Two figures flew out of the firelight, their clean and tidy white suits became tattered, and the masks on their faces were gone, revealing two faces, one old and one young.

They looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

The old CP0 said: "The enemy is very strong, let's first..."

Aoki's figure suddenly appeared beside him, and his arm stabbed out like a spear.

The old CP0's pupils shrank, and his voice stopped abruptly. He stopped and clenched his fists.

"Iron block!"


The sharp claws tore through the flesh, pierced the heart, and came out through the body.

"You can actually break my iron block!"

The old CP0 showed an unwilling look on his face, and his huge body fell down.

[Kill a human and gain 1200 experience points. ]

[Congratulations on your upgrade! ]

"It's a problem if you can't break it!"

Aoki shook off the blood on his hands.

Iron block, a well-known stunt to send death, many people died under their own iron block.

Seeing this scene, the young CP0 suddenly felt a strong fear in his heart. He kicked the ground with his right foot and shot out like an arrow.


Aoki looked at his back with interest.

Shaving and Iron Block are both six styles.

Six Styles is a kind of physical skill mastered by the World Government, which can enable humans to exert power beyond their limits. There are a total of six moves. In addition to Shaving and Iron Block, the other four moves are Paper Drawing, Moon Step, Storm Kick and Finger Gun.

These moves are quite interesting.

However, now is not the time to study.

Aoki's figure flashed and instantly appeared in front of the young CP0, raising his arm.

He didn't even use much force, and the young CP0 who didn't react and couldn't stop the car bumped into it himself.

Sharp claws drilled out from the back, and strands of blood flowed down along the fingers.

The young CP0 opened his mouth and closed his eyes unwillingly.

[Kill a human and get 1100 experience points and a revenge treasure chest (one star). ]

[Congratulations on your upgrade! 】

Aoki quickly distributed the free attribute points evenly to the four dimensions, and then teleported directly to the palace next to him.

Since he has been exposed, there is no need to worry.

He wants to kill people!

"Damn slave, lower your voice! Lower your voice! You are such a low-level creature, can't you even understand human words?"

The woman with freckles on her face, wearing a space suit jacket, whipped the slave at her feet with dissatisfaction.

He was sturdy, with blue skin, webbed fingers, and the most peculiar thing was that his head was a fish head.

That's right, this slave is the legendary fish man, who is said to have ten times the strength of an ordinary person and is the favorite slave of the Tianlong people.

The fish man slave lowered his head.

The freckled female Tianlong slowly climbed onto his back and pulled the reins.

"Hurry up! If I'm late today, I'll chop off your hands!"

At this moment, a figure appeared out of thin air.

The freckled female Tianlong raised her eyebrows and was about to scold, but suddenly the world spun around and a familiar headless corpse appeared in her field of vision.

"That's me? Am I dead?" The answer suddenly popped up in her mind.

Fortunately, she lost consciousness before she could feel fear.

The fishman slave looked around blankly.

His master, the world noble Tianlongren, was dead!

Not only the Tianlongren, but all the bodyguards were also dead.

Now, he was the only one alive in the whole room.

Who was that human youth?

The fishman wiped the blood off his face and his mind gradually became clear.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Even if he might die, he would try to escape.

Walking out of the palace carefully, the fishman soon found that the situation was a little different from what he imagined.

There were no guards, no pursuers, and the whole of Marijoa was in chaos, and several palaces were burning.

Like him, ragged slaves were everywhere.

Everyone was running outside frantically.

The others joined them without hesitation.


After crushing the bodyguard's neck, Aoki walked out of the palace and was about to go to the next target when he suddenly stopped.

"It really caused quite a stir, so scary!"

A man with short black curly hair, a yellow and white striped suit, and sunglasses walked out from the left.

"You dare to make trouble in Mary Joa, even I have to admit that you, a low-level creature, are very brave!"

"Five! You killed five Celestial Dragons in total. I will cut you 500 times and then kill you!"

A man and a woman walked out from the right.

The man had a long knife hanging on his waist, and there was a sharp aura on his body. The whole person was like a bloodthirsty weapon.

The woman was wearing a gorgeous palace dress.

Both of them naturally exuded a high-handed temperament.

Aoki was very familiar with this, and all Celestial Dragons had a similar temperament.

However, these two people gave him a stronger feeling.

At the same time, he also felt a faint danger.

They were Celestial Dragons, and they were extremely powerful Celestial Dragons!

This kind of person is very rare among Celestial Dragons.

"Are you... members of the Knights of God?"

"You know a lot!"

The man with the knife sneered, looked at Kizaru, and said bluntly: "Borusalino, why are you here so late?"

Kizaru smiled slightly, not angry at all: "Saint Ateli, I don't know the exact location of the enemy, and it took some time to find someone!"

Ateli didn't give him, the admiral of the navy, any face, and said coldly: "Do you know? During the time you were looking for someone, five Celestial Dragons were killed!"

Faced with his questioning, Kizaru's tone was still without anger.

"I'm so sorry, let's catch the murderer and avenge the five princes!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's get rid of this low-life first!"

The palace-dressed woman interrupted their conversation, clasped her hands together, and invisible waves swept past.

Aoki's eyes changed slightly.

He felt that the space around him seemed to solidify.

If the space before was a lake, he could easily get in and out, then now it was a hard concrete floor.

"Space shuttle" was restricted, and these people came prepared.

"What ability is this?" Aoki asked.

In fact, he was not very surprised.

The pirate world also has space abilities, such as the surgery fruit and the door-door fruit.

As the ruler of the world, it is not surprising that the world government can come up with a solution.

"Superhuman system, the Imprisonment Fruit."

The palace-dressed woman sneered: "Don't waste your energy anymore, the entire Marijoa has been blocked by me!"

"Imprisonment Fruit?"

Aoki searched his memory and confirmed that he had never heard of this devil fruit before.

However, this female celestial dragon should not have lied to him.

Unless he killed her, he should not be able to use "space shuttle" in Marijoa.

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