"It's so fast?"

Aoki frowned slightly, pointed his toes, and his body rose from the ground.

There was a huge ice lotus on each shoulder of the Ice Buddha, and Douma was sitting on the ice lotus on the right shoulder.

Aoki rushed straight to the ice lotus and punched Douma's broken head.

Just as the fist approached, the ice lotus under Douma suddenly closed.


The ice lotus shattered, but Douma's figure disappeared.

A shadow shrouded it, and the Ice Buddha waved his palm and slapped Aoki.

The surrounding was surrounded by ice mist.

If it were an ordinary person, just getting close would get frostbite.

Aoki turned in the air and his right leg lashed out like a whip.

The Ice Buddha's palm shattered, but the cold mist spread and it was restored to its original state in an instant.

Aoki's figure disappeared and appeared behind the Ice Buddha's left shoulder, waving his arms, and cold rays intertwined.

"Aoki Style, funeral!"


The right shoulder of the Ice Buddha was cut into pieces, revealing Douma inside. His injuries had recovered, and he asked curiously.

"How did you find out that I was here?"

At the same time, the Ice Buddha turned his head, opened his mouth and spit out a deadly cold mist.

How did you find out? Of course, it was through the "transparent world".

Aoki stepped lightly on the Ice Buddha, twisted his body, and waved his fists repeatedly.

Boom, boom, boom!

The place that was attacked this time did not break, but the Ice Buddha trembled all over, cracks appeared on the surface, and ice chips flew.

Vibrating fist, this is the inspiration that Aoki found from Akaza's moves.

Douma appeared on another lotus and waved his fan: "Blood Demon Art, Lotus Leaf Ice."

Ice crystal lotuses condensed.

Aoki frowned slightly, his figure flashed, and he returned to the side of Butterfly Kanae.

"It seems that this is the end of the day. It's really a pity!"

Douma smiled slightly, his figure disappeared, and the huge Ice Buddha broke into pieces, turning into ice crystals all over the ground.

"Didn't you keep him?"

Kanae Kocho leaned against the wall, her weak voice carrying a hint of reluctance.

"There's not enough time!"

Aoki also showed regret on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden sunlight pierced the sky and fell into the world. He quickly took two steps back and hid in the shadows.

Douma is really hard to kill.

The biggest advantage he has against the ghost is "Demon Swallowing", which can make the ghost fall into the trouble of "I hit you without any damage, but you hit me with every strike".

However, Douma relied on the "Water Lily Bodhisattva" move to offset this advantage to a large extent.

Douma hid in the "Water Lily Bodhisattva", just like driving a Gundam, and could move freely, making it difficult to attack Douma's body.

And the "Water Lily Bodhisattva" was condensed by blood demon art, and was not affected by "Demon Swallowing".

In addition, Douma is a mage, and most of his moves are ranged ice attacks.

The advantages of perception and prediction brought by the "Transparent World" are also greatly reduced.

The most important thing is.

The time left for him is too short.

It must be said that the upper strings are indeed difficult to deal with.

So far, he has encountered three upper strings, and only the weakest upper string six was successfully killed.

Putting aside his distracting thoughts, Aoki looked at Kocho Kanae, and was about to speak, but suddenly stopped and turned his head to look.

A petite figure flew rapidly along the road, and her feathers fluttered as she ran, like a beautiful butterfly.

"Sister! Don't be in trouble!"

Kocho Shinobu's face was serious, and her heart was full of anxiety.

After her parents died, she and her sister depended on each other.

If something happened to her sister...

She gritted her teeth and her steps became more and more hurried.

There were rows of buildings next to the road. When passing by the alley formed by two rows of buildings, Kocho Shinobu suddenly stopped.

In the alley, a familiar figure leaned against the wall weakly, with a weak breath and blood flowing everywhere.

"Sister! Hmm? That's... a ghost? Is he the one who hurt sister like that?"

Shinobu Kocho's beautiful eyes widened, her heart burning with anger, her hand grasped the hilt of the knife, and her figure shot out like a sharp arrow: "Asshole! Scum! Go to hell!"

Just as she was about to draw her knife and give the ghost a fatal blow, her sister's anxious voice came to her ears.

"Shinobu, stop it!"


Shinobu Kocho frowned, her heart full of confusion, but she finally stopped.


She still kept her palm on the hilt of the knife, looking at the ghost in the shadow vigilantly.

Kocho Kanae breathed a sigh of relief, and her face turned a little paler: "He is not an enemy, Shinobu, haven't you recognized him yet?"

Kocho Kanae was startled, and looked at Aoki seriously. When her eyes swept across the pair of golden vertical pupils, she was shocked and blurted out: "Mr. Aomura?"

Kocho Kanae smiled weakly: "It was not Mr. Aomura who injured me, but Upper String Two!

If Mr. Aomura hadn't arrived in time, I might have been eaten by Upper String Two now."

Aoki shook his head: "The sky will soon be bright, even if I am not there, you will not be eaten by him."

After confirming that he was not an enemy, Kocho Kanae didn't care about Aoki anymore, and walked quickly to Kocho Kanae's side, looking at her helplessly.

"Sister, you, you lost a lot of blood."

"She is dying!"

Aoki looked at Kocho Kanae, and through the "transparent world", he could clearly see how serious her injuries were.

I won't mention the external injuries.

Inside the body.

The lungs were riddled with holes, and other internal organs were also severely frostbitten.

Butterfly Kanae's heartbeat was rapidly weakening.

His appearance may have relieved Kocho Kanae a little, but there was no qualitative change.

Kocho Shinobu immediately glared at Aoki.

Kocho Kanae grabbed her hand: "Shinobu, Mr. Aomura is right, you should be able to see it."

"No! No! There must be another way! I, I brought medicine here..."

Kocho Shinobu's eyes suddenly turned red, and she hurriedly took out a bunch of medicines.

Kocho Kanae stopped her action: "No, Shinobu, I know my situation very well. At the end, I have something to say..."


Aoki interrupted her last words and took out a porcelain bottle: "Don't worry, try this first!"

The Butterfly sisters all showed puzzled eyes.

Aoki didn't say anything nonsense, opened the lid, took out a red pill, and threw it over.

Kocho Shinobu hurriedly caught it.

A strange fragrance spread, which made people feel refreshed.

"What is this?"

"A kind of medicine." Aoki said.

What he took out was naturally the Qi and Blood Pill.

He had long thought about the problem of Qi and Blood Pills.

People can drink Guijiu, so humans can probably eat Qi and Blood Pills too.

For him, Qi and Blood Pills are a special kind of food, or a kind of tonic that can quickly restore his exhausted physical strength.

So for humans, Qi and Blood Pills are definitely a great tonic.

Perhaps it can help seriously injured and dying people to hold on for a breath.

And with the physique of the Pillar, as long as Kocho Kanae can temporarily save her life, she will most likely be saved.

It's on the new book list. Thank you for your support, but I feel like it will fall off at any time. I'm begging you to support me with a vote! ! I've been recommending it online these days. It's very important to follow up. It's related to the life and death of this book. I beg you not to support the book! ! Finally, regarding the issue of explosive updates, now is the new book period, and I will definitely update it when it's on the shelves! I kowtow to you all! Bang! Bang! Bang!

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