After parting ways with Mitsuri Kanroji, Aoki was stopped by Keisuke Akiyama as soon as he returned to the dojo.

"Junior Brother Qingcun, there will be a practical training tomorrow. You should also participate!"

"I'll forget it."

Aoki declined.

There's nothing to fight with ordinary people, it's not good for him or anyone else.

Akiyama Keisuke thought he was worried about the sunlight, and quickly said: "Junior brother, don't worry, the actual combat training is conducted in a shady room."

Looking at his tired expression and slightly pleading eyes, Aoki thought thoughtfully and did not refuse: "Okay, I will participate on time."

If it weren't for Keisuke Akiyama, he might not have thought of learning martial arts at all, and he wouldn't have formed his own fighting system so quickly.

Moreover, Keisuke Akiyama has always taken good care of him during this period.

This small request should not be refused, both emotionally and rationally.

The next day.

Many students at Aoki Dojo gathered together, and familiar people gathered together in twos and threes to chat.

After a while, Kengo Mizuno led Keisuke Akiyama into the training room and said straight to the point: "Today we will conduct actual combat training!"

Aoki followed the sound and looked.

This was the first time he saw Kengo Mizuno after the day he first entered the Aoki Dojo.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Mizuno Kengo looked more than ten years older, his hair had turned white, and his face looked like he had gone through many changes.

Kengo Mizuno said: "Let's start the grouping now, Takeshi Hane and Mitsuki Hoi, Shunsuke Ohura and Yasuo Kunikawa... Aomura and Shigeyoshi Fujita..."

Hearing his name, Aoki looked at a muscular young man in front of the training room.

Fujita Seiyu, a name he had heard a little bit about, was a student in the advanced class. It was said that his strength could rank among the top five among all current students.

Shigeyoshi Fujita also happened to look towards Aoki.

Eyes facing each other.

He grinned, his eyes filled with aggression.

"Is it your first time to participate in actual combat training and be matched with such a strong opponent?"

Aoki sighed, actually feeling nothing.

Compared to Aoki's side, which was alone, Fujita's side was much more lively.

"Qingcun? I remember he just joined the dojo not long ago, right? Have you learned the basic moves?"

"This time Cheng Yong picked up a soft persimmon!"

Shigeyoshi Fujita crossed his arms and said calmly: "Actually, I would rather fight with a master. What's the point of torturing a rookie like this?"

"Don't be careless. There must be a reason why the teacher arranged it this way. At least his physique is not bad!"

"What could be the reason? I just want to teach that guy a lesson! Wearing that shabby hat all day makes me so damn annoying, let alone the teacher!"

A rich and fat young man interrupted their quarrel.

"Come on, come on, bets are placed, how long will it take for the battle between Fujita and the rookie to end? Five minutes, three minutes, or one minute?"

Everyone became interested.

"Three minutes! The battle will definitely end in three minutes!"

"Three minutes, shit, I think Cheng Yong can take care of that rookie in one minute!"

Shigeyoshi Fujita took out 10,000 yuan and photographed it in the hands of a rich and fat young man, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"Fujita, this is against the rules!" The rich and fat young man shook his head and pushed the money back.

Shigeyoshi Fujita didn't answer: "I bet for 30 seconds!"

"You are very confident." The rich and fat young man put away the money with a smile.

Keisuke Akiyama said worriedly: "Teacher, is it too radical to have Aomura face Shigeyoshi Fujita in the first actual combat exercise? After all, Aomura does not have any actual combat experience."

Mizuno Kengo said: "Without a strong enough enemy, how can you see the true strength? If Aomura really reaches the level you mentioned, even if he is inexperienced, he can still fight Fujita Shigeyu."

Keisuke Akiyama knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion, and he could only pray that Junior Aomura would perform as well as he should and inject vitality into his master's gradually depleting energy.

The actual training went quickly.

This kind of competition is not like an arena competition, which lasts for multiple rounds, and the winner can often be decided in a short time.

"The next group, Aomura vs. Fujita Shigeyu!"

Hearing Keisuke Akiyama's voice, Aoki stood up, took off his hat, and walked into the field.

Everyone's eyes were attracted to him, and there was a commotion in the training hall.

"Ah? This is Qingcun?"

"Fuck! I always thought Qingcun always wore a hat because of his appearance. Is it because he is too handsome?"

"It's okay, I don't think it's too much, Xi Liu, he's so handsome!"

Shigeyoshi Fujita was also stunned for a moment, with a hint of jealousy on his face, and grinned: "Rookie, protect your face, I like to slap you in the face the most."

"Haha." Aoki replied.

For some reason, Fujita Chengyu felt a surge of anger.

"The battle begins!"

After Akiyama Keisuke's words fell, Fujita Shigeyuki rushed out instantly and stabbed Aoki's face with a straight punch like a javelin.

Aoki turned slightly to avoid Fujita's fist, then stepped forward without retreating, instantly closing the distance with Fujita.

"Aoki-ryu, storm!"

Storm means as violent as a violent wind and as dense as a heavy rain.

Fists, elbows, legs, knees...the whole body turned into deadly weapons, like the most violent storm, sweeping over Fujita in an instant.

In less than three seconds, Aoki withdrew his fist and retreated.

Shigeyuki Fujita's body collapsed.

The training hall suddenly became audible.

"Teacher, senior brother Keisuke, I have something else to do, so I will leave first."

Aoki picked up his sun hat, said hello to the two, and left the training room.

Only then did the others gradually come to their senses.

Keisuke Akiyama rushed to Fujita Naoki and checked him before he felt relieved.

"Fortunately, he's still alive."

The attack of Junior Brother Aomura just now was too terrifying. Just watching it made people's scalps numb.

He was really worried that Fujita Naoki was beaten to death.

The training room became more and more noisy.

"What's going on? What happened? I just yawned and Fujita Naoki fell down?"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! It's too scary! It's too scary! I can't even breathe just looking at it!"

"What moves did Aomura use just now? Is it our Aoki style? Why have I never seen it before?"

"Are you stupid! How could it be Aoki style?"

"You are stupid! That's Aoki style! You can't tell, it's your level that's not good enough!"

Kengo Mizuno looked a little dazed.

It was indeed Aoki style.

The way of punching, the transition between moves, etc. are all completely the way of Aoki Style.

But that is not Aoki Style.

Because Aoki Style does not have such a violent move.

Several friends of Fujita Chengyong were dumbfounded.

How could a little white rabbit that was easy to bully suddenly become a terrifying Tyrannosaurus that can eat people?

The fat young man looked weird.

How long did this fight take? Three seconds? Five seconds? Anyway, it must be less than ten seconds!

He made a lot of money!

However, the process and result of this fight were completely opposite to what was expected!

The fat young man also remembered another thing.

Fujita Chengyong also made a lot of money.

But I don’t know if he still wants this money? After knowing this, is he happy or sad?

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