The next day.

Aoki officially started learning "Aoki-ryu".

However, he did not see Mizuno Kengo.

"Junior Brother Qingcun, I will teach you the basic moves of Aoki-ryu first. After you master them, master will teach you."

Keisuke Akiyama said.

After Aoki officially joined the dojo, he changed his name accordingly.

"I see."

As for the beginner class and the advanced class, Aoki can easily understand them.

In addition to him, there were five other people in the junior class who should have known about this situation a long time ago and also did not express any objection.

Akiyama Keisuke hesitated for a moment and pointed to Aoki's bamboo hat: "Junior Aomura, will it affect your practice if you wear this?"

"I have a skin disease and cannot be exposed to sunlight." Aoki explained calmly.

Akiyama Keisuke was stunned and quickly apologized.

"Sorry, Junior Brother Qingcun!"

"It doesn't matter." Aoki waved his hand: "Brother, don't worry about me, I will write down the movements first, and then practice by myself when I get back to the room!"

Akiyama Keisuke thought for a while, nodded, and said nothing more.

His level is quite good, his moves are standard, and his movements are smoothly connected. He has obviously mastered some of the essence of Aoki-ryu.

While watching, Aoki practiced in his mind, and tried to break down and reorganize these moves.

After class, he went straight back to his room, ready to start practicing immediately while his memory was clear.

But before it started, there was a knock on the door outside.

Aoki walked over and opened the door, and found that it was Keisuke Akiyama. He was surprised and said, "What's the matter, brother Keisuke?"

"Junior Aomori, are you free this afternoon?" Keisuke Akiyama asked.

Aoki shook his head: "I'm going to practice the moves I learned before. Brother Keisuke, do you need help?"

Akiyama Keisuke breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his honest face: "That's just right, I will teach you after lunch."

Aoki said: "Brother Keisuke, it doesn't have to be like this."

13 points of intelligence gave him a thinking speed and memory ability that were far beyond ordinary people. It was not difficult to restore those moves from memory.

Keisuke Akiyama has a firm attitude: "Since you come to our dojo to study, we are responsible for teaching you. This is our responsibility!

What's more, your willingness to join the dojo now has already helped me a lot! "

"Then I'll trouble Brother Keisuke!"

Aoki did not refuse again.

It is definitely better if someone teaches you.

This man with thick eyebrows and big eyes is really a real person!


Keisuke Akiyama arrived as promised.

One person teaches and the other learns. Time flies by and it’s evening in a blink of an eye.

Half of the sun fell into the sky and the sea, and the brilliant sunset dyed the sky red.

Aoki practiced the basic moves of Aoki-ryu, which were fast and smooth, and the movements were precise, without any hint of the greenness of a beginner.

After he finished typing, Akiyama Keisuke immediately walked over excitedly.

"Junior Brother Aomura, I saw it right, you are the super genius of Aoki-ryu!"

"Senior Brother Keisuke is so complimentary." Aoki was also in a good mood.

Aoki style is indeed suitable for him.

He has been thinking about how to establish his own combat system.

Unlike the swordsman, it is fine to develop with the breathing method as the core. The characteristics and abilities of ghosts vary greatly, and there is no universal development path. You can only summarize, summarize, and create a fighting method that suits you.

Aoki has never had any clear ideas.

After getting started with Aoki-ryu, he immediately discovered that this path was suitable for him.

Super high compatibility, strong intelligence, and good agility, combined to form an extremely outstanding talent.

He started learning Aoki-ryu and made rapid progress.

Choosing to join Aoki Dojo was a very correct choice made by mistake.

Akiyama Keisuke didn't stay long. After making an appointment for teaching tomorrow, he said goodbye and left, hurried to his master's residence.

As soon as he entered the door, he found his master staring at a painting.

It was a portrait of his fiancée.

Mizuno Kengo closed the painting: "Keisuke, why are you here? What's the matter?"

Akiyama Keisuke's mood also dropped: "Master, the new Junior Brother Qingcun is very talented! It can be said that he is the only one I have seen in my life. Do you think you should accept him as a disciple?"

Mizuno Kengo's expression became more serious and he thought for a moment: "Observe him for a while first."

Not only look at talent, but also look at character.

Formal disciples are different from ordinary students, so you must choose carefully.

Akiyama Keisuke naturally understood this truth, lowered his head and said: "I understand."

After a moment of silence, he couldn't help but ask: "Master, is there still no news about Junior Sister?"

Kengo Mizuno shook his head slowly, and his straight back suddenly stooped a little.

In the days that followed, Aoki focused most of his energy on studying.

As a ghost, he does not need to sleep. With nutritional supplements, his physical strength is almost unlimited. As long as he can persevere mentally, he can continue to study and train.

His hard work and outstanding talent allowed him to master and understand Aoki-ryu's basic moves and concepts by leaps and bounds.

Even in order to avoid scaring Keisuke Akiyama, he had to hide his stupidity.

"Is another girl missing?"

Aoki still allocates some time every day to search for traces of ghosts and relax his mind.

He never gained anything.

At the same time, people are still missing.


Akiyama Keisuke's honest face was full of anger, and he gritted his teeth and said: "As far as I know, that's a girl who will get married in two days!"

"How arrogant!" Aoki murmured.

Even the prostitute Taro and the Dakimakami used the cover of the flower street. Who is this ghost and how dare he be so unscrupulous?

In addition, why can't I find any trace of him?

"Aomura, we are going to have a couple of drinks at the izakaya. Do you want to join us?"

Aoki's thoughts were interrupted.

"Forget it, you guys go. I have something to do today."

"Do you still want to continue practicing? Aomura, you are really hardworking."

"It's late, so I can only work harder. Be careful."

Aoki waved and said goodbye to them.

Every day, he got along with others, and he naturally became familiar with them.

Although they were not very close, there were no conflicts.

After leaving the dojo, Aoki walked straight out of the city.

He was going to practice outdoors today.

He could practice indoors, but he had to be very careful to control his strength.

There were benefits to doing this, such as training his control over strength.

However, it was also very necessary to be familiar with the situation when he was at full strength.

After finding a corner where no one noticed, Qingmu activated the "space shuttle" and appeared in a dense forest after several teleportations.

The dense trees completely blocked the sunlight. The inside of the dense forest was quiet and dark, like two different worlds from the outside world.

The ground was full of broken stones and broken trees, and it looked messy.

Qingmu took off his sunshade hat, untied the ghost wine gourd, tightened his sleeves, and walked towards a huge stone covered with fist marks.

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