Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 77 Irony (Subscribe please!)

Finally, Tanjiro and Kamado Aoi accepted the money.

Then Aoki and Tanjiro set off to where the blue Higanbana grows.

"Please go this way!"

Tanjiro led the way in front, his voice high and full of vigor: "Please be careful, it's very humid here and the ground is very slippery."

Aoki passed steadily.

Tanjiro asked curiously: "Mr. Aomura, why are you looking for blue Higanbana?"

Aoki thought for a while and said: "For the treatment of diseases, the main material of the medicine is the blue Higanbana."

Fear of sunlight should be considered a disease, right?

Tanjiro was anxious all of a sudden: "But the blue Higanbana does not bloom every year. What if it doesn't bloom this year?"

Aoki said: "It doesn't matter, this disease is not fatal. If it doesn't bloom this year, I can wait for next year or the year after. I believe I will encounter it one day."

"That's good!"

Tanjiro breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "We're here!"

They walked a few steps forward, got out of the jungle, and the front was suddenly open.

The bright sunshine fell, and the world seemed to be dyed golden.

On the ground, countless flowers competed for beauty, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers. A breeze blew, and all the flowers swayed their waists.

Tanjiro showed a simple smile on his face: "Ah, so beautiful!"

Aoki said: "It is indeed beautiful! Does the blue spider lily grow here?"

"Please follow me, it's just in front."

Tanjiro found a path skillfully.

Crossing the sea of ​​flowers, a small grave suddenly appeared in front.

Tanjiro bowed seriously, and then said to Aoki: "It is said that a very important elder is buried here. My mother brings me here to worship every year."

Aoki did not speak.

He knew whose grave this was - the wife of Yuichi Tsugakuin, an ordinary woman named Shi.

Yuichi Tsugakuin was a true chosen son, born with stripes and a transparent world, and the breathing method was also innate.

He was as dazzling as the sun, but he wanted to live an ordinary life. What he wanted was just a wife and children, but such a dream could not be realized.

When he was almost ten years old, in order not to snatch his brother's treatment, Tsukuni Yoshiichi left his family and met a girl named Shi, and they lived together from then on.

When they grew up, they naturally became husband and wife, and Shi soon became pregnant.

When Shi was about to give birth, Tsukuni Yoshiichi went out to find a midwife. He planned to return before sunset, but on the way he met an old man with a bad heart who wanted to see his son.

His son was injured in the war and was on the verge of death.

Tsukuni Yoshiichi sent the old man to his destination, and when he returned home, his wife and unborn child had been killed by demons.

The phrase "God is jealous of talents" is more appropriate for Tsukuni Yoshiichi.

Tanjiro pointed to a few weed-like plants next to the grave: "Mr. Aomura, this is the blue spider lily, which only blooms on the strongest day of the year, and not every year. Mom has brought us here many times, but I am the only one who has seen the blue spider lily."

Aoki showed a slightly sarcastic smile on his face.

As the only person who threatened his life in his thousand years of life, Muzan Kibutsuji's fear of Yoriichi Tsugakuko is engraved in his bones.

He avoids everything related to Yoriichi Tsugakukoko.

However, the blue spider lily he has been chasing for his whole life is right next to the grave of Yoriichi Tsugakukokoko's wife.

Ghosts are afraid of the sun.

The blue spider lily only blooms on the days when the sun is the strongest, and there is no shelter in this area.

The most ironic thing is.

In the original work, Muzan Kibutsuji killed Tanjiro's family and passed by the blue spider lily he had been chasing for a thousand years.

And Tanjiro, who joined the Demon Slayer Corps with hatred, was the most important force that eventually dragged him into the abyss of death.

How ironic!

However, in the final analysis, Muzan Kibutsuji was too stupid! Too stupid!

A thousand years.

Tokyo is such a small place, and he should have found it by searching inch by inch.

The plan of the Twelve Demon Moons is completely bullshit.

The correct approach is to control the top government officials and use the power of the secular world to find the blue spider lily for himself.

Unfortunately, Muzan Kibutsuji is arrogant and arrogant, looking down on humans, and never thought of using the power of humans.

Aoki found an open space and sat down cross-legged.

"Tanjiro, please bring me here, you go back, I can wait here by myself."

It's better to come early than to come late.

It's just August now, not far from the strongest day of the sun, he doesn't need to wait too long.

"Then I'll bring you food later." Tanjiro said.

"No need." Aoki shook his head and looked at Tanjiro with a smile on his face: "You should have discovered it?"

"What?" Tanjiro was stunned.

Aoki said calmly: "I'm not human!"

Tanjiro's nose is very sensitive, which has surpassed the range of smell. It can distinguish people's emotions and emotions, distinguish between people and ghosts by smell. After training, it can even smell the flaws.

This ability is not unique to Tanjiro.

Agatsuma Zenitsu's hearing, Hashibira Inosuke's touch, and his elementary school student, Kurika Ryo Kanao's vision, are all special ways of perception that go beyond the senses themselves.

He is a ghost, and you can hide it from others, but not from Tanjiro.

Besides, there is nothing to hide.

Tanjiro showed no surprise on his face, and said seriously: "Mr. Aoki's smell is indeed different from that of humans, but I can also smell that Mr. Aoki is a good person."

"Good person? From your mouth, it doesn't sound like you are cursing."

Aoki smiled and waved his hand and said: "Anyway, there is no need to send me food, go home!"

"I understand, then I will take my leave first!"

Tanjiro bowed slightly and ran outside. After leaving the sea of ​​flowers, he waved to Aoki again and turned into the jungle.

Aoki took off the ghost wine gourd, opened the lid, took a sip, and sighed with satisfaction.

Sitting in the midday sun and drinking, what other ghost can do it?

"If there is another dish to go with the wine, it would be great!"

Aoki thought casually.

It's a pity that he didn't receive any tasks for rewarding props or even ordinary tasks during this period.

This is also one of the reasons why his upgrade speed is so slow.

Tasks are the shortcut to rapid upgrades.

Thinking of this, Aoki opened the system and looked at the task bar.

The progress of "Upper Rank's End" has been completed by two-thirds.

Just kill one more upper rank to complete this mission with the most generous reward in history.

"It would be great if an upper rank could come to me on its own."

Aoki squinted his eyes and looked at the clear blue sky, and took another sip of wine.

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