"Lord Tengen, there is urgent information!"

A beautiful female ninja with a high ponytail walked into the room quickly.

"Urgent information?"

Uzui Tengen stood up, took the information and read it quickly.

He was tall, nearly two meters tall, strong but not bloated, with short silver hair tied up by a headdress, handsome and extraordinary.

He was the Sound Pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps, and Yoshiwara Yuugaku was the area he was responsible for.

"Upper String Demons fighting in Yoshiwara Yuugaku?"

After seeing the content of the information, Uzui Tengen's eyes condensed, but soon his brows frowned.


Usually, you can't see any upper string demons, but two of them suddenly appeared at this time, which is very abnormal.

More importantly, the Twelve Demon Moons are all direct subordinates of Muzan Kibutsuji, so why would they fight for no reason?

"Is it a trap?"

Uzui Tengen quickly thought of another possibility: "Is it related to Aomura?"

After the meeting of the pillars, Aomura has always been his focus, and he has analyzed Aomura's strength with other pillars afterwards.

Able to kill the third lower string under the obstruction of the third upper string, Aomura is likely to have the strength comparable to the upper string.

"Let's do it gorgeously!"

Uzui Tengen smiled, picked up the long sword, and put it behind his back.

"Hinazuru, you report the information to the headquarters immediately and ask the lord to send people to support. Remember to note that one of the parties is suspected to be Aomura!"

"Tengen, what about you?" Hinazuru looked worried.

Uzui Tengen grinned, his eyes firm and bright.

"I'll go first!"

Both Aomura and the upper string are very important targets.

We must catch their tails!



A big hole was opened in the roof, and the sharp blood blade cut everything around it frantically, with rubble and wood chips flying, and smoke and dust flying.

Aoki appeared behind Jifu Taro and punched out like a cannonball, the air was shaking, and thunder rumbled.

Jifu Taro had no time to look back, his body shook, a lot of blood flew out, turned into a series of slashes, surrounded by a larger meat grinder.

"Blood Demon Art, jumping beams!"

Aoki didn't care, let the blood blade cut his arm, and punched Jifu Taro's head.


Half of his head exploded, Jifu Taro forced his body to not fly out, holding the blood sickle, sweeping backwards.

Aoki's arm has recovered as before.

"Aoki Style, death!"

Clang dlang dlang!

The two fought quickly, and their fists and blood sickles kept colliding.

Jifu Taro gritted his teeth, but his attack was quickly defeated.

His skills were more sophisticated, but his strength was more than one level worse.


"Too strong!"

The short-haired young man grabbed the tiles hard, trying to overcome the trembling of his body.

He knew that ghosts were monsters far stronger than humans, but the two ghosts today, especially the black-haired ghost, completely refreshed his understanding of ghosts.

"Can humans really deal with this kind of monster?" The short-haired young man muttered to himself.

Even at such a distance, the terrifying aura made his hands and feet cold, and he couldn't raise the slightest resistance in his heart.

The long-haired young man took a deep breath: "Ghosts are monsters, and the Twelve Ghost Moons are monsters among monsters. We ordinary members definitely can't deal with them, but the pillars can!"


The short-haired young man didn't have much confidence in his eyes.

He had never seen the pillars.

But no matter how strong the pillars are, they are still human.

With a human body, can you really compete with such a powerful ghost?

"No! It's time to decide the winner!"

The long-haired young man's eyes changed, and he didn't care about his companions' thoughts.



Aoki punched down with a heavy fist, and the blood sickle flew away. The body of Jifu Taro leaned back uncontrollably, and the gap in front of his chest was wide open.

"Aoki Style, Storm!"

Aoki's movements changed, and the attack suddenly became as fierce as a storm. .

Boom boom boom!

A hole exploded in Jifu Taro's body, but his face became more and more crazy.

A large amount of blood gushing out of the wound suddenly condensed and turned into a whirlpool.

If you want to cause trouble to the defector, you must cause a lot of damage at once to slow down the recovery speed, so that you can delay for a while, and he and his sister will have a chance to escape.

The next moment.

Jifu Taro's eyes froze.

"Did you forget something?"

In front of the blood blade tornado, Aoki's figure obviously appeared out of thin air above Jifu Taro's head.

"Damn it! Damn it! Is there no limit to his ability? Why? Why would such a ghost be born?"

Jifu Taro gritted his teeth, his face twisted with strong unwillingness and resentment.

A cold wind swept past, and his head fell silently.

The blood from the wound spurted out, turning into a sharp blade storm, rising into the sky.

Aoki's figure flashed and appeared on the side.

"It's time to end, Aoki Style, Storm!"

Fists, elbows, legs, knees... attacks fell like a rainstorm.

Jifu Taro flew up, then fell heavily to the ground, his body like a broken rag doll, all the flesh and blood on his body were destroyed, and his regeneration ability completely collapsed.

"Cough cough cough!"

The head rolled to the side and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

Aoki exclaimed: "You haven't lost consciousness yet!"

The stronger the ghost, the less human it is.

A newborn ghost will easily lose consciousness if hit in the head.

After the body collapses, Dakimaki will also fall into a coma.

But for these upper strings, I am afraid that there is no other way to make them lose consciousness except real death.

"Ahem, where is my sister?" asked Jifutaro.

Aoki glanced at him, walked to Dakimaki, picked her up, and threw her next to Jifutaro.

Jifutaro moved his fingers, barely grasped Dakimaki's hand, and his expression suddenly became much calmer. He rolled his eyes and looked at Aoki again: "I didn't expect that I would eventually die in the hands of a demon."

Aoki said: "Don't worry, you won't be alone. Soon, Muzan Kibutsuji will also accompany you!"

Jifutaro looked at him deeply and slowly closed his eyes.

"I don't know the location of the other upper strings."

"What a pity."

Aoki sighed, he thought he could get an unexpected reward.

But forget it.

How could he encounter all the good things in the world.

Aoki stretched out his arms and put them on Jifutaro and Dakimaki.


An invisible vortex emerged, and in the blink of an eye, it swallowed them all.

[Strength +1. ]

[Free skill point +1. ]

[Kill Upper Six Gitarou and Daki, and gain 1500 experience points. ]

[Congratulations, you've leveled up! ]

"Attribute points, skill points, 1500 experience points, worthy of being an Upper Rank, so fat! This is the sixth seat, I wonder what reward I can get by killing Kokushibo?"

Aoki's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Of course.

He was just thinking about it.

With his current strength, he was probably not Kokushibo's opponent.

After taking a look at the two members of the Demon Slayer Corps who were peeping on the roof in the distance, Aoki's figure suddenly disappeared.

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