
Miss Tamayo took out the blood from the blood collection device and exclaimed: "I didn't expect that Mr. Aoki would get the blood of the upper rank so quickly."

Yushiro said sourly: "That guy did a good job."

"In this way, the production of poison can be accelerated again."

Tamayo's beautiful face was filled with anticipation.

The concentration of Muzan Kibutsuji's blood in the blood of the upper rank was already quite high.

She took out the microscope and got busy again.


On the other side, Aoki also started wandering.

Traveling during the day and looking for ghosts at night.

No specific target.

When he heard that there was a suspected ghost, he rushed over to take a look.

Occasionally he could get something, but most of the time he was empty-handed.

Part of it was because the news was wrong, and the other part had been dealt with.

He had a strong competitor, the Demon Slayer Corps.

Aoki could only hold his nose and bear it.

He could not collect intelligence by himself as well as the Demon Slayer Corps.

Time flew, and two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Baiyi is an inconspicuous town.

That day, a dusty figure wearing a bamboo hat came to the town.

Qingmu looked at the quiet streets and the peaceful smiles of the people, and sighed secretly: "It doesn't feel like there are ghosts."

Two months, two full months, he didn't even level up by 1.

This feeling is both familiar and strange.

The familiarity comes from the "Hunter" profession.

When he was working on the "Hunter", he couldn't level up by 1 in two months.

However, the "White Walker" profession level is rising rapidly. In more than three months, it has soared to level 12, just like riding a rocket.

After adapting to this speed, it is really strange and painful to suddenly return to the past.

"I didn't expect that not only there are no big fish and meat, but even bran vegetables are almost gone."

Qingmu looked sad.

He walked around the town, found a place selling wine, and handed the ghost wine gourd to the boss.

"Boss, I heard that there was a ghost eating people here?"

The boss smiled and said, "There are no ghosts! It's just that two drunks had a fight some time ago, and they fought a little hard, and there was some blood."

Aoki was mentally prepared and was not particularly disappointed.

There are many such rumors.

After asking the boss if he had heard of similar news, Aoki left with the full drunkard gourd after getting a negative answer.

Not only was the progress of upgrading worrying, but the plan to find Tanjiro's home was also making no progress.

These days, he has been running to the mountains a lot, and every time he arrives at a place, he will ask about the charcoal boy.

Unfortunately, there is no gain.

"Maybe I should change my mood. Should I go and chat with Miss Tamayo?"

Aoki was thinking, and his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Not far in front of him, two women were walking slowly.

One of them was a girl in her twenties, with long green hair and a plain face, but she was still beautiful.

The other woman looked like the girl's mother, exuding a gentle and virtuous temperament.

The mother kept talking with a smile on her face, and the daughter listened carefully and nodded occasionally.

The picture looked very warm.

The two walked from one end of the street to the other and disappeared from sight.

Aoki slowly walked out of the shadows and silently watched the direction they left.

"Takina, Master's wife!"

He was almost dizzy in the past two months, and unknowingly came to the town where Takina and Master's wife lived.

After a moment of silence, Aoki retreated into the shadows and then disappeared.

On the edge of the town, there is an ordinary yard, with a gray house surrounded by brick walls, and a small courtyard in the middle.

Aomura Rie and Takina live here now.

A middle-aged woman sat opposite the yard and waved her arms when she saw the two.

"Rie, Takina."

"Kaori (Aunt Kaori)!" Aomura Rie and Takina responded at the same time.

The middle-aged woman looked at Takina and smiled: "Oh, Takina is getting more and more beautiful. It will be a great blessing for any man to marry Takina in the future!"

Aomura Rie smiled and said modestly: "Kaori, you are too kind. Although Takina looks okay, she is sometimes too serious. It gives me a headache!"

The middle-aged woman casually said: "Does Takina have a man she likes now? Do you want me to introduce him to you?"

Takina bowed slightly and said seriously: "Aunt Kaori, I already have an engagement!"

The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment and said excitedly: "Really? If Takina likes him, he must be a very good boy. When will you introduce him to me?"

Takina said: "If there is a chance, I will introduce him to Aunt Kaori."

After that, she nodded and turned to go into the house.

The smile on the middle-aged woman's face disappeared and she sighed softly.

She noticed it when the mother and daughter moved in.

Takina is not only beautiful, but also well-educated, smart and virtuous. She is simply the perfect candidate for a daughter-in-law.

Today she finally decided to test it out, but she was blocked as soon as she opened her mouth and before she could express her true intention.

"Forget it, forget it. How can my stinky boy be worthy of such a good girl?" The middle-aged woman shook her head.

Aomura Rie and Takina returned home and immediately got busy.

Collecting ingredients, killing fish, cooking rice... The smoke from the cooking rose, and soon the aroma of food drifted out of the wall and ran to the street.

Aoki looked at them from a distance and said to himself: "It's so rich. Today is not a festival. Are there guests?"

"If I go over now and say flatly, 'I'm back,' I wonder how Takina and my wife will react?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Aoki's mouth, but it quickly disappeared. He looked at them quietly without any movement.

After a moment, he stood up.

"time to go!"

Aoki glanced at the two of them one last time and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped again.

A petite girl wearing a butterfly feather fabric and carrying a long knife came to the door of the small courtyard, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Aoki's eyes fell on her involuntarily.

The girl seemed to feel it and turned her head sharply.

"What's wrong, Shinobu-chan?"

Takina walked out and saw the Butterfly Ninja with a smile on her face.

The two were close in age and had very compatible personalities, and they became friends on the way to move.


The Butterfly Ninja looked away.

She felt something strange just now, as if someone was looking at her.

"Probably just someone passing by."

She felt no danger.

"Come in quickly!" Takina didn't think much.

The Butterfly Ninja followed her into the courtyard.

"You're here, Shinobu-chan." Rie Aomura, who was picking up the eels, looked up.

Butterfly Ninja took out a bag: "Long time no see, Auntie Rie, this is a souvenir."

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