Yoshiwara Yukaku.

The lights illuminated the streets, and people were coming and going on the road.

Before entering, the strong smell of powder and dust hit me.

Aoki looked normal, paused briefly at the door, and then walked in.

"I remember that Dakimaki used the alias of Warabiji and hid in Kyogokuya."

Of course, that was the situation after the plot began.

Dakimaki would change her identity every ten years or so.

It was still nearly four years away from that time, and Dakimaki might not be in Kyogokuya.

However, it didn't matter.

Dakimaki's incarnation had always been very popular in Yoshiwara Yukaku, and her alias must contain the word "Ji", so even if she was not in Kyogokuya, it would not be difficult to find her.

Aoki strolled on the streets of Yoshiwara Yukaku, and even without deliberately asking, he got the information he wanted.

Dakimaki was indeed in Kyogokuya now.

Her incarnation of Warabiji was very famous in Yoshiwara Yukaku, and I don't know how many people on the street were talking about her.

"Speaking of which, does Daki's blood demon arts also have certain spatial attributes?"

Aoki suddenly thought.

Daki's blood demon arts ribbon is as thin as an ordinary ribbon, but it can suck people into it.

And the humans sucked in did not die.

This looks like a spatial ability.

Now what he wants to meet most is a ghost with a blood demon arts with spatial attributes.

Suddenly, Aoki stopped and turned to look at the building on the right.

The towering building was brightly lit, and beautiful women wearing beautiful clothes and exquisite makeup came and went. The lanterns at the door were all written with the word "Kyogoku".

Kyogoku House, here we are!

He put away his distracting thoughts and walked in.

A middle-aged woman immediately came forward and said, "Guest, welcome to our Kyogokuya, we..."

Aoki interrupted her directly: "Is the Warabihime Oiran free?"

The middle-aged woman said in embarrassment: "Wabihime Oiran is not feeling well today and cannot see guests."

Aoki didn't waste any words and threw out a large stack of money: "I came here specifically to see Warabihime Oiran today."

In such a place, money is the most useful.

He got a lot of money from the Yaji Club and could spend it at will.

Aoki's money offensive really worked.

The middle-aged woman swallowed quietly and collected the money like lightning: "Well, since the guests are so enthusiastic, I will try to persuade Warabihime Oiran, please go to the teahouse and wait first."

After that, she waved her hand, and a young girl came over and bowed to Aoki.

"Please follow me!"

The teahouse is a separate building with exquisite and elegant decoration, without the slightest sense of vulgarity of a romantic place.

The Oiran is not a simple prostitute.

Most of the courtesans have to be trained from a young age, and receive all-round artistic training such as calligraphy, tea ceremony, waka, and even go and chess.

The courtesans receiving guests are naturally not as simple as simply sleeping with them.

To put it bluntly, there must be a sense of ritual and atmosphere.

After the young girl left, Aoki observed the teahouse and nodded with satisfaction.

It turned out that the courtesans received guests in this kind of place.

It just so happened that he was a little worried that if he took action directly in Kyogoku-ya, he would accidentally hurt other people.

At the same time.

Kyogoku-ya's proprietress Mitsu came to a room on the second floor.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened.

An extremely beautiful woman came out and looked at her coldly: "Professor, what do you want?"

Mitsu swallowed quietly.

Every time she faced the dissatisfied eyes of Warabiji, her heartbeat would involuntarily speed up, as if she was stared at by a beast.

She didn't want to disturb Warabiji, but the customer gave too much.

Swallowing her saliva again, Sanjin flattered: "Warpie, there is a guest who wants to see you."


The beautiful woman flicked her hand, revealing a piece of cherry-colored silk ribbon, and turned to return to the room.

Sanjin hurriedly said: "This guest has an outstanding appearance, and will definitely not disappoint Warpie!"

She dared to boast, so she was sure of it.

According to her years of observation, Warpie was very fond of guests with outstanding appearance.

And that guest just met this condition.

Otherwise, she would not agree easily.

"Excellent appearance?"

Daki paused.

There was not much food left recently.

She also knew that although Sanjin was old and ugly, he had no problem in judging people.

"Okay, then go and meet him!"

The door was closed heavily, and Daki's voice rang out: "Wait until I finish my makeup!"

Sanjin waited patiently at the door.

This was not only because she was a little afraid of Warpie, but more importantly, Warpie was the pillar of Kyogokuya.

Before Warabihime appeared, Kyogokuya was just an ordinary brothel. Because of Warabihime, they became a famous brothel in Yoshiwara Yukuoku.

More than half an hour later.

Takumi finally stepped out of the room.

Compared with before, her appearance became more delicate, and she had a proud and inviolable temperament.

Wherever she went.

Everyone, both men and women, was stunned.

A man who had just entered the door was so absorbed in watching that he bumped his head against the wall. He grimaced in pain, but he still couldn't bear to look away, and asked his companion next to him anxiously: "Who was that just now? She is so beautiful! Can we choose her?"

The companion wiped his saliva and looked at him with contempt: "You don't even know the courtesan Warabihime?

As for choosing her? You are dreaming!

The money we both have together is not even one tenth of Warabihime's appearance fee! What's more, Warabihime is not accepted by everyone, and she must be recognized!"

"Fuck! I wonder which man is so lucky?" The man cursed in a low voice.

The companion shook his head, his face also full of envy and jealousy: "It's not lucky, it's rich and lucky!"

Aoki, who was called a rich and lucky man by the two, sat in the teahouse with a little impatience.

It's been almost an hour, why hasn't he come yet?

He is not afraid of waiting.

But he is worried that Daki has already sensed his breath.

Muzan Muzan Muzan obviously has the intention to kill him.

If Daki directly notifies Muzan Muzan Muzan to come, it will not only mean that today's hunt has failed, but also that Daki and Jifu Taro know that they have been exposed.

Once they hide, it will be difficult to find them again.

He would completely lose the chance to hunt Daki and Jifu Taro.

A large amount of experience, plus one-third of the progress of "Upper Moon's Last Day" would flow away from his fingertips in vain, the loss is too great.


A sound of footsteps sounded.

Aoki was refreshed and turned his head to look.

Outside the teahouse.

"Boss lady, you stay outside!"

Daki waved her hand, walked towards the teahouse and opened the door.

In an instant, their eyes met.

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