Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 162: Decision to attack at night

"Then let's go!"

Akagi held Hei Tong's hand, feeling reluctant.

After many years, she finally reconciled with Hei Tong, and she didn't want to be separated from him at all.

However, the news she got today was too important, so she had to rush back to the base immediately.

"Sister, please be safe!" Hei Tong said.

Compared to the separation, she was relatively calm.

There is a long way to go.

Now she has enough time to wait for the next meeting.

Compared to that, she is more worried about her sister's safety.

There is no doubt about her sister's strength.

However, there is no such thing as safety in the job of a killer.

The only thing that can make her feel at ease is that her sister has some good partners.

Reluctantly letting go of Hei Tong's hand, Akagi nodded to Aoki, and turned to leave with Leona.

Watching her sister's back disappear, Hei Tong turned her head and looked at her side: "Thank you, Aoki!"

Aoki waved his hand and walked forward.

"Let's go, nothing to do today, let's go out for a walk."

Hei Tong pursed his lips and quickly caught up.


Everyone gathered together for the night raid on the base.

Brand glanced outside.

"It's dawn!"

Akagi and Leone had been gone all night.

Najeta sat in a chair, silent.

She agreed to the action. If anything happened to Akagi and Leone, it would be a huge blow to the night raid and her.


Even if something happened to Akagi, what about Leone? Could it be that after Black Eye defeated Akagi, he still had the energy to deal with Leone?

Is the Eight Houses that powerful?

Main stood up suddenly: "I want to go into the city to see!"

Her identity was also not exposed, and she could go to the imperial capital during the day.

Najeta was about to speak when a burst of hurried footsteps suddenly came from outside.

Two figures quickly entered the base.

"Akagi! Leone!"

"You are all right!"

"That's great!"

Everyone looked relieved.

Leone smiled and said, "What can happen to us? Don't you still trust our strength?"

Najeta breathed a sigh of relief: "Akadori, Leone, why did you come back so late?"

Akadori said, "Something happened and delayed us."

Najeta looked at her and said, "From your appearance, it seems that you didn't encounter any bad things."

Leone sat down on the chair.

"Bad things? No, no, no, it's good! Very good things!"

Akadori smiled: "My sister has left the empire, and her body has recovered."


"Congratulations, Akadori!"

Everyone's eyes lit up and they were all happy for Akadori.

On the one hand, they risked their lives to fight to overthrow the empire, and on the other hand, they had to be enemies with their beloved sister. They all felt that this was too cruel for Akadori.

In addition, from the perspective of the revolutionary army.

Kurodori has eight rooms, and her ability in assassination makes her a very difficult enemy.

Kurodori's departure from the empire is also a good thing for the revolutionary army.

"There's more good news!"

Leone picked up an apple, took a big bite, and said vaguely.

"What other good news?"

Najeta looked at Akahima.

Akahima looked serious: "The person who broke into the palace at night two days ago was Hei Tong's friend, Aoki!"

Najeta looked at Leone subconsciously.

Obviously, she had not forgotten Leone's evaluation of Aoki.

Leone's movements froze, and he said helplessly: "Boss, this is really not my fault, Aoki pretended too much.

When I got close to him, he didn't have any instinctive reaction. This is simply unscientific!"

Akahito said: "Aoki should have recognized Leone a long time ago and knew Leone's true identity."

Although Aoki didn't say it clearly, she had guessed that he contacted Leone just to lure her over.

Of course, she didn't mind at all, and was even very grateful to Aoki for doing this, so that she could reconcile with Hei Tong earlier.

Najeta frowned: "Leone has never been exposed, how did he know?"

Akatō shook her head: "I don't know."

Najeta thought for a while, but couldn't think of any reason, so she asked: "So, what is his purpose?"

Akatō said seriously: "Aoki wants to make a deal with us. He can help us kill Minister Ernest. In exchange, we have to help him hunt four super dangerous species."

"Kill the minister?"

Everyone's attention was attracted by the first half of Akatō's words.

"Can he kill the minister?"

Najeta asked in a deep voice.

"I'm not sure, but Hei Tong told me that Aoki can!"

Akatō said.

Not to mention that they have reconciled, even when they are enemies, she will trust Hei Tong's judgment.

Leone added: "Aoki said he could pay first."

Akagi nodded: "Yes, Aoki said he could kill the minister first, and then we would accompany him to hunt the super dangerous species."

Hearing this, Najeta no longer hesitated: "Okay! We agree to this deal!"

Akagi reminded: "Boss, Aoki said that the four super dangerous species are very strong."

"As long as we can kill the minister, no matter how big the risk is, it doesn't matter."

Najeta looked calm.

The others also looked calm.

The day they became killers, they were ready to die.

Leonai stood up.

"Okay! Then I will inform Aoki of the news tomorrow!"

Chitong said without hesitation: "I'd better go!"

After saying that, she realized that everyone was looking at her.


Leonai hugged Chitong's shoulders and laughed: "Boss, you saw it, can you give Chitong a few days off so that she can spend time with her sister?"

Everyone else was smiling too.

Nadjeta said with a smile: "No problem, Chitong will rest these few days and spend some time with my sister."

"Thank you, boss." Chitong did not refuse.

Nadjeta thought for a while and then said: "Go over and see Aoki and invite them to the base. We will discuss in detail the assassination of the minister and the hunting of super dangerous species."

Chitong was startled: "Boss, is this okay?"

Nadjeta asked: "Do you trust Heitong?"

Chitong nodded without thinking.

"Does Heitong trust Aoki?" Nadjeta asked again.

Chitong already understood what she meant and nodded again.

Nadjeta said: "That's no problem. Besides, since we want to cooperate, of course we have to show some sincerity."

"Don't worry, Chitong!"

Ma Yin raised her chin: "If they dare to mess around, I will teach them a lesson with pumpkins!"

Brand crossed his hands: "I also want to see with my own eyes the people who dare to break into the palace at night!"

"I'm going to be vigilant," Lubbock said.

Hill looked at everyone and finally said nothing.

Chi Tong hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "Okay! I will go find Aoki and Heitong tonight."

Nadjeta said: "Don't worry, you can rest for a few days."

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