Akagi and Hei Tong sat on the bed, whispering about their childhood.

Just then, a figure suddenly appeared.

Akagi subconsciously grabbed Murasame and blocked Hei Tong behind her.

"Don't be nervous, sister."

Hei Tong held her hand.

Akagi realized at this time that it was Aoki.

But how did he get in?

The doors and windows were closed tightly, and she didn't notice any movement.

"Is it going well?" Hei Tong stood up.

"Very well."

Aoki nodded and looked behind: "Akagi, you are here, it seems that you should come with good news."

Akagi said seriously: "We agree to the deal you proposed."

Aoki said: "I must remind you that the four super dangerous species are very strong, and it is very likely that some of you will be sacrificed in the hunt."

"Hei Tong has already told me about the situation of those super dangerous species."

Akagi looked calm: "Since we agreed to the deal, we are ready to pay any price."

"Okay! That's it!"

Aoki smiled.

In this way, the confidence is a little greater.

However, it is not enough!

Chi Tong asked curiously: "Where are the four super dangerous species? I don't think there is such a terrible place in the empire."

Qingmu said: "It should not be in this country, but don't worry, I have a way to get there."

He left several space marks in that secret place, and the locations are very hidden.

Although the super dangerous species has a stronger control over the power of space than him, it is not like Mingnu's control over the Infinite City, which can completely control that space.

So far, none of the space marks have been destroyed.

Chi Tong did not ask any more questions, and said: "Our boss wants to invite you and Hei Tong to visit the base, and discuss the assassination of the minister and the hunting of super dangerous species."

"Go to the base of Night Raid?"

Qingmu thought for a while: "I am honored, but I have to wait for two days. I have something to do in these two days."

Hei Tong said happily: "That's perfect, Night Raid gave my sister a few days off, we can go to the Night Raid base in a few days."

Qingmu glanced at them and chuckled: "Night Raid is quite humane."

Aka Tong held Hei Tong's hand and smiled.

Aoki did not interrupt the two sisters' private chat. He said hello and entered the different space.

Akahima could not help but look sideways.

It was the same again.

When she appeared, she did not notice any movement, and this time when she left, she did not notice any movement either.

"Sister, this is Aoki's special ability." Hei Tong smiled and said, "If you are curious, you can ask Aoki to take you to experience it later."

Akahima asked curiously, "Can't Aoki's imperial tool change its appearance? What is this ability?"

"No, sister!"

Hei Tong shook his head, "Aoki is not an imperial tool user!"

"Not an imperial tool user?"

Akahima was shocked.

She did not think that only imperial tool users were strong.

In fact, she had not been in Murasame for a long time, and she had been fighting with ordinary weapons before, and she was no worse than others.

However, Aoki showed many extraordinary abilities, how could he not be an imperial tool user?

Hei Tong lay on Akahima's thigh: "Aoki is a very powerful person. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely tell my sister!"

Aoki's power is too strong. Even if it is my sister, she will not tell without Aoki's permission.

After entering the alien space, Qingmu went directly to the laboratory.

The four walls were full of people, a total of fifteen.

This was all he gained from this trip to the Royal Fist Temple.

None of these fifteen people could compare to the four Rakshasa ghosts, but their physiques were also very outstanding.

Especially the last eight.

They were only slightly worse than the four Rakshasa ghosts.

He had a hunch that he would have another big harvest this time.

"Let's get started!"

Qingmu walked over.

Wait for them to become ghosts first, then use blood to strengthen them.

He was already very familiar with this process.

[Kill a ghost and gain 263 experience points. ]

[Congratulations on your upgrade! ]

After swallowing the fourth ghost, Qingmu finally heard the familiar pleasant voice again.

However, he did not rush to deal with the harvest, but continued to create and swallow ghosts.

[Kill a ghost and gain 322 experience points. ]

[Free skill point +1. ]


[Strength +1. ]

[Free skill point +1. ]

[Kill a ghost and get 463 experience points. ]

[Congratulations on your upgrade. ]

When devouring the 6th ghost, you get a free skill point.

When devouring the 10th ghost, you get another free skill point, increase your strength attribute by one point, and upgrade again.

Qingmu still didn't sort out the harvest and continued his work?

[Free skill point +1. ]

[Kill a ghost and get 402 experience points. ]


[Free skill point +1. ]

[Physique +1. ]

[Kill a ghost and get 413 experience points. ]

[Congratulations on your upgrade. ]

When devouring the 12th ghost, you get a free skill point.

When devouring the 15th ghost, which is also the last ghost, you get another free skill point, increase your physique by one point, and upgrade for the third time.

"It's level 3 again, it's really a big harvest."

Aoki looked at the system prompt, his heart full of emotion.

Although it was different from the previous 3-level upgrade, this could barely be considered a 3-level upgrade.

Aoki summoned the system.

A total of 8 free attribute points were obtained.

"King of the Others" is a 2.5-star profession, and 5 attribute points can be obtained every 2 levels, which is 1 more than the Others.

The Devourer obtains 4 skill points, 3 more after upgrading, plus the previous 4, the number of free skill points reaches 11.

8 free attribute points, 2 points for each attribute, Aoki quickly completed the allocation of free attribute points, and then looked at the skill bar.

Without hesitation, directly learn "Soul Shock"!

A wonderful feeling flowed in his heart, Aoki carefully experienced it, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Soul Shock" is more powerful than he imagined.

This is the ability to directly attack the soul, and it is impossible to defend against it.

Even people who are much stronger than him will be affected.


Unlike several other skills, the use requirements and difficulty of "Soul Shock" are relatively high.

Aoki calculated silently.

Now he can use "Soul Shock" up to three times a day. If he uses it more than that, he will hurt himself.

After each use, he needs to take a short rest before he can use it again.

The strength of "Soul Shock" is mainly affected by intelligence.

The previous "Space Shuttle" and "Transparent World" have fixed abilities.

Although they are also affected by intelligence, they are not directly affected by the effect bonus.

Now, he finally got the first ability that can fully leverage the intelligence attribute.

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