

Ubuyashiki Yōya's decision actually has pros and cons for the Demon Slayer Squad.

The advantage is that the mortality rate of Demon Slayer members will be greatly reduced.

Fighting ghosts is a very dangerous thing. For ordinary members, every battle almost risks their lives.

The downside is that this destroys the system of the Demon Slayer Squad.

If the two parties had only cooperated purely before, then from now on, the Demon Slayers will inevitably become dependent on him.

Aoki understands.

To make this decision, not only does it require strong courage, but Ubuyashiki Yaoya should also be expressing trust in him to make up for the gap that may have been caused by Uku Tengen's words just now.

Thinking of this, Aoki took out a piece of paper, with a complex silver diamond pattern drawn on one side.

"Master Uyashiki, please accept this."

Ubuyashiki Amane took it for him and handed it to him. Ubuyashiki Yoya rubbed the paper and asked doubtfully: "Mr. Aomura, is this?"

"Space mark symbol." Aoki said: "If you encounter danger, the head of the Ubuyashiki family will tear up this paper, and I can rush over immediately."

He is returning the favor.

Ubuyashiki Yoya is indeed a very good collaborator.

Hearing this, Uzui Tengen, who had been silent all the time, suddenly lit up his eyes.

The safety of the lord has always been the focus of their attention.

However, no matter how they persuaded, the lord did not agree to let the pillar protect him.

If it is really as Aomura said, then there will be no need to worry about the safety of the lord in the future.

Unless Muzan Kibutsuji comes in person, no ghost can threaten the safety of the lord.

Ubuyashiki Yoya was also very interested, but his focus was different from Uzui Tengen's. He said excitedly: "Is this also the method of using the 'space mark shuttle' that Mr. Aomura mentioned?

Then can we also give one to the team members who collect intelligence? In this way, Mr. Aomura can rush over as soon as the ghost is discovered."

Aoki had considered this method a long time ago: "I will make a batch later, but it is not easy to make space marks, and it is impossible to equip everyone."

"Some of them are enough!" Ubuyashiki Yoya said solemnly: "Mr. Aomura, don't worry, we will definitely make them play the greatest role!"

They planned well, but it is only a plan at present.

Aoki has not had time to make enough space marks, so the plan cannot start.

However, preparations can be started first.

For example, the transformation of the Demon Slayer Corps, etc.

This is also the reason why Aoki came to Ubuyashiki Yoya in advance.

Sorry, I forgot to tell everyone that under normal circumstances, the update will still be at 7 pm in the future. There are two more chapters around 12 o'clock tonight.

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