Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 28 Kocho Shinobu's suspicion

A faint milky white color appeared on the horizon, and then quickly spread to cover the sky.

Until the red sun jumped up and completely dispelled the last darkness.

Shinobu Kocho looked up.

At the end of the road, a huge city was already in sight.

"Finally here." She breathed a sigh of relief.

This mission was not originally her responsibility.

But she was going to visit Aunt Takina and Rie, and she took it over as it was on the way.

As soon as she entered the city, Shinobu Kocho felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

The air was filled with a restless atmosphere.

No one was working on the street, and they gathered in groups of three or five to discuss something, with expressions that were sometimes angry and sometimes happy.

Most importantly, she would hear the word "ghost" from time to time.

Is it possible that in this city, the ghost story is already known to everyone?

Shinobu Kocho was curious and planned to find someone to ask.

At this time, a girl came towards them, with a long cherry-colored braid that was very eye-catching.

Shinobu Kocho stopped her and asked, "Hello, what happened here?"

Mitsuri Kanroji was about to answer, but when she saw Shinobu Kocho's dress, she opened her eyes wide and blurted out.

"Are you from the Demon Slayer Corps?"

"Do you know the Demon Slayer Corps?" Shinobu Kocho showed a surprised expression.

There are very few people in this world who know about demons and the Demon Slayer Corps. Could this girl have been in contact with the Demon Slayer Corps?

"I've heard about it from others."

Mitsuri Kanroji looked a little excited: "Come to my house, I'll tell you in detail."

"Okay." Shinobu Kocho also smiled.

It's daytime now, and it's impossible to find a demon.

It would save her a lot of effort to meet someone who knows about demons and the Demon Slayer Corps to help.

"What? There are no demons at all?"

Shinobu Kocho put down the cup and asked in astonishment.

Mitsuri Kanroji also looked a little dazed: "Yes, all the missing cases were done by the Fujita family and Fujita Steel Company."

After a night, this matter was basically known to everyone.

The serial disappearances had already made people panic, and now that the truth was revealed, it naturally caused an uproar.

But for her, the most shocking thing was that it was Mr. Aomura who destroyed the demon cave of the Night Princess Society!

"Aomura, who is he?" Kocho Shinobu murmured.

"Mr. Aomura is a very powerful and gentle person!"

Mitsuri Kanroji said: "He also told me about the Demon Slayer Corps."

"Do you know him?" Kocho Shinobu looked up suddenly.

Mitsuri Kanroji said: "The dojo where Mr. Aomura studied is not far from my home. Mr. Aomura and I met by chance and became friends."

Kocho Shinobu thought for a while and stood up: "I'm going to go to the Night Princess Society you mentioned."

"Now it has been surrounded by the police." Mitsuri Kanroji reminded.

"It doesn't matter." Kocho Shinobu shook her head.

Mr. Aomura was definitely not a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, but his strength was very strong, and with the golden vertical pupils, she had some doubts that Mr. Aomura might be a ghost!

Of course, it is also incredible that ghosts can save people.

But anyway, she planned to confirm it in person.

According to the instructions of Kanroji Mitsuri, Kocho Shinobu quickly found the Night Princess Club, and there were indeed many police officers standing guard outside.

However, this did not bother her.

She easily passed through the police encirclement, entered the Night Princess Club, and found the real entrance.

As soon as Kocho Shinobu came in, she was shocked.

The blood on the ground had not dried up yet, and the ground, walls, and even the roof were splattered with blood everywhere.

The strong smell of blood filled the nose, making people sick.

As she continued to move forward, corpses appeared in her sight, and the whole scene was like hell.

When she left, Kocho Shinobu's expression was very serious.

She claimed to have seen many bloody scenes, but the scene in the Night Princess Club still gave her a strong impact.

Of course, she did not forget her mission, but she did not find evidence that Mr. Aomura was a ghost.

There were many corpses in the Night Princess Club, but none of them had signs of being bitten.

For humans, the Night Princess Club is hell, but for ghosts, it is heaven.

Are there really ghosts who can restrain the urge to eat people in such an environment?

Of course, it is also possible that the ghost took a few corpses away.

Shinobu Kocho returned to Kanroji Mitsuri's house.

Kanroji Mitsuri opened her eyes wide and asked: "How is it, Shinobu, did you find anything?"

Shinobu Kocho shook her head: "Miss Kanroji, I want to know more about Mr. Aomura."

"Okay! What do you want to know?"

Kanroji Mitsuri sat upright.

"Mr. Aomura, is there anything special?" Shinobu Kocho asked.

Kanroji Mitsuri's pretty face flushed with shame, and her eyes sparkled: "Mr. Aomura is very handsome!"

Shinobu Kocho barely controlled her expression: "I'm not asking this, but... For example, does he have any habits? What does he do during the day?"

"Mr. Aomura has a skin disease and cannot be exposed to sunlight, so he mostly practices in his room during the day." Kanroji Mitsuri said.

"Can't be exposed to sunlight?"

Shinobu Kocho was shocked, and her suspicion increased: "So, he never goes out during the day?"

Mitsuri Kanroji looked at her strangely: "Of course not! It's just that Mr. Aomura always wears a hat when he goes out during the day."

"No?" Shinobu Kocho was a little confused: "What kind of hat?"

Mitsuri Kanroji gestured and said, "It's this big, black, and there's a circle of cloth around it to block the sunlight."

Shinobu Kocho listened in a daze and sighed secretly. It seems that she is too sensitive.

It can be exposed to the sun, so it must not be a ghost.

Mitsuri Kanroji asked curiously, "Xiao Shinobu, why are you so interested in Mr. Aomura?"

Shinobu Kocho didn't know how to answer for a moment. She couldn't just say that she suspected her friend was a ghost, right?

Mitsuri Kanroji's eyes lit up: "Does Xiao Shinobu want Mr. Aomura to join the Demon Slayer Corps? Hehehe, Mr. Aomura is very powerful and can break rocks. Unfortunately, Xiao Shinobu, you came a day late, and Mr. Aomura has left."

"He is indeed very powerful."

Shinobu Kocho quickly took the opportunity to change the subject: "Since the matter has been investigated clearly, I should leave too."

"Wait a minute, Xiao Shinobu."

Mitsuri Kanroji hesitated for a long time and asked, "Can I join the Demon Slayer Corps?"

"You want to join the Demon Slayer Corps? Why?" Shinobu Kocho was stunned.

She had a general understanding of Mitsuri Kanroji's situation.

My parents are alive, my brothers are in harmony, and I live a very happy life. I have never even come into contact with demons before. Why do I want to join the Demon Slayer Corps?

"I also want to use my power to help others like Mr. Aomura!"

Mitsuri Kanroji said seriously.

Shinobu Kocho tactfully advised: "The work of the Demon Slayer Corps is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may even lose your life!"

"I'm not afraid, I'm very powerful!"

Mitsuri Kanroji said, grabbing the edge of the table with one hand and lifting it up easily.

Shinobu Kocho was about to say that demons were much more dangerous than she thought, but when she saw this scene, she was stunned.

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