Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 202: The navy surrounds the island, and the generals come out together (Additional update 3)

One doesn't want to teach, the other doesn't want to learn, this is a consensus.

Aoki said: "Okay, then forget about this! Go back to Amazon Lily to learn!"

He wanted to ask Rayleigh to teach Hancock because he wanted to lay a better foundation for Hancock.

However, if it would hurt her spirit, then there would be no need.


At this time, Xia Qi interrupted: "I can also be domineering!"

Aoki was stunned.


As the former emperor of Amazon Lily, Xia Qi couldn't not be domineering.

Not only can she, but she must be very proficient!

The inheritance of the throne of Amazon Lily is not based on blood, but on strength.

The strongest is the emperor.

Xia Qi is not only strong enough, but also has the same strength and moves as Hancock. She is definitely the most suitable teacher for Hancock!

However, Aoki soon had another doubt in his heart.

"Ms. Xia Qi, can you use the domineering color?"

Xia Qi immediately understood what he meant and said in surprise: "Can Hancock use the domineering color?"

Hancock looked confused and shook his head.

Aoki immediately knew that her Conqueror Haki should not have awakened yet.

This is normal.

There are three types of Haki: Armament Haki, Observation Haki and Conqueror Haki.

Among them, Armament Haki and Observation Haki are the innate abilities of everyone. Whether they can master it or not, they have this power in their bodies.

However, Conqueror Haki is different.

Conqueror Haki represents the qualifications of a king, and only a very few people have it.

Before awakening, no one knows whether they have Conqueror Haki.

"I think Hancock has this qualification."

Aoki said.

Xia Qi looked at Aoki and Hancock, and suddenly asked: "Why are you so concerned about Hancock learning Haki?"

Aoki said: "Because Hancock is my partner."

Xia Qi was not too surprised, but looked at Hancock seriously: "Do you know what it means to be with him?"

"I know." Hancock said firmly.

She knew it very well.

Being with Aoki means being an enemy of the Celestial Dragons and being hunted down by the World Government.

This really made her feel scared.

However, she mustered up her courage again when she thought of Aoki by her side.

The scene where Aoki easily took off the head of the Celestial Dragon had always been deeply imprinted in her mind.

She was willing to follow Aoki not only to repay her gratitude, but also to seek revenge.

If she left Aoki, she would probably never be able to muster up the courage to take revenge on the Celestial Dragons again, and the memories of the previous three years would become her eternal nightmare.

"I understand!"

Xia Qi saw Hancock's expression and understood everything: "This may be the fate of us Amazon Lily women!"

Amazon Lily is a country of women, which extremely excludes men and prohibits all men from going to the island.

However, as the most powerful and outstanding women in Amazon Lily, many emperors will eventually leave Amazon Lily.

And most of them are for love and for men.

This matter is simply ironic.

She is like this, her predecessor is like this, and her successor has also embarked on this path.

If Hancock really has the qualifications of the Overlord Color, then she is undoubtedly the strongest competitor for the next Amazon Lily Emperor.

Now, Hancock has to leave Amazon Lily before she takes the throne.

Although she is not doing it for love, she is also doing it for men.

After a thousand thoughts in her mind, they all turned into a sigh. Xia Qi did not feel that she had any position to blame Hancock, nor did she intend to blame her.

"I don't have Conqueror Haki, but Conqueror Haki cannot be strengthened through practice, so it actually has no effect."

Aoki said: "I know that Conqueror Haki cannot be strengthened through practice, but what about Conqueror Haki Entanglement?"

Conqueror Haki Entanglement?

Xia Qi looked at Rayleigh.

Rayleigh explained: "Conqueror Haki Entanglement is an ability that only a very few people can master.

In fact, not only Conqueror Haki Entanglement, but also high-level Armament Haki and Observation Haki, cannot be mastered through practice.

Practice can only master the basics, and those advanced skills can only be learned and understood in battle."

Aoki was thoughtful.

This makes sense, otherwise, Rayleigh would not have taught Luffy.

"In addition."

Rayleigh said: "When Xia Qi teaches, I can also help."

Aoki looked at Hancock.

Hancock nodded gently.

She just didn't want to meet a man other than Aoki.

She naturally had no objection to learning from the former emperor of Amazon Lily.

"Then I'll trouble you, Ms. Xia Qi." Aoki said.

Xia Qi lit a cigarette and smiled, "You're welcome. In addition, I just wanted to say that Brother Aoki is really polite. He doesn't look like a murderer who would make a scene in Marijoa and kill the Celestial Dragons."

"This is probably called not judging a person by his appearance."

Aoki laughed at himself and said, "In order to avoid more trouble, let's send Sandasonia and Marigorud back to Amazon Lily first!"

"Okay! I'll go prepare the ship now!" Xia Qi turned around and left without any nonsense.

Aoki took out a bottle of wine from the alien space and threw it to Rayleigh.

"Try this!"

"What kind of wine is this?"

Rayleigh first looked at the bottle and then looked at Aoki.

In comparison, he was actually more curious about where Aoki took out the bottle of wine.

“Good wine!”

Aoki said.

After thousands of years of accumulation in the empire, what he lacks most now is all kinds of treasures.

"Okay, let me try it, how good it is."

Reilly was about to open it.


The door opened and Xia Qi walked in, her face a little serious.

"Is the ship ready?" Aoki asked.

Xia Qi shook her head: "How can it be so fast? I came back for another thing.

A large number of naval forces have come outside, and the Chambord Islands have been surrounded. It is said that three naval admirals, Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru, have all arrived! "

The expressions of the three Hancock sisters changed, and Rayleigh couldn't help but look towards Aoki.

"It's quite fast!"

Aoki's tone was calm.

He had anticipated this situation when he saw the news and the wanted poster.

He didn't hide it at all when he came ashore yesterday and walked around the streets for a long time.

With a little research, he can be found.

If this were an island in the New World, the World Government and Navy might not respond so quickly, but this is the Chambord Islands, right at the foot of the Navy headquarters.

"However, they dare to besiege the island. Aren't they afraid of arousing public anger?"

There are a large number of outlaws gathered in the Shampoo Islands.

Even if the navy is in the name of arresting Aoki, those criminals will never rest assured.

"Public anger? Three navy admirals are here, who dares to be angry?"

Xia Qi shook his head: "Not to mention, such an action must have the will of the Celestial Dragons and the World Government."

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