Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 188: The Spirit of Vengeance (End of this Volume)

"This is it!" said Champ.

There was a hint of surprise in Aoki's eyes.

A luxurious villa sits in the middle of the towering walls.

To his surprise, the pinnacle he was looking for was right here!

Double happiness!

"Let's go, follow me to see Master Sheela!"

Champ stepped forward.

As soon as the two entered the courtyard, a young man with dark skin and an "X" mark on his face walked out of the villa. He was holding a naked female corpse with traces of abuse everywhere on his body.

"Lord Sheila."

Champ said.

Silla threw the female body aside casually, scratched her hair, and looked at Aoki: "Shangpu, who is he?"

Shampu said: "My lord, didn't you say you were looking for someone with outstanding strength? He killed more than a dozen robbers by himself."


Silla looked at Aoki with interest.

Aoki looked around: "Just you two? Is there anyone else?"

"It's just the two of us right now."

Silla nodded: "What's your name? What are your abilities?"

"You don't need to know!"

Aoki sighed.

There were only two people, and the harvest was not as much as expected.

But forget it, it was an unexpected surprise.

"Huh?" Silla's face darkened.

Aoki didn't pay attention to his reaction, and a mental shock wave pierced Silla like a spear.

Soul impact!


As if being hit by a sledgehammer, Silla's head went blank for an instant, her orifices were bleeding, and her body fell forward.

Aoki's figure appeared, arms sweeping across.


The huge head flew up, blood rose into the sky like a fountain, and the headless corpse collapsed.

[Kill a person and gain 1400 experience points. 】

[Congratulations on your upgrade! 】

[Congratulations on your upgrade! 】

Three consecutive system prompts sounded in my mind.

"You, what did you do?"

Shang Pu couldn't react for a moment and looked at him blankly.

"Are not you just saw it?"

Aoki shook off the blood on his hands.

Shang Pu came back to his senses, and his expression suddenly became very gloomy.

"You never planned to join us from the beginning!"

He actually thought that Aoki might have evil intentions, but he didn't expect that Aoki would be so powerful.

"Correct answer, but unfortunately, there is no prize."

Aoki's figure flashed and appeared in front of Shang Pu in an instant.

Shang Pu's expression changed, and there was an extra bead in his hand.


A sharp sound broke through the air, and a black light flashed. He felt his wrists go cold, and his hands were all broken off.

Severe pain swept through his body, and Champ opened his mouth, but before he could scream.


A black blade pierced his heart.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and Shang Pu looked at the tail behind Aoki in disbelief.

"How is that possible? You, what on earth are you?"

"For the sake of you giving me two big gifts, I'll give you a treat."

Aoki didn't talk nonsense to him. He flicked his tail and the sharp bone blade passed through, directly splitting Shang Pu in two.

[Kill a person and gain 1100 experience points. 】

[Congratulations on your upgrade! 】

[Congratulations on your upgrade! 】

Another three system improvements.

He rose to four levels in one go.

Aoki turned on the system.

A total of 16 free attribute points and 4 free skill points were obtained.

The attribute points are distributed first, still evenly distributed, with four points for each attribute.

His momentum suddenly increased, and there was a powerful force in his body, and he wanted to find an outlet to vent it.

Aoki was already familiar with this process and was not affected in any way. He turned his attention to the skill bar.

Including the previous savings, there are a total of 8 free skill points.

You can learn skills!

Without any hesitation, he directly chose to learn "Spirit of Vengeance".

The five free skill points disappeared quietly, and the "Spirit of Vengeance" lit up on the system panel.

That's all.

Aoki didn't feel anything and didn't get any information.

This is not surprising.

Because "Spirit of Vengeance" is a passive skill with two main effects.

First, after killing monsters, in addition to experience, you will also receive additional rewards. The quality of the rewards is determined by the "Spirit of Vengeance" level.

Second, after learning "Spirit of Vengeance", you will have the opportunity to trigger additional tasks.

This is a resource skill that he has never encountered before!

Aoki glanced at the system panel again.

[Name: Aoki]

【Strength: 44】

[Physique: 44]

[Intelligence: 45]

[Agility: 44]

[Occupation: Hunter, King of the White Walkers, Martial Artist, Doctor, Infinite Dragon Beast]

【Infinite Dragon Beast】

Quality: ★★★★

Level: lv8 (310/800)

Skills: Spirit of Vengeance, Devour (not yet learned), Dragon Breath (not yet learned), Ultimate Form (100/100)

Free skill points: 3

In just a few days, his average attributes jumped from 37 to 44.

This is the power of the four-star profession.

"There are still 2 experience points left before I can learn skills again."

Aoki's eyes moved.

He does not plan to learn other skills and plans to continue to improve the "Spirit of Vengeance".

The introduction of "Spirit of Vengeance" clearly states that the quality of rewards is affected by skill level.


It also depends on what the next world will be like.

Aoki turned off the system, searched for Shang Pu and Sheila, and found two Teigu.

They are the space-mobile Teigu Dimensional Square, Shangri-La, and the six-ball Teigu fast-pitch Chaos, big pitcher.

Aoki found another piece of cloth and covered the naked female body.

"rest in peace!"

Sheila is cruel and lustful, and her cruelty is no worse than Ernest.

Aoki stood up and turned to look east.

He upgraded the "King of the White Walkers" to the full level and obtained a 4-star career. This journey was very rewarding.

The only problem is, becoming less human.

"It's time to leave!"

Aoki retracted his gaze, raised his palm, and his figure disappeared instantly.

In a certain virgin forest.

A woman with snow-white skin, beautiful appearance, and long blue hair is fighting with a large number of dangerous species.

She waved her hand, and the cold air spread, and instantly all the dangerous species were frozen into ice sculptures.

When the wind blows, it turns into countless fine ice crystals, sparkling in the sunlight.

"Hahaha! Success!"

Esdeath's beautiful face showed a hint of excitement. She looked in the direction of the imperial capital, and a flame rose in her eyes: "It's time to go find him! I will conquer him this time!"

In order to catch the assassin, she has been fighting in this secret realm to train and develop her moves.

After so long, I finally succeeded.

Esdeath took the tamed flying dangerous species, left the secret realm, and flew directly towards the imperial capital.

As soon as she reached the sky above the imperial capital, a silver light suddenly fell from the sky.

Flying hazards cause instant death.

Two pieces of ice appeared under his feet, holding his body up, and Esdeath looked up.

A huge four-winged dragon appeared in the field of vision, with two girls standing on it, and she happened to know both of them.

"Red pupils, black pupils."


The expressions of both red pupils and black pupils were slightly solemn.

"You guys here, it looks like the Empire has been defeated!"

Esdeath looked calm.

The minister and the emperor died one after another, and she left suddenly. She had already expected this result.


She no longer cares.

Chitong slowly pulled out Murasame.

"That's right! The empire has been defeated, Esdeath, I will never allow you to destroy the new country!"

"The momentum is good!"

Esdeath calmly asked: "Are the assassins who killed the minister and the emperor a member of the rebels?"

Chitong was startled, shook his head and said, "We only have a cooperative relationship with Aoki."

"It turns out his name is Aoki."

Esdeath said excitedly: "Where is he now? Let him come out!"

Chitong said: "Aoki has left, no one knows where he went."


Esdeath frowned.

This was the worst news for her.

Regardless of whether the other party is willing to fight or not, she can find a way to force him out, but if the person is not there at all, then there is nothing she can do.

"Esdeath, just go ahead and capture him! This is no longer your time!" Chi Tong said.

Esdeath came back to her senses and glanced at the four-winged dragon: "Is this a super dangerous species? Is it the corpse controlled by the eighth room?"

"That's right!" Heitong said.

"Interesting! Since Aoki is not here, I will play with you first!"

Esdeath smiled slightly and flew towards the four-winged dragon.

Chitong jumped up and slashed with his sword.

The black pupil raised the eight rooms.

The ground rolled, and huge creatures emerged from the ground.

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