Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 195 Treasure Chest Harvest (4k)

Fegalandu Green Ancient Saint's face was very ugly.

He actually escaped.

This is a huge shame!

Kizaru said: "I wonder what his ability is?"

He has wings, a tail, can use energy attacks, and has this mysterious ability to shuttle through space.

It is undoubtedly an animal-type mythical beast.

But for a moment, he couldn't think of any mythical creature that corresponds to it.

Fegalandu Green Ancient Saint didn't speak.

As the supreme commander of the Knights of God, he certainly saw the devil fruit atlas, but he had never seen this devil fruit.

After continuously "traveling through space" and leaving Marijoa hundreds of kilometers in one breath, Aoki stopped.

"It seems that they didn't catch up."

The "ultimate form" actually has a little time, but the longer he stays in Marijoa, the more he feels like a thorn in his back.

That's why he didn't get entangled and chose to leave quickly.

Since crossing into this world, he has been "fighting and fighting". Now he can finally take a breath. Aoki gently flaps his wings, floats in the air, and looks into the distance.

The blue ocean spread to the end of the vision, the breeze blew, and the faint smell of the sea filled the nose.

This scene was a little strange to him.

He had seen the sea, but only at the level of what he had seen. He had stepped on the water on the beach and went deep into the ocean. This was the first time.

It was a little novel at first, but soon it began to feel boring.

The vision was completely occupied by the sea water, and there was no second view at all.

Aoki raised his hand.

The flower on the back of his hand became dim again.

The energy has been used up, and it has to be recharged slowly. I don’t know how long it will take.

Among the nine petals, two have become solid, and the coordinates of the two worlds of Demon Slayer and Akagi Slash are recorded on them.


"Last time it appeared in Esdeath's tent, this time it landed directly in Marijoa. What's the matter with 'world shuttle'? It specifically looks for the most dangerous place in the world, right?"

Aoki couldn't help but complain in his heart. With a thought, he opened the system and allocated free attribute points.

[Name: Aoki]

[Strength: 60]

[Constitution: 60]

[Intelligence: 61]

[Agility: 60]

[Occupation: Hunter, King of the Others, Martial Artist, Doctor, Infinite Dragon Beast]

[Items: Revenge Chest (1 star) × 15, Revenge Chest (2 star) × 1]

[Infinite Dragon Beast]

Quality: ★★★★

Level: lv19 (30/1900)

Skills: Soul of Vengeance II, Devour (not yet learned), Dragon Breath, Ultimate Form II (0/100)

Mission: The End of the World Government

Free Skill Points: 4

The Ultimate Form can be terminated at any time, but the energy consumed will not be returned.

Aoki's eyes stayed on the "level" and a smile appeared on his face.

Level 19!

In just a few minutes, "Infinite Dragon Beast" rose 11 levels.

This was when he only killed some elite monsters and failed to solve a single BOSS.

The average attribute exceeds 60 points, and the power is too much, and the body of Infinite Dragon Beast cannot control it.

Moreover, it can be predicted that after another level up, when it reaches level 20, his attributes will usher in another leap.

"By then, my average attribute will exceed 66 points, and the 'ultimate form' will also be upgraded to level 3, the duration will continue to be extended again, and I can learn another skill."

Qingmu calculated in his mind.

After level 20, he is not a four-star, but better than a four-star.

Perhaps it can be called a half-step four-star.


Half-step four-star is a little short, it should be called... half-step four-star great perfection.

Qingmu smiled and looked at the system again.

"Ten people killed" and "bombardment" have been completed, leaving only "the end of the world government".

[The end of the world government]

In the name of Infinite Dragon Beast, give the world government the demise.

Mission requirements: 1. Destroy Marijoa; 2. Kill Im (0/1); 3. Kill the Five Elders (0/5); 4. Kill 100 Celestial Dragons (11/100)

Mission Reward: Career Fusion Card (Five Stars)

11 Celestial Dragons, this is the final result.

Although it is not bad, but in the whole mission, this progress is not worth mentioning.

"Take your time!"

Aoki is not in a hurry.

This is the ultimate mission in the world of pirates.

However, it can't be delayed for too long.

When Luffy grows up, he may compete with him for heads.

First, we need to confirm what era it is now.

Kizaru looks younger than the image in his memory, and the time point may be earlier than expected.

Of course, it is not certain now.

The image in his memory is somewhat different from the real person.

Moreover, Kizaru looks wretched, and it is difficult to tell his age.

This is easy. When you meet someone, you can find out by asking casually.

Aoki put it behind his mind.

Now there is a more important thing-opening the treasure chest!

There are 15 one-star treasure chests and 1 two-star treasure chest in total.

The only two-star treasure chest comes from a member of the Knights of God.

I don’t know what prizes are there.

Qingmu didn’t open the two-star treasure chest.

The best things should be saved for last.

Let’s open a one-star treasure chest first!

[Open a Revenge Treasure Box (1 star) and get 100,000 berries. ]

"What is that?"

Aoki looked at the green coin in his hand and was stunned: "That's it?"

Is he someone who needs money?

The thousand-year-old wealth of the Akagi World Empire is lying in his space!

Giving money is fine, but at least give more. 100,000 berries, how can you send away beggars?


After all, it's a 1-star treasure box, so you can't expect too much.

Aoki quickly adjusted his mood.

Open another one and try!

[Open a Revenge Treasure Box (1 star) and get 500,000 berries. ]

Aoki: "..."

It's five times more, not bad.


[Open a Revenge Treasure Box (1 star) and get a high-end suit. ]

[Open a Revenge Treasure Box (1 star) and get a fine steel dagger. ]

[Open a Revenge Treasure Box (1 star) and get ten special lollipops. ]

[Open a Revenge Treasure Box (1 star) and get a pair of worn-out women's underwear. 】

Aoki took a closer look and confirmed that he was not mistaken.


Women's underwear!

And it was torn!

The corners of Aoki's mouth moved, he held back the curse words, and continued to open the box.

[Open a revenge treasure chest (one star), get 200,000 berries. ]


[Open a revenge treasure chest (one star), get a pair of wind spirit boots. ]

So far, all 15 one-star treasure chests have been opened.

Aoki sorted it out.

A total of 2.6 million berries, a suit, a dagger, ten lollipops, a pair of women's underwear, and a pair of shoes called wind spirit boots were obtained.

There is nothing to say about the money, suit, dagger, and women's underwear, they are all ordinary items.

Aoki looked at the remaining two things: special lollipops and wind spirit boots.

The former is an ordinary lollipop, wrapped in white plastic paper, without any trademark.

"Special? Is it what I think?"

He peeled a lollipop and held it in his mouth.

A strong milky aroma spread in his mouth.

Qingmu's expression was dull.

How long has it been?

How long has it been since he tasted the taste of food?

A pure feeling of touching emerged in his heart.

It is such a wonderful thing to be able to taste delicious food!

He wanted to apologize to the one-star treasure chest. He just spoke too loudly.

The one-star treasure chest is not rubbish at all!

Even if there are no other special items, it is worth looking forward to this special lollipop.

What if there are other foods?

Qingmu carefully put away the remaining lollipops and looked at the last item.

Wind Spirit Boots.

It is blue in color, with wind patterns embroidered on the surface. It feels like leather and feels light in the hand.

Qingmu's eyes gradually became weird, and he murmured: "What a burst of equipment!"

Wind Spirit Boots are not ordinary clothes. They have magical powers. After wearing them, they can slightly increase speed and agility.

Isn't this equipment?

After studying it, Qingmu put it on directly.

After becoming the Ghost King, he could change his clothes directly. He hadn't worn real clothes for a long time.

The boots, which were a little big, automatically became suitable after he put them on.

Moreover, they were very comfortable.

They were neither loose nor tight, light and soft, and they fit the shape of his feet perfectly.

They were more comfortable than all the shoes he had worn before, even the ones he changed himself were far inferior to.

However, he soon got bad news.

The special effects of the Wind Spirit Boots could not be said to be completely absent, but they were basically not felt.

"Is it because the quality is too low?"

Qingmu thought.

The Wind Spirit Boots were just equipment opened from a one-star treasure chest.

And his current strength, even without mentioning the "ultimate form", is also strong three stars.

It is equivalent to a character of level 35 or 36, wearing equipment of level 7 or 8, and the effect is certainly not good.


This comfort alone is enough to satisfy people.

The importance of shoes in sports is needless to say.

Moreover, although the quality of the equipment in the one-star treasure chest is insufficient, after the "Soul of Vengeance" is upgraded, a higher quality treasure chest can be obtained, and better equipment can still be opened.

The future is promising!

In general, the performance of the one-star treasure chest started low and ended high.

Qingmu looked at the remaining treasure chest.

This was the only two-star treasure chest he got on this trip.

The performance of the one-star treasure chest made him look forward to it more.

However, he was also prepared to lose money.

Although the one-star treasure chest opened wind spirit boots and special lollipops, there were more useless things such as women's underwear.

[Open a revenge treasure chest (two stars) and get a bottle of healing potion. ]

"Healing potion? Red potion? This thing is useless to me."

Qingmu was stunned, looked at it carefully, and found that it was a little different from what he thought.

It is not the kind of medicine that increases life value in the game. Just like the name, this is a bottle of medicine for curing diseases.

There is no range of use.

In other words, this is a bottle of panacea.

It is very unscientific.

But the system is not a scientific thing.

The only problem is.

"It still doesn't work for me!" Qingmu shook his head.

He will not get sick at all.

Given his physique, if he really got sick, I'm afraid the items from the two-star treasure chest wouldn't be able to cure him.

Of course.

In any case, this is a good thing.

He doesn't need it, but there are people who need it. If he doesn't need it, he can use it for trading.

The Whitebeard Pirates are a good choice.


Whitebeard's strength must be four stars, and I don't know if this healing potion is useful.

In short, the most important thing now is to upgrade quickly and raise the level of "Soul of Vengeance".

"Almost there!"

Aoki put away the healing potion.

One more level up, and you can save up 5 free skill points.

The requirements for upgrading to level 2 "Soul of Vengeance" are the same as the requirements for learning "Soul of Vengeance", 5 free skill points.

The requirements for upgrading to level 3 remain unchanged.

Unlike the later stage of "White Walkers", it requires rapid improvement.

However, there is also a hidden danger.

According to this progress, he can get a maximum of 40 skill points when he reaches the maximum level, which is not enough to upgrade all skills.

You must find a way to get more free skill points.

Aoki is not too worried about this.

"Soul of Vengeance" can not only kill monsters and get equipment, but also trigger tasks.

With more tasks, you can always encounter tasks that reward free skill points.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be like this, it's too miserable! Hahaha!"

The unbridled laughter sounded, and the words spoken were full of undisguised sarcasm.

The two CP0 agents passing by looked over with cold eyes.

"Who is so bold as to be so presumptuous in Marijoa?"

A figure like a city wall came into view, wearing a white navy uniform.

The two CP0 agents silently retracted their gazes, without any reaction, as if they had seen nothing.


Zhan Guo's face was dark: "Is it time to gloat now?"

The World Government suffered humiliation, can their navy still run away?

Garp waved his hand, looking indifferent.

"How can I gloat? I just think it's very interesting. Those guys who look down on others all day long probably never thought that such a thing would happen? It seems that not everyone in this world is afraid of them, hahaha!"

"I shouldn't have brought you along!"

Zhan Guo's eyebrows jumped, angry and helpless.

If it were someone else, he would have been arrested by now.

"Just right, just right, I have something else to do, so I won't attend the meeting."

Garp said, and turned away in style.

Zhan Guo was stunned, and after a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "So, he came here specifically to see the plight of Mary Geoise?"

The chief staff officer Crane put his hands behind his back and walked forward calmly.

"You know his character."

Zhan Guo shook his head helplessly: "I didn't expect him to be so bored."

"Let's go!" Crane said, "Time is almost up!"

Zhan Guo's face became serious.

"Where did that man come from? I have never heard of his name on the sea before!"

Although they didn't say it clearly, they knew very well that the Five Elders summoned them to a meeting this time, definitely for the villain who destroyed Mary Geoise before.

Crane shook his head gently: "At least our intelligence has never noticed him, maybe the World Government has discovered it!"

This is one of the things they don't understand the most.

The strong men on the sea have a process of rising, including Roger, Whitebeard, and even Rocks earlier.

But this person seemed to have appeared out of thin air.

"Since the beginning of the Great Pirate Age, the sea has become increasingly unstable."

Zhan Guo sighed.

PS: It's too late today, so this chapter doesn't count as an extra chapter.

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