The horse-faced young man died. His neck was broken and he died of suffocation.

Aoki couldn't help but look surprised.

These people were all martial arts practitioners and had considerable strength. They had just made another fatal move. In the chaos, it was not impossible to accidentally break his neck.

However, this is quite a coincidence.

Seeing another corpse on the ground, Keisuke Akiyama was shocked and came to his senses.

It’s over!

This time it's completely a big deal!

The development of things far exceeded his expectations from the beginning.

No, it exceeded everyone’s expectations!

I thought it would be Junior Brother Qingcun who would suffer. Unexpectedly, the result was completely the opposite.

Tengjiao Chengyong probably never thought until his death that Junior Brother Qingcun's response would be so violent.

At that last moment, I don't know if he regretted it.

Keisuke Akiyama felt very complicated. A practical training actually led to such a tragic result.

Their dojo is also to blame!

In any case, we cannot let things continue to develop.

Akiyama Keisuke took a deep breath and stepped forward: "Junior brother, Fujita Shigeiyu is dead. The culprit also paid with his life. Although other people are also at fault, their crimes are not worthy of death. Spare their lives!"

Aoki turned to look.

Akiyama Keisuke subconsciously took a step back, and when he realized what he was doing, he looked a little embarrassed.

"Furthermore, Shigeyuki Fujita framed junior brother you first. If you kill him, you may still have room for change, but if you kill him again, there is really no way to turn back!"

Aoki didn't care about his reaction and said calmly: "Don't worry, senior brother, I didn't intend to kill them in the first place. I'm not a murderer."

Fujita Shigei died, and the culprits were accidentally killed by themselves. The remaining people will live in this shadow forever.

For him, this ending was perfect.

He doesn't mind killing people, and the number of people who died in his hands today has exceeded three digits.

But they will never kill indiscriminately.

As soon as Aoki finished speaking, the people next to him collapsed, and some even started sobbing silently.

"Thank you, junior brother!"

Akiyama Keisuke breathed a sigh of relief.

Aoki looked towards the dojo: "Brother, let's just say goodbye."

It took Keisuke Akiyama two seconds to react: "Are you leaving now?"

Aoki nodded.

Fujita Shigeaki and others are just a small problem.

The magic cave of Ye Ji Society is the real super bomb.

He had cleaned up Yeji Society, but the storm was not over. It could even be said that it had just begun. The next chain reaction could blow up the city.

As the central figure in this storm, if he continues to stay here, countless troubles will inevitably come to his door.

The combat system has been initially formed, the money has been obtained, and even the disappearance case that was originally hopeless has been solved.

Although it's not quite what I imagined, the goal is still accomplished.

In this case, why not just leave?

"Oh well!"

Akiyama Keisuke smiled bitterly: "I won't keep you!"

He suddenly remembered something and said quickly: "By the way, Miss Ganluji came to see you today, and I also asked her to inform you not to return to the dojo if she meets you.

She's been looking for you all day today.

Before you leave, go say hello to her! "

"I see!"

Aoki nodded slightly: "Thank you for taking care of me during this time, senior brother. I have prepared a small gift for you."

Next, Aoki Dojo will definitely face some troubles, but he believes that the gifts he brings are enough to make up for all their losses.

"Gift?" Keisuke Akiyama was stunned.

"Then, goodbye by chance, Brother Keisuke!" Aoki didn't explain, smiled slightly, and disappeared silently.

Akiyama Keisuke stared blankly at the place where he was standing before, and sighed: "Junior Brother Aomura is indeed not an ordinary person."

Kick, kick, kick.

There was a sound of rapid footsteps.

"Keisuke, is Aomura back? The situation is like..."

Mizuno Kengo walked out of the dojo quickly.

Suddenly, he stopped abruptly and looked at the blood on the ground and the headless corpse in horror.

Dead, dead?

what happened?

"Master!" Keisuke Akiyama walked towards Kengo Mizuno.

Kengo Mizuno took a deep breath and calmed down a little: "Keisuke, what on earth is going on?"

Akiyama Keisuke briefly recounted what just happened.

Mizuno Kengo's expression kept changing, and after listening, he was silent for a long time.

"Where's Qingcun?"

"Junior Brother Qingcun left immediately!" Keisuke Akiyama said.

Mizuno Kengo nodded slightly: "This is good, it is the best choice for him and us."

Keisuke Akiyama's expression was serious: "Master, I'm afraid there will be some trouble in the aftermath of this matter."

Two police officers had their arms broken and two people died, one of whom was a descendant of the Fujita family. This was definitely a big deal.

Especially since the murderer was a student of their dojo.

Kengo Mizuno looked relaxed.

"Keisuke, actually I have always had an idea, and this is just an opportunity."

Akiyama Keisuke had already guessed what he was going to say, and a touch of sadness appeared on his face: "Master!"

Kengo Mizuno raised his hand to interrupt him: "In recent days, I have been feeling increasingly weak in energy. If I continue like this, I may no longer be able to do my job as a dojo master. Keisuke, you have mastered the essence of Aoki-ryu. I plan to..."

At this point, he suddenly stopped.

A burst of hurried footsteps sounded in the night sky and was approaching quickly.

Someone is coming.

Mizuno Kengo and Akiyama Keisuke both turned their heads to look.

Soon, a shadow in court costumes rushed out of the darkness, threw himself into Mizuno Kengo's arms, and burst into tears.


This cry was full of grievances, uneasiness, joy, and a bit of lingering fear.

Mizuno Kengo was stunned. After a long time, he slowly raised his palm, but trembling, hanging above the girl's shoulder in his arms, and never dared to put it down.

He was worried that he couldn't touch anything.

He had had similar dreams countless times.

Every time he wanted to touch his daughter, he would wake up.

Even if it was a dream, he wanted to do it for a while.

Akiyama Keisuke was also completely confused, staring blankly at the girl in his master's arms.

Even if he couldn't see her face, even if she was wearing clothes he had never seen before, he still recognized her at a glance. This was the person he dreamed of every night.

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes unconsciously, and Keisuke Akiyama's lips trembled, opening and closing several times before he said the name.

"Miao, Miao, Miao... Miaozi, is that you?"

The girl in court clothes raised her head, turned around and threw herself into Keisuke Akiyama's arms.

"Senior brother! Wuwuwu, I finally see you again!"

After the girl escaped from his arms, Kengo Mizuno finally came to his senses.

This is reality!

This is not a dream!

Miaozi is really back!

Unconsciously, Kengo Mizuno was already in tears, and reached out to hug his daughter and disciple.

The three hugged each other and cried bitterly.

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